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Posted by Bill Carter at Sep 28, 2007 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
Many different clinics are held at the Western Regional Headquarters during the year. Registration by credit card for all Regional Clinics will only be accepted online. If you don't have a credit card, you will need to call the regional office to register at 909-887-6444. Click on "register now" opposite the clinic you are interested in, to go online and register for any of the clinics listed below. 
You can also view a detailed discription of the clinics offered by clicking on the clinic heading below:

DA/ADA SEMINAR                                    November 13-16, 2008      Register Online Now
CHIEF UMPIRE CLINIC                             November 7-9, 2008         Register Online Now
PLAYER AGENT SEMINAR                         November 15, 2008          Register Online Now
ADULT UMPIRE SCHOOL                           February 7-13, 2009       Register Online Now
ADULT UMPIRE SCHOOL                           February 14-20, 2009    Register Online Now
MANAGERS & COACHES CLINIC              Date for 2009 TBD        Register Online Now
RULES INSTRUCTION CLINIC                 January 17-18, 2009      Register Online Now
RULES INSTRUCTION CLINIC                 January 24-25, 2009    Register Online Now
UMPIRE MECHANICS CLINIC                   February 20-22,2009   Register Online Now
SCOREKEEPERS CLINIC                             February 28, 2009       Register Online Now
SOFTBALL COACHES CLINIC                    Date for 2009TBD
JUNIOR UMPIRE TRAINING SCHOOL    June 20-26, 2009       Register Online Now

If you have any questions concerning online registration, please contact Cheryl Robinson or call Western Region Headquarters at 909-887-6444.

Get a map and directions to the Regional Center, click here.

IMPORTANT! The groundwork for the success of a season, or lack of it, can often be found in how well, or how poorly, the league conducts its operations during this time of the year. The keys, as with much of Little League, are proper communication and application of Rules, Regulations and Policies. If elections are not conducted properly, it can cause confusion and disruption in the local league. Click Here! To view an excerpt on "Local League Elections" taken from "The Year In The Life Of Hometown Little League"                  


We Just Need a Few More Bollards to Complete the Northern Parking Area! 

Earlier this year, Jim Gerstenslager, Western Region Director, was given a directive by Williamsport to create a barrier between Little League Drive and the northern parking lot of the Western Region complex. It had been suggested that a series of posts and a sturdy chain would stop vandals that were using the area for their own personal enjoyment with no regard to the Little League’s property. An idea was concocted that a series of concrete baseballs and softballs would certainly due the job but the cost did seem out of the question. However, after some research and some negotiation we came upon a company that was local to the complex and would delight in creating the diverters for us.  It will take a combination of 60 concrete baseballs or softballs to complete the north parking lot project. When this is completed, the same type project is planned for the south parking lot.

These diverters are called Bollards  you will see them at schools, public parks and roads throughout the country. Our Western Region bollards are unique because not only will they do the job as requested by Williamsport but it is an opportunity for leagues, districts and individuals throughout the region to have their own personal testimonial to Little League, but also a small portion of the donation will go to the maintenance and upkeep of our Western Region complex. The 1200 pound white baseballs or optic yellow softballs are made of white concrete, and placed on a foundation formed in the shape of a home plate. They are secured by bolts and are sprayed with a chemical so that graffiti can be easily removed. A 4”x6”cutout strategically placed on the ball so that a bronze plaque can be inserted with your league, district, organization or family name. There is no limit to the number of characters to be placed on the plaque, but keep in mind that the more characters the smaller the font. If you want the Little League logo on your plaque there is an additional charge of $85.00. The total price (with logo) is $785.00 and this includes the installation. If you want to participate in this worthwhile project, and leave a personal testimonial to the Western Region, please CLICK HERE, to download an application and instructions on how you can participate in this important project. There is a limited amount of spaces so orders will be taken on a first come, first served basis.

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Posted by Bill Carter at Jun 12, 2007 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Click on the following links to view and download the forms you need.




California District 40 Administrator Domenic Iadevaia attended the vendor exhibit at the 2007 congress in Houston Texas and put in his chance to win a new snack shack complements of the Snickers Company a Little League corporate sponsor. Well, low and behold, Domenic won and now Pacoima Little League, one of the leagues in California District 40 has a new snack shack at their local field. Click here, and you will taken to the District 40 website and you will be able to see the pictures of the snack shack during construction and the finished product. Congratulations District 40 and Pacoima Little League!
