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What's Up

Posted by David Kask at Jan 4, 2005 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )
Great job skiers at the CEC Invite. Duluth East won all six races. It was another cold one and another chance to get your cold weather racing atire tweeked. Remember you can't wear the same thing for a race at 5 degrees as you do at 30 degreees. Saturday is the Mesabi East Invite. The forcast right now is for a high in the mid 20s. Balmy by recient race temperatures. Next week the Dan Hedin Relays will be held at Spirit Mt. We don't have any details yet but watch the web site and listen to the phone line. The time may have to change as I don't know if they have lights anymore. Right now it is scheduled as an evening race. We will have a sign up sheet at Snowflake today. Saturday the 15th of January we will be going to the Ely Invitational. The sign up for this will be out next Monday. We will be having a team dinner Friday the 14th. Are there any parents out there willing to help with the dinner? Call or e-mail Bonnie if you can. See you on the trails.
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What's Happening the Weekend of 12 /31 - 1/3

Posted by David Kask at Dec 30, 2004 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )
Hello Skiers, The ice storm did a lot of damage to trees at Snowflake. A few of us spent a couple of hours Friday morning cleaning up the 4km trail. We left it in a skiable condition. Much more work is needed picking up branches and raking the twigs off the 10km and special K trails. If you have some time please give George a hand. He really appreciates it. The 4 km should be in pretty good shape by Saturday. So be sure to get your workout in. Sunday as usual is a long conversation pace workout. It is real important to get these workouts in. Weekend workouts: Saturday Black-60 min CP, Grey- Off, Red- Off Sunday Black 2:45 CP, Grey - 1:45 CP, Red - Off See you on Monday at Snowflake. P.S. We have not heard if the CEC Duathalon is on or not. We will let you know Monday.
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Trips to Giants Ridge

Posted by David Kask at Dec 26, 2004 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )
We will be takeing a bus to Giants Ridge on Tuesday and Thursday. The bus will leave East at 8:30 a.m. On Tuesday we will have a classic workout in the morning and then some technique work in the afternoon. Bring something for lunch and about $8 for a trail ticket. We should be home by about 5:00. Thursday we will do the same thing except we will be skating. So bring your skate skis. Don't forget a lunch and trail ticket $$$.
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What's Happening

Posted by David Kask at Dec 22, 2004 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )

First, congratulations to all who raced at Mt. Itasca.  It was a tough day for racing, but we have had section and state meets run at those temperatures so it is good to practice racing in them.  Remember you cannot wear the same clothing for a race at 0 degrees as you do at 30 degrees.  

We have been having trouble with our phone line at East.  If you have trouble getting through please call the attendance office and let them know.  I think they have to start a computer or something.  Next check this web site.  I will be updating it more often because of this.  Hopefully we can get the phone line to be more reliable.

Now for what's really happening.  Today, Thursday, Dec. 23 is cold.  Practice is on your own if you dare venture out.  Be sure to put on the ear muffs and balackavi if you do.  See the workout schedule below.  Friday, Saturday and Sunday are also on your own. 

Monday we will have a workout at Snowflake at 10:00 a.m.  
Tuesday the bus for Giants Ridge will leave at 8:30 a.m. from East.
Wednesday workout on your own.
Thursday the bus for Giant Ridge will leave at 8:30 a.m. from East.
Check back here for what is happening over New Years weekend.

Workouts this Weekend

Black Grey Red
Thursday 90 Min NI 60 Min NI 45 Min NI
Friday 60 Min CP 45 Min CP 30 Min CP
Saturday 60 Min CP or Off Off Off
Sunday 2:45 CP 1:45 CP Off
NI= Natural Intervals - Ski the uphill hard, flats moderate, downhills easy
CP= Conversation pace
Sunday should be a nice sure to get your workout in!

Have a Happy Holiday!

Dave & Bonnie
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Grand Rapids Pursuit 12-21-04

Posted by David Kask at Dec 21, 2004 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )