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Posted by Dave Burch at Jul 21, 2005 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
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Posted by Dave Burch at Jun 23, 2005 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
EMPIRE FOOTBALL LEAGUE BY-LAWS AND STANDING RULES REVISED 01/29/05 ARTICLE I - NAME Section 1. - The name of the organization shall be the Empire Football League (EFL) Section 2. - The names of the Divisions shall be determined by the Administrative Council at the Annual Meeting. ARTICLE II - PURPOSE The Empire Football League is formed for the following purposes: (a) To provide a football league that fosters and facilitates amateur tackle training and competitions regionally, nationally, and internationally (b) To support the growth of amateur football regionally, nationally, and internationally (c) To organize, coordinate, and support football games with other regional, national, and international; football teams and leagues (d) To train, educate, and promote football players who desire to play on regional, national, and international football teams (e) To publish information which discusses subjects described in (a) through (d) above (f) To solicit, receive, maintain, invest, and reinvest funds of real and personal property and to contribute its income and principal as deemed advisable for the purposes provided in (a) through (e) above. ARTICLE III - MEMBERSHIP Section 1. - The Empire Football League shall consist of all current member teams meeting admission requirements, teams that are in good standing and teams that have paid the league fees due at the Annual Meeting, unless otherwise approved by the Judiciary Committee. Section 2. - Each member team in good standing shall be entitled to one (1) vote. Section 3. - A team shall be considered not in good standing if it has forfeited a game or if, in the judgment of the Judiciary Committee, it has acted in willful violation of the Empire Football League By Laws or Standing Rules. A forfeited game is defined as a game played, not played or not completed because: · One of the teams failed to show up · The home team changed the game time, day or location without proper notification as outlined in the EFL By-Laws per Conduct and Regulation of Team Unit, Section 10 · The game was called by the EFL Referee Official · One of the teams used an ineligible player An ineligible player is defined as a player who is paid to play or a player without a release from his former team Section 4. - All new teams are on a one year probationary period with voting rights, with exception of By Laws issues. Probationary status will be reviewed at the EFL Annual Meeting. A team needs 75% vote to pass from probationary status to good standing. Section 5. - A team on a year's leave of absence will pay the league dues and will attend at least 2 meetings, one of which will be the Annual Meeting. ARTICLE IV - OFFICERS Section 1. - The Empire Football League officers shall consist of a Commissioner, Deputy Commissioners, Secretary and Treasurer. Section 2. - The EFL Officers shall hold office for a one (1) year term or until successors are named. ARTICLE V - ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE Section 1. - The Administrative Committee of the EFL shall consist of the EFL Officers and one team representative from each EFL member team in good standing. This Administrative Committee shall determine all policies in effect. It shall elect all officers and fill all vacancies created by death, resignation or incapacity. It shall select delegates from the EFL to attend the meetings of any affiliated body and shall adopt standards governing the operation of EFL games and the rules that shall govern those games. The meetings of the Administrative Committee shall be called by the EFL Secretary at the direction of the EFL Commissioner. ARTICLE VI - JUDICIARY COMMITTEE Section 1. - The Judiciary Committee shall consist of all EFL Officers not affiliated with any team and shall be a minimum of 3 members. If the Judiciary Committee falls below the membership minimum of 3, then the committee's power shall revert back to the EFL Commissioner. Section 2. - The members of the Judiciary Committee shall hold office for a one (1) year term or until successors are named. Section 3. - It shall be the duty of the Judiciary Committee to settle grievances between teams and to rule on any disciplinary action to be administered as per the current By-Laws. Grieving teams may present such facts or arguments that they deem proper, subject to the control of the Judiciary Committee who will conduct the hearing. They will answer all questions put to them by the other members of the Judiciary Committee, after which they will retire to another room to allow discussion and judgment by the Judiciary Committee. The officer conducting the hearing will cast a vote in the event of a tie. The majority vote will dictate the judgment. Section 4. - In the event of an emergency situation, the Judiciary Committee may act upon the grievance prior to the receipt of written copy of said grievance. Section 5. - All EFL grievances must be submitted within forty eight (48) hours, by phone, to the EFL Commissioner for action by the Judiciary Committee. A written copy of the grievance must be filed with the EFL Commissioner within one week (7 days) from the time of the alleged infraction. Section 6. - The Judiciary Committee may elect to conduct hearings in person or by conference call. Section 7. - Any Judiciary Committee decision will be immediately released to the EFL membership. Section 8. - Any grievance decision by the Judiciary Committee may be appealed to the Administrative Committee. If the Judiciary Committee's decision is upheld by the Administrative Committee, then the grieving team will be charged a $50 fee. ARTICLE VII - ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE MEETINGS Section 1. - Meetings shall be called by the EFL Commissioner or at the request of the majority of the EFL membership. Section 2. - Meeting attendance shall be required by at least one (1) of two (2) representatives designated in writing to the EFL Secretary. They shall be the only persons from that team to be recognized by the EFL Commissioner to correspond with the EFL. Meeting attendance to be defined as attending and staying for the entire length of the league meeting. Leaving early must be approved by the Commissioner. Any team that is one (1) hour late will be considered absent, pending review of the circumstances by the Commissioner. Section 3. - The first meeting in the calendar year shall be known as the Annual Meeting. Section 4. - The EFL shall have at least two (2) other meetings in addition to the Annual Meeting. One of the meetings will be the Sunday before the start of the EFL opening game and the other will be the Sunday after the final EFL regular scheduled league game. ARTICLE VIII - ORDER OF BUSINESS Section 1. - The presence of the majority of the EFL team representatives shall be necessary to constitute a quorum for the transaction of EFL business. ARTICLE IX - AMENDMENT PROCEDURE Section 1. - These By-Laws may be amended at the EFL Annual Meeting by a two thirds (2/3) vote of the membership present in good standing, provided that written or verbal notice of the proposed change or amendment has been given to the EFL Commissioner no later than January 1. Section 2. - The first meeting in the calendar year shall be known as the Annual Meeting. The agenda for this meeting shall contain, as a minimum, the following items: · Reports/Minutes · Review of League Statistics · Election of Officers · Admission of New Teams · By Laws · Scheduling STANDING RULES DUTIES OF EFL PERSONNEL: · It shall be the duty of the Commissioner to: o Preside over all EFL meetings o Have general supervision over the affairs of the EFL o Handle all necessary EFL correspondence · It shall be the duty of the Deputy Commissioners to: o Assume the duties of the Commissioner in his absence, incapacity or resignation o Assist the Commissioner in whatever capacity the Commissioner deems necessary · It shall be the duty of the Secretary to: o Keep accurate records of all EFL meetings o Notify all EFL members of meetings at least two (2) weeks in advance of such meetings o Circulate copies of the minutes of each meeting within two (2) weeks of the last meeting · It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to: o Maintain complete and accurate records of the EFL's income and expenditures o Have charge of all EFL finances o Present a current report on the EFL's finances at each league meeting ADMISSION OF NEW TEAMS: · The Admission Committee shall consist of the Commissioner and a minimum of 3 members as appointed by the EFL Commissioner. · It shall be the duty of the Admissions Committee to: o Receive applications from new teams. o Review and recommend applications for meeting minimal requirements. o Investigate new team applications and present at the Annual Meeting. o All teams meeting minimal requirements shall be invited to the Annual Meeting for presentation to the Administrative Committee. o Any purchase of an EFL franchise has to be approved by the EFL Membership Committee and the Administrative Committee. If a transfer occurs without the approval of the EFL Membership Committee, the transfer will not be recognized by the EFL. All franchise transfers are automatically placed on one years probation. o In order for a new team to be admitted into the EFL, a minimum 75% vote is required if there are 10 or more teams in good standing. If there are less than 10 teams in good standing, the approval will be based on a majority plus one vote. A fifty (50) mile radius restriction would permit any member team the right to veto the admission of any team in its proximity. o The EFL also has an overall mileage restriction of 425 miles. No team can be located more than 425 miles from its farthest EFL member team. o Minimum qualifications for admission of a team currently in operation shall be evidence of financial stability, operational stability, ability to be competitive and evidence of ownership of the necessary equipment and the availability of adequate playing facilities as defined in Conduct/Regulation. o Upon admission to the EFL, the team will pay to the EFL an entry fee of two thousand five hundred ($2,500) dollars in addition to the normal EFL fees due at the Annual Meeting. Once a team completes a year of good standing, they will then get a rebate of one thousand dollars ($1,000). o A team not in good standing will be required to reapply for admission to the EFL as a new applicant not currently in operation. Forfeits shall result in reapplication for admission unless forfeit is declared No Fault by the Judiciary Committee. The entry fee will be waived. EMPIRE FOOTBALL LEAGUE FEES: · EFL fees shall be four hundred and fifty dollars ($450) for basic league operating costs and is due at the Annual Meeting. Additional operating costs will be assessed by the Commissioner as needed. The League Commissioner and League Secretary will receive an annual compensation of $300 each, payable at the end of the EFL season. SCHEDULE: · The preparation of the schedule shall be the responsibility of the EFL Commissioner. · All games will be played as scheduled; there will be no postponements. CONDUCT AND REGULATION OF TEAM UNIT: 1. Each of the EFL teams shall furnish the EFL Commissioner with a full and complete roster listing the full names, addresses and telephone numbers of all officers of his team. These rosters should be in sufficient quantity to provide one copy for each member team and one copy for the EFL files and should be provided by the EFL Annual Meeting. 2. After the EFL has officially completed its season, all players are declared free agents and are permitted to change from one team to another without consent. However, each player must, based upon financial or equipment obligations to their team, have a written release from his original team. Each team is to notify the EFL with a list of outstanding financial and equipment obligations at both EFL meetings prior to the start of the season. Every player in the EFL must have a signed contract which becomes binding on February 15th. Players may sign a contract after the EFL Championship Game. The player has the option to void the contract up to February 15th. After February 15th the player may be released only at the team's discretion. From the completion of the seventh (7th) game to the end of the EFL season, player movement is not allowed. If equipment is returned by the established league date of February 15th, the player should be given an immediate release. If the equipment is not returned by this date, acceptance and subsequent release is the option of the team. 3. New players may be added to a team's roster anytime during the season. In order to be eligible to play in the playoffs, players shall have played in at least one of the first seven (7) games of the season. 4. Unsportsmanlike conduct on the part of any team, team official or any individual player, shall be dealt with by the Judiciary Committee. The offending person or persons may be subject to suspension. Each team shall be held responsible for the conduct of its players and its staff, whether individually or collectively. The Judiciary Committee may, if they deem it beneficial to the EFL, suspend any team personnel. 5. Any team not on the field, ready to play within fifteen (15) minutes before the scheduled time for the game, may be subject to such fine as the Judiciary Committee shall impose. If said team has not appeared, ready to play within one hour (60 minutes) after the scheduled time for the commencement of the game, the game may be played with the consent of both teams. If this game is not played, it will be forwarded to the Judiciary Committee for a decision. 6. Each team shall be equipped with two (2) sets of jerseys, one dark and one white of the team colors, to allow for the use of contrasting uniforms in each game. 7. Each visiting team must contact the home team on Monday prior to the playing date, fax their roster and confirm playing field and locker room locations. The home team will wear dark jerseys and the visiting team will wear white jersey colors. Each team is to provide the opposing team with any roster changes at least 30 minutes prior to game time. Failure to adhere to any of the above will result in the violating team being referred to the Judiciary Committee for possible disciplinary action. 8. No player or player coach shall be paid for participation in any EFL game. Any member team found in violation of this rule shall be subject to immediate suspension. Travel money to practice shall be considered as paying the participant and shall not be allowed by the EFL. 9. Each team must play its home games at a field surrounded by fencing and with a facility for collecting paid admissions. The field must be adequately marked and properly lighted for night games. Facilities for adequate crowd control and security should be present. Separate shower and locker room facilities will be provided for each team. Proper rest room facilities must be provided for the fans. 10. All EFL games shall be scheduled for Saturday night. In the event that Saturday night is not available, a Sunday afternoon option may be utilized at the time of scheduling. All other playing dates/times must be mutually agreed upon by the participating teams. 11. The EFL fine for not having a representative attending an EFL meeting, regular or special, will be $250. The absent member team will be submitted to the Judiciary Committee for a hearing to consider "not in good standing". 12. Each team will appoint a team statistician, who will gather all required statistics for EFL regular season, Playoff and Championship games. Each team is to report the game stats for its team to the EFL Statistician by noon the Monday following the game. Failure to complete this required EFL task will result in a fine of $50 per day for each day delinquent. Each statistician will be offered equal opportunity to perform statistician duties in the press box at all EFL games. 