News and Announcements

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Last Effort Not Our Best Balanced Effort!

First and foremost, I want to thank all of the players (and fans!) who represented Heavy Metal Softball this weekend for their effort, help, and cooperation in making our seventh -- and final -- tournament of the year a very successful -- and satisfying -- one. Here are some final tournament statistics for those who actually visit our website and are truly interested in such things. So, without further adieu, I present some facts from this particular contest: 

October Bash Tournament Summary --

Tournament Record: 1-2 (no playoffs this time!)
                               1st game: Lost 11-26 vs. Handle It
                               2nd game: Lost 8-27 vs. Slow Motion
                               3rd game: Won 26-7 vs. Louie's Crew

Team Statistics (alphabetically):

Donny Aguiar -- 5 for 10; .500 BA; 24 points.
Vern Amaro -- 6 for 7; .857 BA; 17 points.
Wes Avery -- 4 for 10; .400 BA; 28 points.
Kurt Chambers -- 4 for 8; .500 BA; 21 points.
Dennis Ellorin -- 1 for 7; .143 BA; 11 points.
Gene Hitt -- 5 for 8; .625 BA; 16 points.
Paul Lawrence -- 7 for 10; .700 BA; 32 points.
Mike Lujan -- 7 for 9; .778 BA; 35 points.
Joaquin Perez -- 5 for 9; .556 BA; 21 points.
Randy Pilgrim -- 1 for 1; 1.000 BA; 4 points.
Steve Stafford -- 4 for 9; .444 BA; 18 points.
Art Tabacco -- 6 for 9; .667 BA; 26 points.

Team Batting Average: .567 (55 for 97; we averaged 15 runs/game for the whole tournament.)

Tournament MVP: Mike Lujan (35 points -- "Sizzlin' Stick" award!)

Manager's Award: I would like to take this time now to recognize a few other players who shined just as brightly this weekend with their contributions to the team: Paul Lawrence, Art Tabacco, Vern Amaro, Gene Hitt, and Joaquin Perez. Their stats above speak for themselves, but their consistency throughout the tournament is what I noticed most and appreciated greatly -- here's a "hats-off" to all five of you!   

2007 Season Final Statistics (alphabetically; all players):

Donny Aguiar -- 27 for 60; .450 BA; 108 points (5 tournaments)
Vern Amaro -- 36 for 64; .563 BA; 75 points (7 tournaments)
Rich Avery -- 20 for 56; .357 BA; 73 points (6 tournaments)
Wes Avery -- 32 for 64; .500 BA; 160 points (7 tournaments)
Kurt Chambers -- 4 for 8; .500 BA; 21 points (1 tournament)
Aaron Dawes -- 7 for 8; .875 BA; 24 points (1 tournament)
Dennis Ellorin -- 5 for 37; .135 BA; 33 points (5 tournaments)
Frank Fletcher -- 24 for 44; .545 BA; 98 points (4 tournaments)
Lee Garcia -- 20 for 54; .370 BA; 87 points (6 tournaments)
Gene Hitt -- 23 for 51; .451 BA; 60 points (5 tournaments)
Paul Lawrence -- 42 for 67; .627 BA; 153 points (6 tournaments)
Johnny Lopez -- 7 for 16; .438 BA; 19 points (2 tournaments)
Ricky Lopez -- 1 for 2; .500 BA; 3 points (1 tournament)
Mike Lujan -- 34 for 70; .486 BA; 135 points (7 tournaments)
Cruz Onsurez -- 2 for 4; .500 BA; 8 points (1 tournament)
Nathan Onsurez -- 1 for 4; .250 BA; 3 points (1 tournament)
Joaquin Perez -- 15 for 27; .556 BA; 54 points (3 tournaments)
Randy Pilgrim -- 10 for 25; .400 BA; 38 points (4 tournaments)
Matt Soares -- 12 for 18; .667 BA; 29 points (2 tournaments)
Devin Stafford -- 4 for 10; .400 BA; 18 points (1 tournament)
Steve Stafford -- 29 for 68; .426 BA; 164 points (7 tournaments)
Art Tabacco -- 6 for 9; .667 BA; 26 points (1 tournament)
Bill Thrasher -- 9 for 20; .450 BA; 44 points (3 tournaments)
Nelson Vieira -- 2 for 6; .333 BA; 8 points (1 tournament)

Final Comments: Farewell, 2007 tournament season -- 2008 is next on our slate!  

