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Tournament Bracket Templates

Posted by Douglas Wise at Mar 11, 2005 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )
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Girls League Weather Policy

Posted by Douglas Wise at Jan 22, 2005 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )
Cancellation Policy - Weekend game cancellations will be decided upon by the league commissioner. He will do so either the day before or the day of the scheduled games depending on actual and projected weather reports and conditions. If the weather reports suggest bad weather but it still hasn't arrived, then he will make the decision by 6-7 AM on Saturday morning for the morning games and by 10-11AM on Saturday for the afternoon games. Decisions for Sunday games will be made by 10-11AM that morning for games scheduled that afternoon. Game locations and conditions in those areas will be closely considered when deciding to cancel. The commissioner will forward his decision to the Secretary of the league who will notify all coordinators ASAP. The coordinators are expected to contact all coaches scheduled for games during the cancellation period so the coaches can contact the players parents immediately. The league Secretary will immediately contact the referee commissioner to cancel referee needs for those games as well. The decision to cancel games scheduled for evening hours during the week will be cancelled by mutual agreement of the two coaches. The home team coach must notify the league Secretary of the cancellation immediately so scheduled referees can be cancelled. Re-scheduling of any cancelled games will be up to the two coaches involved but immediate re-schedule is encouraged.