13. No EFL team shall play any non EFL team if that team owes funds to the EFL and/or any EFL member team. 14. Each home team will be responsible for providing certified medical personnel at EFL games which include medical doctors, physicians assistants, EMTs and certified trainers. Ambulances will be called if necessary by the certified medical personnel via direct communication. The certified medical personnel's identification will be shown, upon request, to the visiting team. An effort will be made by the home team, as often as possible, to provide an ambulance at the game. 15. All preseason games will fall under the Empire Football League By Laws. GAME PROCEDURES: 1. The EFL rules shall be the NFL rules except as modified by the EFL. 2. Each game shall be worked by a crew of officials, qualified and certified by a recognized association of Certified Football Officials. The crew of officials shall be paid in accordance with the determination by the EFL Commissioner of Officials. 3. The home team shall furnish chain crews, chains and sideline markers. The visiting team has the right to place one (1) member of its organization on the chain crew if it desires. The visiting team however, must notify the home team of such decision at least fifteen (15) minutes before the scheduled game time. 4. The home team shall furnish fifty (50) pounds of ice for the visiting team. The home team will furnish three (3) league footballs, of which at least two (2) will be new footballs. The game officials must approve the three footballs prior to game time. The League will buy the footballs and the EFL teams will buy from the League. The official ball will be the EFL football, NFL stripped and plain footballs. 5. The home team will provide access to the locker room and field facilities, for the visiting team, at least two (2) hours prior to kickoff. 6. The presence of an EFL Officer is mandatory at all EFL post season games. 7. All teams must accept playoff ranking and participation. Failure to participate will be forwarded to the Judiciary Committee for review. 8. For every post season EFL game, the visiting team is responsible for their own transportation expenses. 9. For all playoff and championship games, the host team will submit an official report on costs for the following: - Stadium - Officials - Security - Transportation of Visiting Team - Ice 10. Should a surplus appear after expense accounting for playoff and championship games, the host team will pay the EFL 10% of such surplus. 11. The team with the better record has the first option of hosting. Upon mutual consent of both teams, the team with the lower record could host the game. Any additional financial agreements between the two teams must be submitted to the EFL Commissioner and will be enforced by the EFL. 12. EFL (8) Tie Breakers: 1. Head to head games; best team with least points scored against them between the head to head teams 2. Best win/loss record among tied teams 3. Best win / loss record within the division 4. Best win / loss record outside the division 5. Best win / loss record against common opponents 6. Best win / loss record against common opponents, outside the division 7. Best team with least points scored against them 8. Coin toss 13. All EFL games will start at 7:30pm, Saturday night unless mutually agreed upon by the two teams. The EFL Commissioner and Game Officials must be notified. APPEALS: · Any team can appeal any grievance to the Judiciary Committee at any time. · KEY LEAGUE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES 01/29/05 1. ALL LEAGUE GAMES ARE SCHEDULED FOR 7:30 PM ON SATURDAY NIGHT. ANY OTHER PLAYING TIME OR PLAYING DATE MUST BE APPROVED BY MUTUAL CONSENT OF BOTH TEAMS. 2. ALL GAME OFFICIALS ARE ASSIGNED BY THE LEAGUE. EACH TEAM MUST PAY THE GAME OFFICIALS IN "CASH" AT THE START OF THE GAME OR NO LATER THAN BY HALF-TIME PROVIDED THE TEAM IS GIVEN A LIST OF THE OFFICIALS. 3. ANY TIME THAT AN EFL TEAM PLAYS A HOME GAME (LEAGUE, PRE-SEASON, OR POST-SEASON), IT IS REQUIRED TO USE EFL GAME OFFICIALS, ASSIGNED BY THE LEAGUE. 4. EACH TEAM MUST HAVE A GAME STATISTICIAN, THAT WILL KEEP THE GAME STATS AND REPORT THEM IN THE PROPER FORM TO THE LEAGUE STATISTICIAN BY NOON ON THE FOLLOWING MONDAY. FAILURE TO COMPLETE THIS TASK WILL RESULT IN A $50 FINE PER DAY FOR EACH DAY DELINQUENT. THE EFL HAS A FAX NETWORK FOR REPORTING GAME STATS. 