Year-End Award Progress:  Congratulations, Paul Lawrence, for officially winning the race for the "Batting Champions: Metal Men" perpetual award bat, based on your final tournament batting average of .627 over 6 tournaments!  Your name will be the first to be engraved upon this inaugural award -- great job, buddy!  Other eligible players were, in the order of their final batting averages:  Vern Amaro, .563; Wes Avery, .500; Mike Lujan, .486; Gene Hitt, .451; Donny Aguiar, .450; Steve Stafford, .426; Lee Garcia, .370; Rich Avery, .357; and Dennis Ellorin, .135 -- good job, guys!

Well, until next year...! 

Team Plays Respectable Ball All Day!

First and foremost, I want to thank all of the players (and fans!) who represented Heavy Metal Softball this weekend for their effort, help, and cooperation in making our sixth tournament of the year a very successful -- and satisfying -- one. Here are some final tournament statistics for those who actually visit our website and are truly interested in such things. So, without further adieu, I present some facts from this particular contest: 

NASF Fall Classic Tournament Summary --

Tournament Record: 2-2 (playoffs!)
                               1st game: Won 20-9 vs. Skrubz
                               2nd game: Lost 13-14 vs. Youngbloods
                               3rd game: Won 15-6 vs. Let's Play
                               4th game: Lost 3-18 vs. Youngbloods

Team Statistics (alphabetically):

Donny Aguiar -- 6 for 14; .429 BA; 28 points.
Vern Amaro -- 7 for 10; .700 BA; 10 points.
Rich Avery -- 4 for 11; .364 BA; 12 points.
Wes Avery -- 10 for 13; .769 BA; 53 points.
Lee Garcia -- 5 for 11; .455 BA; 22 points.
Paul Lawrence -- 10 for 14; .714 BA; 39 points.
Johnny Lopez -- 4 for 10; .400 BA; 10 points.
Mike Lujan -- 6 for 11; .545 BA; 20 points.
Cruz Onsurez -- 2 for 4; .500 BA; 8 points.
Nathan Onsurez -- 1 for 4; .250 BA; 3 points.
Randy Pilgrim -- 3 for 8; .375 BA; 16 points.
Steve Stafford -- 5 for 11; .455 BA; 40 points.
Bill Thrasher -- 4 for 11; .364 BA; 31 points.

Team Batting Average: .504 (67 for 133; we averaged 12.75 runs/game for the whole tournament.)

Tournament MVP: Wes Avery (53 points -- "Sizzlin' Stick" award!)

Manager's Award: I would like to take this time now to recognize a few other players who shined just as brightly this weekend with their contributions to the team: Paul Lawrence, Mike Lujan, Steve Stafford, Donny Aguiar, and Lee Garcia. Their stats above speak for themselves, but their consistency throughout the tournament is what I noticed most and appreciated greatly -- here's a "hats-off" to all five of you!   

2007 Season Statistics (alphabetically; all players):

Donny Aguiar -- 22 for 50; .440 BA; 84 points (4 tournaments)
Vern Amaro -- 30 for 57; .526 BA; 58 points (6 tournaments)
Rich Avery -- 20 for 56; .357 BA; 73 points (6 tournaments)
Wes Avery -- 28 for 54; .519 BA; 132 points (6 tournaments)
Aaron Dawes -- 7 for 8; .875 BA; 24 points (1 tournament)
Dennis Ellorin -- 4 for 30; .133 BA; 22 points (4 tournaments)
Frank Fletcher -- 24 for 44; .545 BA; 98 points (4 tournaments)
Lee Garcia -- 20 for 54; .370 BA; 87 points (6 tournaments)
Gene Hitt -- 18 for 43; .419 BA; 44 points (4 tournaments)
Paul Lawrence -- 35 for 57; .614 BA; 121 points (5 tournaments)
Johnny Lopez -- 7 for 16; .438 BA; 19 points (2 tournaments)
Ricky Lopez -- 1 for 2; .500 BA; 3 points (1 tournament)
Mike Lujan -- 27 for 61; .443 BA; 100 points (6 tournaments)
Cruz Onsurez -- 2 for 4; .500 BA; 8 points (1 tournament)
Nathan Onsurez -- 1 for 4; .250 BA; 3 points (1 tournament)
Joaquin Perez -- 10 for 18; .556 BA; 33 points (2 tournaments)
Randy Pilgrim -- 9 for 24; .375 BA; 34 points (3 tournaments)
Matt Soares -- 12 for 18; .667 BA; 29 points (2 tournaments)
Devin Stafford -- 4 for 10; .400 BA; 18 points (1 tournament)
Steve Stafford -- 25 for 59; .424 BA; 146 points (6 tournaments)
Bill Thrasher -- 9 for 20; .450 BA; 44 points (3 tournaments)
Nelson Vieira -- 2 for 6; .333 BA; 8 points (1 tournament)

