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A Division Stats as of 10/1/04

Posted by Sharon Webmaster at Oct 3, 2004 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
Team No. Name Points Goals Assists PIM
Navy 10 Selick, Bobby 10 6 4 0
Maroon 8 Manzatt, John 9 5 4 0
Maroon 16 Hall, John 8 4 4 0
Orange 23 Miller, Robert 8 5 3 0
Maroon 6 Senkovich, Andy 8 2 6 8
Navy 37 Turner, Mark 8 2 6 0
Maroon 9 Brennan, Bill 6 4 2 4
Teal 22 Colic, Allen 6 4 2 6
Orange 2 Friedman, Ari 6 4 2 0
Teal 24 Nolan, Evan 5 3 2 0
Navy 9 O'Brien, Mark 5 0 5 0
Teal 44 Boehm, Chris 4 1 3 0
Orange 6 Bradley, Brian 4 3 1 0
Navy 4 Connolly, Joseph 4 1 3 2
Maroon 15 Kleinert, Karl 4 2 2 0
Maroon 1 McGreevey, Chase 4 1 3 4
Gray 3 Shirokov, Vladimir 4 2 2 0
Orange 17 Verch, Tony 4 1 3 2
Orange 7 Cugini, Mike 3 1 2 0
Gray 14 Drawz, Paul 3 3 0 2
Maroon 96 Elegante, Joe 3 2 1 0
Navy 22 Lee, Scott (SUB) 3 2 1 2
Navy 11 Nolan, Chris 3 2 1 0
Navy 7 O'Brien, Tony 3 0 3 0
Maroon 21 Rutledge, Mike 3 0 3 0
Navy 24 Spoonhower, Chris 3 2 1 2
White 9 Bauman, Mike 2 0 2 4
White 10 Bauman, Pat 2 2 0 6
White 11 Bauman, Tom 2 0 2 4
Gray 11 Borsch, Yuri 2 1 1 0
Gray 22 Chenoweth, Bruce 2 0 2 0
Teal 5 Gaskins, Jerrald 2 2 0 0
Gray 29 Ghosh, Ashoke 2 0 2 2
Teal 16 Healy, Lisa 2 0 2 0
Orange 5 Kolenich, Mike 2 1 1 0
Gray 78 Milgram, Andy 2 0 2 0
Maroon 10 O'Callaghan, Mike 2 0 2 0
Gray 8 Tekus, Jay 2 1 1 0
Orange 22 Wagner, Justin 2 0 2 0
Gray 12 Balasz, Chuck 1 1 0 0
Navy 17 Friedlander, Avi 1 1 0 2
Maroon 2 Hay, Jules 1 0 1 0
Teal 19 Healy, Paul 1 0 1 2
White 41 Lurie, David 1 0 1 0
Orange 21 Oliver, David 1 1 0 0
Gray 7 Sindelar, John 1 1 0 0
Teal 3 Tomann, Paul 1 0 1 0
Orange 13 Wheeler, Brad 1 0 1 0
White 12 Bauman, Tim 0 0 0 0
White 2 Belkin, Boris 0 0 0 0
Teal 29 Brandt, Chris 0 0 0 0
Teal 14 Bulk, Jacob 0 0 0 0
Navy 3 DalCanto, Richard 0 0 0 0
Teal Dana, Marcus 0 0 0 0
Teal 12 Guenther, Todd 0 0 0 0
White 8 Hall, Phil 0 0 0 0
Navy 13 Hamdon, Mike 0 0 0 0
Navy 1 Hawk, George 0 0 0 0
Teal 13 Immonen, Pekka 0 0 0 0
Orange 33 Kevin 0 0 0 2
Orange 19 Manegre, Ghyslain 0 0 0 0
White 30 McKeon, Mike 0 0 0 4
White 1 Nowak, Greg 0 0 0 0
Gray 37 Portner, Adam 0 0 0 0
Orange 4 Skingle, Ron 0 0 0 0
Teal 2 Spackey, Steve 0 0 0 0
Gray 2 Spaeth, Sharon 0 0 0 0
Gray 30 Theiss, Frank 0 0 0 2
Maroon 7 Wachhaus, Rich 0 0 0 0
Maroon Whewell, Brian 0 0 0 0
White 29 Wright, Dave 0 0 0 2
White 14 Wright, Rob 0 0 0 6
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"A" League Important Schedule Updates

Posted by Sharon Webmaster at Sep 28, 2004 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
The Tuesday night games occurring between November 23, 2004 and January 4, 2005 have been changed to 10:00PM and moved to the North Rink. These updates have been made to the online calendars and schedules. Additionally, there will be an open pick-up session for both A & B league players only on Tuesday, December 28, 2004 @ 10:00PM on the North Rink.
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Important Announcements

