

LSW LAX Board Meeting - Thursday 8 JUNE @ 7pm

Posted by Jay Hertzler on Jun 07 2017 at 07:13AM PDT in 2017 Season

Good Morning Lady Titans Family,

Tomorrow evening, the LSW LAX board will be having its first LSW LAX Board meeting since Feb 2017. We will be discussing the past season (what we did well, what we can do better), upcoming summer activities, the upcoming season, etc. I would like to invite all parents to this board meeting so you can be more aware on how this wonderful lax club is being run.

I would also like to put out a call to any parent that would be willing to consider being an actual board member to represent the girl’s side of the lax club. Eric Dellenbaugh has been doing this for us over the past 2 seasons, and will step down now that his daughter has graduated. We will have some open board positions coming up if anyone is interested. I think it’s in our best interest to have girl’s parents on the board to have a voice in decisions being made for the entire club. If we don’t have a voice, we cannot complain if decisions are made without consideration for our girls team. Plus, we as a girls team need to do our fair share of the work to keep this wonderful club up and running. If you have a volunteer spirit, I would love to have your time and talent working for us.

If you are interested, our meeting will be tomorrow night (Thursday 8 JUNE) at 7pm at LSWHS Bateman Hall.

I hope to see you there!
~Coach Jay


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