

Diamond Cat Tournament Canceled!

Posted by Cynthia Seltzer on May 09 2008 at 05:00PM PDT


Unfortunately, we are going to have to cancel the Diamond Cats' Tournament.  The fields are so saturated that we would not be able to get them up for play until around 3:00 or 4:00 this afternoon.  If you check the hourly forecast for St. Ann, MO, they call for rain to start again this afternoon around 3 or 4 pm!  These fields will not hold anymore water.

If you look visually at the fields, they don't look horrible. There is not a lot of STANDING WATER, but they are wet very deep into the ground. If you try to walk on them, you just slip and slide. Running on them safely would be impossible. Neil has been at the fields since very early this morning trying to work out with the field crew how to get this tournament played.  The weather is beautiful at this time, but in the best interest of the players, we just cannot take the chance with their safety.  And, if you add to current field conditions the gloomy forecast for the rest of the weekend, it just seems crazy to make everyone gather at the fields only to send everyone home.
Believe me when I tell you that we want to play this thing as badly as anyone, but would prefer to err on the side of caution.  I will be issuing refund checks as soon as possible.  I need to finish the accounting for the non-refundable costs and figure out what the administrative fee will actually be.  It should be somewhere between $25 - $50 as stated in the tournament rules.
Thanks so much for your patience, and for your support of our tournament.  Let's hope that at sometime in the near future we will see you all at the ballfields!!!!




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