Final Comments: To be short and sweet -- if that's humanly possible for me! -- I would once again like to say that overall I was very pleased with Heavy Metal's performance this time around, especially our ability to score in bunches through three of the first four games.  We just need to carry the offensive effort through the course of the playoffs, which has become our downfall through too many tournaments.  Maybe next time...we'll see!  

Year-End Award Progress: Because the season still has a couple of months to go before it eventually gives in to the cold weather, Aaron Dawes still leads officially the race for the "Batting Champions: Metal Men" perpetual award bat, based on his current batting average of .875. But remember, a player must have played in a minimum of 5 tournaments to earn this recognition -- something to think about when I ask everyone next time if they want to play some more ball in an upcoming contest. However -- from a realistic perspective -- seven players have finally reached the 5 tournament plateau for eligibility with this event, with Paul Lawrence leading the group with a .614 BA (Vern Amaro is right behind him with a .526 after 6 tournaments). Remember, we still have plenty of season left to play, so...who's ready for the next one?
Some Bragging Rights From Our Summer 2007 Visalia City League Campaign!!!

At the end of each league season, some recognition is always given to those individuals who contributed to the team in some way. The following categories -- most real, some intended for a few laughs -- are mostly from the offensive part of softball; some are just plain offensive! (Have a little sense of humor, guys! Don't get defensive. Get it -- "defensive"! Oh, never mind....)  So, for what it's worth, here we go:

Visalia City League, Thursday Night, summer 2007
7-3 record:  No team award; MVP selected by team ballot vote


Most Plate Appearances:  Donny Aguiar (33)

Most At-Bats:  Donny Aguiar, Steve Stafford (tie, 31)

Most Runs:  Steve Stafford (18)

Most Singles:  Mike Lujan (19)

Most Doubles:  Steve Stafford (6)

Most Triples:  Steve Stafford (4)

Most Home Runs:  Wes Avery, Steve Stafford, Bill Thrasher (tie, 1)

Most RBIs:  Bill Thrasher (12)

Most Walks:  Joaquin Perez (2)

Most Sacrifices:  Wes Avery, Gene Hitt (tie, 3)

Highest On-Base Percentage:  Mike Lujan (.655)

Highest Slugging Percentage:  Steve Stafford (1.194)

Highest Batting Average:  Mike Lujan (.655)

Most Hits:  Steve Stafford (20)

Most Single-Game Points:  Bill Thrasher (19)

Most Offensive/Defensive Points:  Steve Stafford (100)


Most Put-Outs:  Gene Hitt (26)

Most Assists:  Donny Aguiar, Wes Avery, Lee Garcia (tie, 11)

Most Errors:  Wes Avery (8)

Highest Fielding Percentage (infield):  Vern Amaro, Rich Avery, Lee Garcia (1.000 [no errors!] -- "Gold Glove Award")

Highest Fielding Percentage (outfield):  Mike Lujan, Joaquin Perez (1.000 [no errors!] -- "Gold Glove Award")

Highest Fielding Percentage (utility):  Bill Thrasher (1.000 [no errors!] -- "Gold Glove Award")

Most Defensive Points:  Mike Lujan, Joaquin Perez (tie, 24 -- Mike:  24 put-out pts. plus 0 assist pts. minus 0 error pts.; Joaquin:  23 put-out pts. plus 1 assist pt., minus 0 error pts.) (Reminder:  +1 point for a put-out, +1 point for an assist, -2 points for each error.  In other words, errors "take away" from your overall offensive/defensive effort!)

All of which leads to, if the above stats were used primarily in making our choices...

Most Valuable Player (Visalia City League, Men's D-Blue, summer 2007):  Steve Stafford (34 total points; by team ballot vote)

And for our "special" categories...

