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DEN News

Posted by David Kask at Jan 1, 2007 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )
Welcome back to school! With the ski conditions changing quickly so will our workout locations. Listen to the phone line (728-1811) for up to the minute information. Friday, Jan. 5 - We will have a team dinner for everyone at Snowflake (cost $4). This will be to send off the Mesabi East Invite team to the largest high school race in the country. We will also wax race skis. Saturday, Jan. 6 - Mesabi East Invite at Giants Ridge. Classic races start at 10:00. Skiers go out continuously through the middle of the afternoon. Come up and cheer on the best skiers in the region. (yes there are skiers from Wisconsin and the UP too.) See you on the trails, Dave
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Vacation Team Practice Schedule

Posted by David Kask at Dec 21, 2006 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )
Hi Skiers, It is great to see so many of you skiing at Spirit Mt. The more time on snow the better skiers we become and since this is the only snow we have right now this is where we must be. The schedule for practice over the next couple of weeks is: Saturday, Dec. 23 - 8:00 a.m. at the top of Spirit Mt. - Skate Skis Sunday - Tuesday, Dec. 24 - Dec. 26 Practice on your own, You can ski at Spirit Mt. before 9:00 a.m. or after 8:00 p.m. during the break (it is too busy when they are open) Wednesday, Dec. 27 - We will try to carpool to Giants Ridge if there is snow there or other trails if there in not. Listen to the phone line for details (728-1811) Thursday, Dec. 28 - 8:00 at Spirit Mt. on the top by the Chalet. Friday, Dec. 29 - Entries are due for the Cloquet Race (Jan. 2, 5:00 p.m. or so. Bus will leave East about 2 or 3 p.m.) E-mail your name & grade to We will again try to carpool to Giants Ridge or other trails. Saturday, Dec. 30 - Monday, Jan. 1 - Practice on your own. Tuesday, Jan. 2 - Back to the grindstone (school). Cloquet Race in the early evening. (I don't have the race notice yet so more info will be coming) Remember to call the phone line everyday to check for changes. Put the number (again 728-1811) on speed dial and call it often. Have a Happy Holiday Season! Dave & Bonnie
Check the "Handouts" link to the left for the results from the Ely Invite that was held at Mt. Itasca on Dec. 16, 2006
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Update to the Schedule for the Week

Posted by David Kask at Dec 10, 2006 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )
The waxing clinic will be on Wednesday during practice. All skiers should attend to find out how to prepare your skis for racing. Parents are welcome too. The wax clinic will start at 4:30 p.m. See you there. Dave
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What's Up

Posted by David Kask at Dec 7, 2006 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )
Hello Skiers, Well we have got a little snow, but we can use a lot more. Keep dancing! (snow dancing that is). Next week will go something like this: (subject to change if it snows a lot) Monday - Bus runs to Snowflake, Practice at Snowflake and Spirit Mt., Sign up for Ely race, Sign up for sweatshirts Tuesday - Bus runs to Snowflake, Practice at Snowflake and Spirit Mt., Wax clinic by Dave. Make sure you attend if you plan on waxing at Snowflake. Parents are welcome too. Sign up for Ely race, Sign up for sweatshirts Wednesday - Bus runs to Snowflake, Practice at Snowflake and Spirit Mt., Last day to sign up for Ely race, Sign up for sweatshirts Thursday - Bus runs to Snowflake, Practice at Snowflake and Spirit Mt., Sign up for sweatshirts Friday - No bus, Team Dinner (cost $4) and wax skis for race at Snowflake Saturday - Classic race in Ely at Hidden Valley Nordic Center. Bus leaves East at 7:00 a.m. Race starts at 11:00 a.m. Sunday - Ski on your own. The next week will be similar. Hopefully we will have enough snow by then to all be at Snowflake. We are trying to schedule a race/scrimmage for later in the week. Remember to listen to the phone line for up to the minute changes (728-1811). Think snow! Dave