News and Announcements

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Opening Day 2003

Posted by Jim Allen at Feb 9, 2003 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )
What an Opening Day! Blessed with beautiful weather, our Opening Day Parade brought all 350 kids onto the field, led by Billy the Marlin. After the Star-Spangled Banner, and the Little League pledges, we waited with baited breath for Ivan Rodriguez. To pass the time, Marlins third base coach Ozzie Guillen fielded questions from the players, and the Rookies started their games. Finally, Ivan arrived, and to make up for his tardiness, he and Ozzie threw not one but two opening pitches. He stayed behind to sign autographs as well. What did you think about Opening Day? Tell us, on the Opening Day Message Board. Also, check here soon for photographs from the big day!

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Uniforms Are Here!!

Posted by Jim Allen at Feb 4, 2003 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )
Our uniforms have arrived. Managers, please be sure and communicate any shortages to Board Member Sari Addicott as soon as possible, so she can place the change order. Tell your players that the patch goes on the left sleeve just below the shoulder.
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We Still Need A Few Good Men and Women!

Posted by Jim Allen at Dec 15, 2002 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )
As you know, our league is volunteer based. Our Board of Directors is completely volunteer, as are our managers and coaches. It is therefore vitally important that everyone try to find something to do to help the league. There is plenty to choose from, even though our managers have all been appointed: managing, coaching, umpiring, working on the newsletter, working the concession stand, and many more things. Please, if you are able to donate some time to help our kids, become a volunteer by filing out this volunteer application form. You'll be repaid ten-fold in smiles!
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Marlins Schedule Youth Baseball Days

Posted by Jim Allen at Nov 14, 2002 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )
The Marlins have scheduled three games this year to recognize and give special prices to youth baseball: Sunday, April 13, 2003, against the Braves; Sunday, June 1, 2003 against the Reds; and Sunday, June 8, 2003 against the World Champion Angels. All games start at 1:35 P.M. We will arrange to go to at least one of those games as a league, so mark them on your calendar now.