Most Non-Appearances (regular members):  Frank Fletcher (6) (Injuries can be a tough situation to move on from -- take your time healing up, buddy!  Two others were tied for second with 4 apiece:  Paul Lawrence and Dennis Ellorin.  Some others also were considered, even though their physical bodies actually made it to the games!)

Perfect Attendance (regular members):  Donny Aguiar, Vern Amaro, Gene Hitt, Mike Lujan, and Steve Stafford (All 10 games; gold stars to everyone!)

Most Memorable Performance:  Sorry, but there is no individual performance that sticks out in my mind at this time.  Because my stat sheets were pretty much devoid of home runs and 4-for-4 games, no pick will be selected for this particular league....      

Greatest Increase in Batting Average from Last League (spring 2007; minimum 5 games):  Mike Lujan (+.229, from .429 to .655) (Paul Lawrence came in second with a +.108 increase -- good job, buddy!)

Biggest "Plunge" in Batting Average from Last League (spring 2007; minimum 5 games):  Donny Aguiar (-.215, from .667 to .452) (Rich Avery came in second with a -.110 decrease; Vern Amaro was third with a -.100 decrease.)

Best Player Quote:  "No, that isn't Kurt, is it?"  (attributed to nearly everyone on the team who thought they were seeing a ghost!)  

Best Acting Performance by a Player/Manager: Drum roll, please...Vern Amaro!!! (9th time in a row!  A nine-peat!  Incredible!  Can this person run the career table!  This is for impersonating, once again, the second baseman -- and spokesperson -- of a pretty darn-good softball team!  By the way, were there any other eligible candidates on the team?)

"100 Points Plus Club":  Vern Amaro (1994 T.C.L. 130 pts./1999 T.C.L. 109 pts./2001 T.C.L. 103 pts./2002 T.C.L. 140 pts./2003 T.C.L. 106 pts./2004 T.C.L. 110 pts./2005 T.C.L. 103 pts.); Rich Avery (2000 T.C.L. 129 pts./2004 V.C.L. 102 pts.); Wes Avery (2005 T.C.L. 129 pts.); Matt Beltran (1999 T.C.L. 104 pts.); Gordon Caudle (2000 T.C.L. 120 pts.); Kurt Chambers (2004 T.C.L. 100 pts.); Frank Fletcher (1994 T.C.L. 115 pts./1999 T.C.L. 169 pts. [record]/2000 T.C.L. 134 pts./2002 T.C.L. 146 pts./2003 T.C.L. 113 pts./2004 T.C.L. 111 pts./2004 V.C.L. 112 pts./2005 T.C.L. 134 pts./2005 V.C.L. 109 pts./2006 V.C.L. 111 pts./2007 V.C.L. 105 pts.); Gene Hitt (1994 T.C.L. 108 pts./2000 T.C.L. 138 pts./2002 T.C.L. 121 pts./2005 T.C.L. 100 pts./2005 V.C.L. 106 pts.); Mike Lujan (2005 V.C.L. 101 pts./2006 V.C.L. 113 pts.); Rene Regalado (1999 T.C.L. 109 pts./2000 T.C.L. 120 pts.); John Souza (1994 T.C.L. 122 pts.); Steve Stafford (2006 V.C.L. 106 pts./2007 V.C.L. 100 pts.); Art Tabacco (2005 V.C.L. 116 pts.); Nelson Vieira (2002 T.C.L. 114 pts./2004 T.C.L. 112 pts./2006 T.C.L. 114 pts.)

Heavy Metal Softball rocks!  And I'm not joking here.  You've been a great bunch of guys to play side-by-side with, men! All kidding aside, I was really proud of our efforts, most especially the consistent team attitude displayed. I tip my cap off to all of you, as I know some of you come to play despite conflicting personal schedules, various aches and pains, balancing family and friends, and putting up with my managerial decisions. And so, in the meantime...keep rockin', guys -- and stay healthy for our next campaign!

Team Runs On All Cylinders To Go Undefeated In Their Division!

First and foremost, I want to thank all of the players (and fans!) who represented Heavy Metal Softball this weekend for their effort, help, and cooperation in making our fifth tournament of the year a very successful -- and satisfying -- one. Here are some final tournament statistics for those who actually visit our website and are truly interested in such things. So, without further adieu, I present some facts from this particular contest:

20th Annual Budweiser Extravaganza Tournament Summary --

Tournament Record: 3-1 (undefeated in division; playoffs!)
                               1st game: Won 13-6 vs. MCF
                               2nd game: Won 14-4 vs. Wicked (Run rule)
                               3rd game: Won 16-6 vs. Not Enough (Run rule)
                               4th game: Lost 4-17 vs. One Shot (Run rule; no banner -- my bad!)