5. THE EFL IS AN AMATEUR FOOTBALL LEAGUE-THEREFORE, NONE OF THE PLAYERS CAN BE "PAID" TO PLAY. NO ONE CAN BE A PAID PLAYING COACH. NO TRAVEL MONEY CAN BE GIVEN FOR TRAVEL TO AND FROM PRACTICES. HOWEVER, NON-PLAYING COACHES CAN BE PAID AND TRAVEL MONEY CAN BE GIVEN FOR TRAVEL TO AWAY LEAGUE GAMES (NOT HOME GAMES). 6. HOME TEAMS: MUST HAVE A CHAIN CREW, SIDELINE MARKERS, THREE LEAGUE FOOTBALLS FOR EACH GAME. THE OFFICIAL BALL WILL BE THE EFL FOOTBALL, THE NFL STRIPPED AND PLAIN NFL FOOTBALLS. AT THE GAME, WE MUST HAVE AT LEAST 2 NEW FOOTBALLS AND 1 GOOD FOOTBALL. 7. EACH HOME TEAM MUST PROVIDE THE VISITORS AT LEAST 50 POUNDS OF ICE BEFORE THE GAME. 8. VISITING TEAMS: MUST CALL THE HOME TEAM AT LEAST THREE DAYS PRIOR TO GAME DAY TO CLARIFY JERSEY COLOR, LOCATIONS OF PLAYING FIELD AND TEAM LOCKER ROOMS. 9. THE HOME TEAM WILL WEAR DARK COLORED JERSEYS AND THE VISITING TEAM WILL WEAR THEIR WHITE COLOR JERSEYS. 10. EACH EFL TEAM MUST HAVE TWO SETS OF FOOTBALL JERSEYS: ONE DARK COLOR AND ONE WHITE COLORED JERSEY. 11. NO FORFEITED GAMES ARE ALLOWED IN THE EMPIRE FOOTBALL LEAGUE UNLESS JUDGED A NO FAULT SITUATION AS DECIDED BY THE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE. 12. EACH EFL TEAM IS REQUIRED TO HAVE A TEAM REPRESENTATIVE PRESENT AT ALL LEAGUE MEETINGS (REGULAR OR SPECIAL). FAILURE TO DO SO WILL RESULT IN A $250 FINE AND THE ABSENT TEAM WILL BE SUBMITTED TO THE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE FOR A REVIEW TO CONSIDER THE "NOT IN GOOD STANDING" STATUS. 13. AT THE PRESENT TIME, THE EFL GENERALLY HAS FIVE MEETINGS A YEAR: - THE ANNUAL MEETING IS HELD DURING JANUARY OR FEBRUARY AND THIS MEETING IS A TWO-DAY AFFAIR. - AN OFFICIALS/COACHES MEETING IS HELD IN EARLY SPRING. - THE SUNDAY PRIOR TO THE START OF THE LEAGUE SEASON. - THE SUNDAY FOLLOWING THE LAST GAME OF THE LEAGUE SEASON. - THE SUNDAY FOLLOWING THE LEAGUE CHAMPIONSHIP GAME OR THE NEXT WEEK-END FOLLOWING THE CHAMPIONSHIP GAME. - THERE WILL BE AN OFFICIAL MARKETING LEAGUE MEETING BUT ATTENDANCE WILL NOT BE MANDATORY 14. TEAM ROSTERS AND PLAYER RELEASES: ALL PLAYERS ARE FREE AGENTS FOLLOWING THE FINAL COMPLETION OF THE EFL SEASON. HOWEVER, EACH PLAYER MUST HAVE MET HIS OBLIGATION, EQUIPMENT OR FINANCIAL, TO HIS FORMER TEAM BEFORE HE MAY CHANGE TEAMS. PLAYER MUST SIGN AN EFL PLAYER CONTRACT IN ORDER TO PLAY WITH AN EFL TEAM. ANY PLAYER MAY BE RELEASED BUT WILL NEED THE WRITTEN EFL RELEASE FORM. HOWEVER, AFTER THE 7TH GAME TO THE END OF THE SEASON, PLAYER MOVEMENT IS NOT ALLOWED. HOWEVER, TO BE ELIGIBLE TO PLAY IN THE LEAGUE PLAY-OFFS, YOU MUST HAVE PLAYED IN AT LEAST ONE OF THE FIRST SEVEN LEAGUE GAMES. PLAYER RELEASES MAY ONLY BE GRANTED IF ALL EQUIPMENT OR FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS ARE MET. EVERY PLAYER IN THE EFL MUST HAVE A SIGNED CONTRACT WHICH BECOMES BINDING ON MAY 1ST. PLAYERS MAY SIGN A CONTRACT AFTER THE EFL CHAMPIONSHIP GAME. THE PLAYER HAS THE OPTION TO VOID THE CONTRACT UP TO MAY 1ST. AFTER MAY 1ST, THE PLAYER MAY BE RELEASED ONLY AT THE TEAM'S DISCRETION. FROM THE COMPLETION OF THE SEVENTH (7TH) GAME TO THE END OF THE EFL SEASON, PLAYER MOVEMENT IS NOT ALLOWED. NEW TEAMS SHOULD CHECK FOR RELEASE FORMS ON INCOMING PLAYERS. TEAMS MAY ADD PLAYERS TO THEIR ROSTER AT ANY TIME DURING THE SEASON, BUT ONLY THOSE THAT PLAYED IN ONE OF THE FIRST 7 GAMES ARE ELIGIBLE TO PLAY IN THE PLAYOFFS. 15. EACH HOME TEAM WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING CERTIFIED MEDICAL PERSONNEL AT EFL GAMES. AMBULANCES WILL BE CALLED IF NECESSARY BY THE CERTIFIED MEDICAL PERSONNEL VIA DIRECT COMMUNICATION. THE CERTIFIED MEDICAL PERSONNEL'S IDENTIFICATION WILL BE SHOWN, UPON REQUEST, TO THE VISITING TEAM. AN EFFORT WILL BE MADE BY THE HOME TEAM, AS OFTEN AS POSSIBLE, TO PROVIDE AN AMBULANCE AT THE GAME. 16. THE LEAGUE'S ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE WILL REVIEW ALL GRIEVANCES, COMPLAINTS, AND MAJOR POLICY CHANGES BROUGHT BEFORE THE LEAGUE. THE COMMITTEE CONSISTS OF ONE MEMBER FROM EACH EFL TEAM THAT IS IN GOOD STANDING, AND THE LEAGUE OFFICERS. ALL PARTIES HAVE 1 VOTE IN SETTLING THE ISSUE, HOWEVER THE COMMISSIONER ONLY VOTES IN CASE OF A TIE. ANY TEAMS THAT ARE INVOLVED IN THE GRIEVANCE OR COMPLAINT ARE NOT ALLOWED TO ATTEND THE MEETING OR VOTE. THE ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE DECISIONS ARE FINAL. 