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B Division Champions ~ GREEN

Posted by Sharon Webmaster at Mar 21, 2011 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Congratulations to the Green team who beat Red last night 4-3 in OT to secure the B Division Championship. 



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Spring Pick-up Hockey Schedule

Posted by Sharon Webmaster at Mar 17, 2011 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
Thursday Lunchtime:    $5
11:30 am - 1:00 pm     
March 24, 31                                
April 7, 14, 21, 28
Sunday mornings:    $9
7:30 - 9:00 am    
March 20 only
8:00 - 10:00 am  
April 3, 10, 17                             
May 1, 8, 15
Sunday evenings:    $9
9:30 - 11 pm
March 20, 27                         
April 3, 10, 17
More days and times to be added as I get them.
Team # Name Points Goals Assists PIM
White 10 Rice, Chaz 64 39 25 12
Red 23 Inneman, Justin 44 26 18 10
Red 3 Stevens, Glen 43 21 22 4
Gold 77 Borsch, Yuri 38 24 14 2
Red 20 Warshawsky, Steve 35 14 21 8
Gold 12 Redditt, Brian 35 14 21 71**
White 16 Collins, Jeff 34 17 17 10
Green 22 Blimbaum, Gordon 30 17 13 10
Blue 2 Ogger, John 28 14 14 20
White 13 Haw, David 28 8 20 14
White 18 Cook, Mike 28 10 18 4
Blue 27 Spremulli, Rian 27 12 15 10
Gold 3 Tomann, Paul 26 7 19 4
Red 11 Russell, Todd 25 8 17 8
Green 19 Hall, Steve 25 10 15 14
White 17 Haas, Dan 25 11 14 4
Green 8 Siegel, Dave 24 11 13 0
White 51 Loftus, Amy 24 12 12 8
Gold 11 Immonen, Pekka 23 6 17 20
White 5 Hall, Dave 23 13 10 6
Green 38 Kohr, Carl 22 9 13 16
Green 5 Bartz, Andy 22 7 15 14
White 7 Spaeth, Sharon 20 3 17 12
Red 22 Lee, Scott 20 11 9 62
Gold 2 Gilbert, Jeremy 19 13 6 37**
Blue 7 Weidenthal, Dave 18 6 12 2
Green 42 Davis, Jason 18 11 7 14
Blue 1 Dana, Marcus 18 10 8 8
Gold 15 Marcum, David 17 6 11 6
Red 77 Heyka, Josh 17 10 7 10
Gold 18 Rosenbaum, David 16 7 9 6
Gold 20 Anyawnu, Emeka 16 11 5 7
Red 28 Carr, Ray 15 4 11 10
Green 665 Amick, Glen 15 6 9 10
Red 6 Kessler, Daniel 14 4 10 0
Green 88 McKeon, Mike 13 9 4 26
Gold 19 Healy, Paul 12 5 7 2
White 2 Eagan, Tim 12 3 9 4
Green 18 Brown, Stephen 12 8 4 6
White 20 Morrison, Tim 11 4 7 8
Green 33 Marcum, William 11 4 7 4
White 19 Heikkila, Mat 11 5 6 14
White 3 DeGross, Brian 11 1 10 42
Red 9 Lingas, Karen 10 4 6 0
Green 12 Wood, John 9 4 5 14
White 39 Lewis, Frank 9 3 6 6
Gold 6 Immonen, Taina 9 1 8 2
Red 10 Amolsch, Kevin 9 1 8 63
Blue 5 Meyerhoefer, Trent 8 4 4 16
Green 7 Como, John 8 3 5 26
Gold 10 Bick, Christopher 8 3 5 24
Red 31 Sharon, Michael 7 4 3 2
Gold 13 Ralston, Griff 7 2 5 14
Blue 34 Izen, Steve 7 1 6 8
Red 14 Horrigan, Jack 7 2 5 0
Gold 7 Arts, Eric 7 3 4 8
Blue 18 Adams, Tom 7 0 7 6
Blue 20 Sparker, Mike 6 2 4 2
Red 2 Moore, Jim 6 0 6 20
Green 16 Sears, Jon 5 1 4 0
Gold 5 Ignasiak, Kevin 5 3 2 6
Green 1 Wainwright, Jesse 4 0 4 0
Blue 21 Seidman, Mike 4 4 0 10
Blue 31 Pierce, Michael 4 1 3 10
Blue 40 Naherny, Gary 4 1 3 10
Red (85) 16 Healy, Lisa 4 0 4 2
Green 30 Vrabec, Tina 3 1 2 6
Blue 84 Sullivan, Joe 3 0 3 0
White 7 Ressler, Adam 3 0 3 0
Gold 27 Meegan, Chris (SUB) 2 0 2 0
Blue 19 Brandt, Chris 2 0 2 2
Blue 9 Auerbach, Irv 2 0 2 2
Red 5 Warshawsky, Bob 1 0 1 0
Red 21 Grossman-McKee, Doug (G) 1 0 1 0
Green 30 Theiss, Frank (G) 0 0 0 2
Gold   Russell, Dan (G) 0 0 0 2
Gold 20 Rudy, Tom 0 0 0 0
White 1 Ku, Tommy (G) 0 0 0 0
Blue 33 Kroll, Michael (G) 0 0 0 2
Blue 13 Bertram, Mathew 0 0 0 0
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2010-11 A Division Playoff Standings