Team Statistics (alphabetically):

Donny Aguiar -- 4 for 11; .364 BA; 18 points.
Vern Amaro -- 6 for 8; .750 BA; 15 points.
Rich Avery -- 6 for 11; .545 BA; 34 points.
Wes Avery -- 1 for 3; .333 BA; 5 points.
Dennis Ellorin -- 2 for 9; .222 BA; 4 points.
Frank Fletcher -- 9 for 13; .692 BA; 39 points.
Lee Garcia -- 4 for 10; .400 BA; 17 points.
Gene Hitt -- 5 for 13; .385 BA; 15 points.
Mike Lujan -- 7 for 10; .700 BA; 29 points.
Joaquin Perez -- 8 for 12; .667 BA; 25 points.
Matt Soares -- 8 for 10; .800 BA; 18 points.
Devin Stafford -- 4 for 10; .400 BA; 18 points.
Steve Stafford -- 6 for 11; .545 BA; 29 points.
Bill Thrasher -- 2 for 3; .667 BA; 8 points.

Team Batting Average: .522 (70 for 134; we averaged 11.75 runs/game for the whole tournament. Best outing of the season so far, with six players batting over .600 and two more approaching that seemingly game-changing average. Great job to everyone as a whole -- a true feel-good team effort!)

Tournament MVP: Frank Fletcher (39 points -- "Sizzlin' Stick" award plus MVP souvenir shirt as an pre-tournament advertised bonus!)

Manager's Award: I would like to take this time now to recognize a few other players who shined just as brightly this weekend with their contributions to the team: Rich Avery, Mike Lujan, Joaquin Perez, Matt Soares, and Steve Stafford. Their stats above speak for themselves, but their consistency throughout the tournament is what I noticed most and appreciated greatly -- here's a "hats-off" to all five of you!   

2007 Season Statistics (alphabetically; all players):

Donny Aguiar -- 16 for 36; .444 BA; 56 points (3 tournaments)
Vern Amaro -- 23 for 47; .489 BA; 48 points (5 tournaments)
Rich Avery -- 16 for 45; .356 BA; 61 points (5 tournaments)
Wes Avery -- 18 for 41; .439 BA; 79 points (5 tournaments)
Aaron Dawes -- 7 for 8; .875 BA; 24 points (1 tournament)
Dennis Ellorin -- 4 for 30; .133 BA; 22 points (4 tournaments)
Frank Fletcher -- 24 for 44; .545 BA; 98 points (4 tournaments)
Lee Garcia -- 15 for 43; .349 BA; 65 points (5 tournaments)
Gene Hitt -- 18 for 43; .419 BA; 44 points (4 tournaments)
Paul Lawrence -- 25 for 43; .581 BA; 82 points (4 tournaments)
Johnny Lopez -- 3 for 6; .500 BA; 9 points (1 tournament)
Ricky Lopez -- 1 for 2; .500 BA; 3 points (1 tournament)
Mike Lujan -- 21 for 50; .420 BA; 80 points (5 tournaments)
Joaquin Perez -- 10 for 18; .556 BA; 33 points (2 tournaments)
Randy Pilgrim -- 6 for 16; .375 BA; 18 points (2 tournaments)
Matt Soares -- 12 for 18; .667 BA; 29 points (2 tournaments)
Devin Stafford -- 4 for 10; .400 BA; 18 points (1 tournament)
Steve Stafford -- 20 for 48; .417 BA; 106 points (5 tournaments)
Bill Thrasher -- 5 for 9; .556 BA; 13 points (2 tournaments)
Nelson Vieira -- 2 for 6; .333 BA; 8 points (1 tournament)

Final Comments: To be short and sweet -- if that's humanly possible for me! -- I would say that overall I was very pleased with Heavy Metal's performance this time around, especially our ability to score in bunches through three of the first four games. Consistent scoring every inning will continue to be the emphasis, as always, in future tournaments, as well as developing speed in the outfield and making the plays needed in the infield. But more important than all of these is the gauge, or measuring stick, of our attitude, composure, growth, and individual patience with me, your manager. All I can say is for everyone to work diligently to keep a consistent positive attitude flowing throughout our endeavors together, as we demonstrated admirably during this tournament. What I am very sure of is that I continue to love to play softball -- or most any sport, for that matter. At my age now, it still is as strong as ever and even more important to me. And what better way to do it than playing with friends. Say, does anyone want to play some more? Looking at the nice summer day that is going on outside my study window right at this moment, I'm willing to guess that all of you are saying "yes" to yourselves as you finish reading this...!   