17. THE LEAGUE'S JUDICIARY COMMITTEE CONSISTS OF THE EFL OFFICERS THAT ARE NOT AFFILIATED WITH ANY EFL TEAM. THE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE SHALL SETTLE GRIEVANCES AND COMPLAINTS THAT NEED TO BE REVIEWED BEFORE THE NEXT ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE MEETING. GRIEVANCES MUST BE SUBMITTED WITHIN 48 HOURS AND A WRITTEN REPORT SUBMITTED WITHIN A WEEK. ALL DECISIONS OF THE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE WILL BE REPORTED TO THE FULL EFL MEMBERSHIP AND ALL DECISIONS ARE SUBJECT TO APPEAL TO THE ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE. 18. THE LEAGUE BY-LAWS MAY BE AMENDED ONLY AT THE ANNUAL MEETING AND BY A 2/3 VOTE OF THE MEMBERSHIP PRESENT. 19. NEW TEAMS WILL ONLY BE ADMITTED INTO THE EFL AT THE ANNUAL MEETING. THE MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE WILL REVIEW THE STATUS OF THE NEW TEAM PRIOR TO REPRESENTING IT FOR MEMBERSHIP. NEW TEAMS REQUIRE A 3/4 VOTE OF THE TEAMS PRESENT AT THE MEETING. THE LEAGUE HAS A 50-MILE RADIUS RESTRICTION AROUND ALL EFL MEMBER TEAMS, AND A TEAM MAY VETO NEW TEAMS FROM THIS 50-MILE CIRCLE OR MAY CHOOSE NOT TO. THE LEAGUE ALSO HAS A 425 MILE RESTRICTION. NO NEW TEAM MAY BE LOCATED MORE THAN 425 MILES FROM ITS FARTHEST EFL MEMBER TEAM. 20. THE EFL HAS A STRICT PLAYER/COACH CONDUCT POLICY. ANY COACHES, PLAYERS, AND TEAM PERSONNEL THAT LEAVE THE SIDELINES TO PARTICIPATE IN A FIGHT WILL BE EJECTED FROM THE GAME AND SUBJECT TO ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW BY THE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE AND/OR A FINE. ONLY HEAD COACHES MAY COME ONTO THE FIELD TO ASSIST THE GAME OFFICIALS IN STOPPING THE FIGHT AND RESTORING ORDER. THE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE WILL REVIEW ANY UNSPORTSMANLIKE CONDUCT ON THE PART OF ANY TEAM, TEAM OFFICIAL, OR INDIVIDUAL PLAYER. OFFENDING PERSONS ARE SUBJECT TO SUSPENSION AND/OR A FINE. TEAMS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CONDUCT OF THEIR PLAYERS, STAFF, AND COACHES. 21. NO EFL TEAM MAY PLAY ANY OTHER TEAM THAT OWES THE EFL ANY FUNDS. THIS MEANS THEY CANNOT PLAY THEM AT ANY TIME, PRESEASON OR EVEN IN THE NATIONAL PLAY-OFFS 22. THE POLICY OF THE EFL IS THAT IT WILL ASSIGN AN OFFICER FROM ONE OF THE ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEES OR A LEAGUE OFFICER TO BE IN ATTENDANCE AT EACH OF THE LEAGUE PLAY-OFF GAMES. THIS PERSON WILL ACT FOR THE LEAGUE, SUPERVISE THE GAME, AND SEE THAT ALL LEAGUE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES ARE FOLLOWED. 23. FOR ALL PLAY-OFF AND CHAMPIONSHIP GAMES, THE HOME TEAM MUST SUBMIT AN OFFICIAL REPORT TO THE EFL SHOWING COSTS OF STADIUM RENTAL, GAME OFFICIALS, SECURITY, ICE, AND GAME BALLS. SHOULD THE GAME RESULT IN A PROFIT, THE HOME TEAM WILL PAY THE EFL 10 PERCENT OF SUCH PROFIT. ANY LOSSES WILL BE COVERED BY THE HOME TEAM. THE VISITING TEAM IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN TRANSPORTATION. 24. THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS MUST BE MET TO HAVE AN ACCEPTABLE PLAYING FIELD: · LIGHTED FIELD · SECURITY · PROPER FIELD MARKINGS · LOCKER ROOMS & SHOWERS · NATIONAL ANTHEM · SCOREBOARD & PA SYSTEMS RECOMMENDED 25. EFL TEAMS AND COACHES WILL DRESS UNIFORMLY. THIS CODE WILL BE ENFORCED VIA THE EFL ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE AND NOT EFL GAME OFFICIALS. UNIFORM DRESS IS TO CONSIST OF UNIFORM SOCKS, MATCHING HELMETS & FACE MASKS. THESE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES ARE A CONDENSED VERSION OF THE LEAGUE BY-LAWS. MAKE SURE YOU READ THE BY-LAWS IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS CONCERNING LEAGUE POLICIES.
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EFL Program Ad Version #2

Posted by Dave Burch at Jun 22, 2005 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
EFL Ad for team programs version #2
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EFL Program Ad Version #1

Posted by Dave Burch at Jun 22, 2005 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
EFL Ad for team programs version #1