Posted by Sharon Webmaster at Mar 8, 2011 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )
Team  Wins  Losses  Ties Total Points  Goals For  Goals Against
 Navy  5  0  0  10  17  7
 Gold A  3  2  0  6  10  6
 Teal  4  1  0  8  24  16
 Gray  1  4  0  2  16  21
 White A    1  4  0  2  15  24
 Orange  1  4  0  2  8  16
Team # Name Points Goals Assists PIM
White   Rice, Chaz 57 35 22 8
Red 3 Stevens, Glen 38 17 21 4
Red 23 Inneman, Justin 36 21 15 10
Gold 12 Redditt, Brian 34 14 20 67**
Gold 77 Borsch, Yuri 32 18 14 2
Red 20 Warshawsky, Steve 31 12 19 8
White 16 Collins, Jeff 28 15 13 8
Blue 2 Ogger, John 26 12 14 20
Blue 27 Spremulli, Rian 25 12 13 10
Gold 3 Tomann, Paul 24 7 17 4
White 51 Loftus, Amy 24 12 12 8
White 13 Haw, David 24 7 17 14
White 18 Cook, Mike 24 9 15 4
White 17 Haas, Dan 23 10 13 4
Green 22 Blimbaum, Gordon 23 14 9 8
Green 8 Siegel, Dave 22 11 11 0
Red 11 Russell, Todd 21 7 14 6
Gold 11 Immonen, Pekka 21 6 15 20
Green 19 Hall, Steve 21 7 14 12
Green 38 Kohr, Carl 20 7 13 16
White 5 Hall, Dave 20 11 9 6
Green 5 Bartz, Andy 19 5 14 12
White 7 Spaeth, Sharon 18 3 15 10
Red 22 Lee, Scott 18 9 9 62
Blue 1 Dana, Marcus 18 10 8 8
Blue 7 Weidenthal, Dave 17 6 11 2
Gold 18 Rosenbaum, David 16 7 9 6
Red 77 Heyka, Josh 16 10 6 10
Gold 2 Gilbert, Jeremy 16 10 6 35**
Gold 20 Anyawnu, Emeka 16 11 5 7
Gold 7 Marcum, David 15 6 9 4
Green 42 Davis, Jason 15 9 6 12
Green 665 Amick, Glen 13 6 7 8
Red 6 Kessler, Daniel 12 3 9 0
Gold 19 Healy, Paul 12 5 7 0
Green 18 Brown, Stephen 12 8 4 6
White 2 Eagan, Tim 11 3 8 4
White 3 DeGross, Brian 11 1 10 42
Red 28 Carr, Ray 11 2 9 6
White 20 Morrison, Tim 10 4 6 6
Green 88 McKeon, Mike 10 8 2 10
Green 33 Marcum, William 10 3 7 4
Red 9 Lingas, Karen 10 4 6 0
White 19 Heikkila, Mat 10 4 6 14
White 39 Lewis, Frank 9 3 6 6
Gold 6 Immonen, Taina 9 1 8 2
Blue 5 Meyerhoefer, Trent 8 4 4 16
Gold 10 Bick, Christopher 8 3 5 24
Red 10 Amolsch, Kevin 8 1 7 61
Green 12 Wood, John 7 3 4 12
Red 31 Sharon, Michael 7 4 3 2
Blue 34 Izen, Steve 7 1 6 8
Red 14 Horrigan, Jack 7 2 5 0
Green 7 Como, John 7 2 5 24
Gold 7 Arts, Eric 7 3 4 8
Blue 20 Sparker, Mike 6 2 4 2
Gold 13 Ralston, Griff 6 2 4 12
Blue 18 Adams, Tom 6 0 6 4
Green 16 Sears, Jon 5 1 4 0
Gold 5 Ignasiak, Kevin 5 3 2 6
Blue 21 Seidman, Mike 4 4 0 10
Blue 31 Pierce, Michael 4 1 3 8
Blue 40 Naherny, Gary 4 1 3 10
Red (85) 16 Healy, Lisa 4 0 4 2
Green 1 Wainwright, Jesse 3 0 3 0
Green 30 Vrabec, Tina 3 1 2 6
Blue 84 Sullivan, Joe 3 0 3 0
White 7 Ressler, Adam 3 0 3 0
Red 2 Moore, Jim 3 0 3 12
Gold 27 Meegan, Chris (SUB) 2 0 2 0
Blue 19 Brandt, Chris 2 0 2 2
Blue 9 Auerbach, Irv 2 0 2 2
Red 5 Warshawsky, Bob 1 0 1 0
Red 21 Grossman-McKee, Doug (G) 1 0 1 0
Green 30 Theiss, Frank (G) 0 0 0 2
Gold   Russell, Dan (G) 0 0 0 2
Gold 20 Rudy, Tom 0 0 0 0
White   Ku, Tommy (G) 0 0 0 0
Blue 33 Kroll, Michael (G) 0 0 0 2
Blue 13 Bertram, Mathew 0 0 0 0