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Business Manager / Uniforms Coordinator

Posted by Frederick Chan at Aug 28, 2003 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
Susan Brosch has offered to take this job, so we are up and running with a full staff. Sherry Rohrbach has volunteered to help Tim with uniform issues. We hope to have info to parents this weekend. The only thing from this morning's e-mail that you need to act promptly on is the following (if you haven't already): I have received responses from some parents through Kevin Knowlton indirectly and directly to me. I will soon have a table reflecting those responses. To make sure that I have overlooked no one, please send an e-mail to Kevin and copy to me so that we have a record that everyone responded to the preliminary schedule as modified by my e-mail yesterday Coach Cliff Atherton
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Schedule / Volunteers / Uniforms

Posted by Frederick Chan at Aug 27, 2003 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
Our first practice is 10:30 on Saturday. To start promptly, I need all players there by 10:15 to stretch, run and warm up. I learned yesterday that September tournaments are filling up, so I would like for Tim to immediately register us in the GSL tournament. I have received responses from some parents through Kevin Knowlton indirectly and directly to me. I will soon have a table reflecting those responses. To make sure that I have overlooked no one, please send an e-mail to Kevin and copy to me so that we have a record that everyone responded to the preliminary schedule as modified by my e-mail yesterday. Tim Mann will be my tournament coordinator, and Kevin Knowlton is helping with administrative stuff. Scott Rothenberg has offered to help and I would like for him to keep the scorebook with Kevin Knowlton as a back up. Bob Rohrbach has offered to help by pitching BP I still need a business manager. This job will be a little easier than in the past because I have put Tim in charge of all tournaments. That means he will handle registration, paper work compliance and all logistics planning. Primary job of the business manager is more that of keeping track of money in and out, helping secure donations, communicating with contributors, paying our bills and interfacing with the league on all money matters. TIm and the business manager will also work together to resolve any uniform issues. We will be talking with the players about uniforms on Saturday. Several options are on the table: last spring's uniform, last summer's tournament uniforms, Titans uniforms from previous years (white jersies or blue vests), order new T-shirts like last fall. Since it is fall and there likely will be some turnover in the spring as new players come to the league or other players improve (it has always happened that way historically), I would prefer to keep uniform costs for parents low. I am going to discuss with the boys what they would like to do before I make a decision, and if you have suggestions I would like to hear them. If there is some other way that you would like to help, please let me know. I welcome your contributions. Also, if there is another e-mail address that you would like for me to add to the above list, please let me know. Cliff Atherton Managing Director GulfStar Group 700 Louisiana, Suite 3800 Houston, Texas 77002-2797 (713) 300-2060 Office (713) 300-2021 Fax
Based on my conversations last night, most families are in town over the holiday weekend. We will have our first practice on Saturday, August 30 from 10:30 am to 1:00 pm at KC (subject to Ted Harris saying that the time will not interfere with his field maintenance work). Arrive at 10:15 or earlier to warm up. (We will adjust the start time to accommodate Ted if necessary). Players should eat well and drink plenty of fluids before you arrive (well = amount and timing. Please don't eat a big meal and drink lots of milk before rushing out the door at 10 am). Bring water or a sports drink with you. Wearing sunscreen is not a bad idea. (you will be glad that you did in about 25 years) Please print this e-mail for your player to read personally. I would like for each player to list on the bottom of the printed copy of this e-mail at least three things about his game that he would like to improve during the fall and then sign his name. He should bring the e-mail with him on Saturday to give to me. If you have family plans for Saturday that conflict with practice, please don't change them. We will have plenty of practices through the fall. I am thinking about scheduling some practices and practice games on Friday evenings (maybe once or twice a month) if the field is available. Would this cause a problem for anyone? Cliff Atherton Managing Director GulfStar Group 700 Louisiana, Suite 3800 Houston, Texas 77002-2797 (713) 300-2060 Office (713) 300-2021 Fax