Posted by Sharon Webmaster at Sep 23, 2004 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
Payment of League Fees -- Unless you have made special arrangements with Paul Tomann, your league fees must be paid by September 30 or you will not be eligible to play in any games until all fees are paid. Rosters and Schedules -- If you are on a team, your name should be on the roster for that team, as shown in the Teams section of the website. The schedule through the end of 2004 is also on the website, both on the calendar and in the team sections. If you cannot determine which team you are on, call Paul Tomann at 216.990.5251. Face Mask Rule -- Several people have misread the rule about face masks. The LEAGUE requires everyone to wear a mask or half-shield; if you do not have one on, you will not be permitted to play. Only for PICK-UP is the mask optional, although strongly recommended. (The full league rules are listed on the NEWS Page) Game Start Times -- The schedule on the website shows the ice time. We allow a 10-minute warmup period. We can often get on the ice 15 minutes or more prior to the scheduled ice time. If the ice is available at least ten minutes before the scheduled ice time, we consider that as sufficient warmup time and start the game at the stated ice time. However, the game will start no sooner than the time shown on the schedule. For example, if the schedule shows the ice time as 9:30 and the ice is available to us at 9:15, the game will start at 9:30. If the ice is not available until 9:30, we start the game at 9:40. Any questions, ask your captain. image
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2004-05 Game Schedule has been Posted

Posted by Sharon Webmaster at Sep 21, 2004 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

The 2004-05 schedule through the end of December has been posted on-line and is available to you.  Schedules for both divisions are posted on the calendar off of the main page.  Teams can goto their individual pages to access their schedules as well.  Upcoming games occurring in the next week are always posted at the bottom of this main page for your convenience.  The remainder of the schedule is expected to be posted in the next three to four weeks.


Team No. Name Points Goals Assists PIM
Red 7 Stephens, Pat 9 3 6 2
Blue 7 Weidenthal, Dave 6 2 4 0
Red 28 Carr, Ray 5 4 1 0
Green 8 Siegel, Dave 5 4 1 0
Red 20 Warshawsky, Steve 5 2 3 0
Blue 18 Adams, Tom 4 1 3 0
Blue 21 Seidman, Mike 4 2 2 0
Red 44 Verstringhe, Louis 4 1 3 0
Green 21 Kaiser, Peter 3 1 2 0
Green 22 Lee, Scott 3 2 1 0
Red 18 Nicholson, Richard 3 2 1 0
Red 10 Amolsch, Kevin 2 0 2 6
Blue 3 Cook, Craig 2 2 0 0
Blue 15 Davis, Jason 2 0 2 0
Green 23 Fernandez 2 1 1 0
Blue 34 Izen, Steve 2 2 0 0
Red 2 Moore, Jim 2 1 1 0
Blue 10 Moore, Mike 2 1 1 0
Green 16 Sears, Jon 2 1 1 0
Purple 3 Tomann, Paul (Sub) 2 1 1 0
Red 6 Wilkinson, Allan 2 1 1 0
Purple , Tom 1 0 1 0
Red 9 Block, Bob 1 1 0 0
Red 14 Horrigan, Jack 1 1 0 0
Purple 5 Ignasiak, Kevin 1 1 0 0
Green 38 Kohr, Carl 1 1 0 0
Green 30 Wainwright, Jesse 1 0 1 0
Red 5 Warshawsky, Bob 1 0 1 0
Purple 4 West, John 1 1 0 0
Green 1 Aldan, Brandon 0 0 0 0
Green 5 Auerbach, Irv 0 0 0 0
Blue 27 Brickel, John 0 0 0 0
Purple 6 Butler, Chris 0 0 0 0
Green 7 Como, John 0 0 0 0
Purple 45 Coyne, Rick 0 0 0 0
Purple 40 Geiger, Joe 0 0 0 0
Green 26 Gurau, Vladimir 0 0 0 2
Purple 55 Holland, Jeff 0 0 0 0
Red 37 McFarlane, Mike 0 0 0 0
Purple 24 Moll, Charlie 0 0 0 0
Purple 22 Morley, Tom 0 0 0 0
Blue 40 Naherny, Gary 0 0 0 0
Blue 31 Pierce, Michael 0 0 0 0
Purple 35 Reynolds, Marty 0 0 0 0
Blue 84 Sullivan, Joe 0 0 0 0
Blue 20 Van Bokkelen, Gil 0 0 0 0
Green 4 Vrabec, Tina 0 0 0 0