Year-End Award Progress: Because the season still has several months to go before it eventually gives in to the cold weather, Aaron Dawes still leads officially the race for the "Batting Champions: Metal Men" perpetual award bat, based on his current batting average of .875. But remember, a player must have played in a minimum of 5 tournaments to earn this recognition -- something to think about when I ask everyone next time if they want to play some more ball in an upcoming contest. However -- from a realistic perspective -- six players have finally reached the 5 tournament plateau for eligibility with this event, with Vern Amaro leading the group with a .489 BA (if Paul Lawrence had played this time around, he would be leading with a .581; Frank Fletcher is right behind him with a .545 after 4 tournaments). Remember, we still have plenty of season left to play, so...who's ready for the next one? Each and every time I recover gradually from my assorted weekend wounds, I know I'm always ready and rarin' to go for another bout -- man, do I love the warm-weather months!
Warm-Up To "Extravaganza" Just That -- A Gentle Reminder Of Playing In The Heat!

First, I want to thank all of the players who represented Heavy Metal Softball this weekend for their effort, help, and cooperation in making our fourth tournament of the year a stepping stone to a more complete effort. Here are some final tournament statistics for those who actually visit our website and are truly interested in such things. So, without further adieu, I present some facts from this particular contest:

Armed & Dangerous Summer Bash Tournament Summary --

Tournament Record: 0-3 (no accolades this time!)
                               1st game: Lost 10-24 vs. Cobras
                               2nd game: Lost 13-14 vs. Hard N Low
                               3rd game: Lost 4-16 vs. Let's Rock

Team Statistics (alphabetically):

Vern Amaro -- 4 for 9; .444 BA; 5 points.
Rich Avery -- 3 for 8; .375 BA; 6 points.
Wes Avery -- 7 for 8; .875 BA; 24 points.
Dennis Ellorin -- 1 for 8; .125 BA; 9 points.
Frank Fletcher -- 4 for 8; .500 BA; 17 points.
Lee Garcia -- 3 for 9; .333 BA; 23 points.
Paul Lawrence -- 4 for 11; .364 BA; 11 points.
Johnny Lopez -- 3 for 6; .500 BA; 9 points.
Ricky Lopez -- 1 for 2; .500 BA; 3 points.
Mike Lujan -- 2 for 8; .250 BA; 15 points.
Randy Pilgrim -- 4 for 8; .500 BA; 12 points.
Steve Stafford -- 6 for 8; .750 BA; 31 points.

Team Batting Average: .452 (42 for 93; we averaged 9 runs/game for the whole tournament. Again, we need to improve our team batting average, as this current one won't win tournaments -- something, maybe .600 or above might do the trick!)

Tournament MVP: Steve Stafford (31 points -- "Sizzlin' Stick" award!)

2007 Season Statistics (alphabetically; all players):

Donny Aguiar -- 12 for 25; .480 BA; 38 points (2 tournaments)
Vern Amaro -- 17 for 39; .436 BA; 33 points (4 tournaments)
Rich Avery -- 10 for 34; .294 BA; 27 points (4 tournaments)
Wes Avery -- 17 for 38; .447 BA; 74 points (4 tournaments)
Aaron Dawes -- 7 for 8; .875 BA; 24 points (1 tournament)
Dennis Ellorin -- 2 for 21; .095 BA; 18 points (3 tournaments)
Frank Fletcher -- 15 for 31; .484 BA; 59 points (3 tournaments)
Lee Garcia -- 11 for 33; .333 BA; 48 points (4 tournaments)
Gene Hitt -- 13 for 30; .433 BA; 29 points (3 tournaments)
Paul Lawrence -- 25 for 43; .581 BA; 82 points (4 tournaments)
Johnny Lopez -- 3 for 6; .500 BA; 9 points (1 tournament)
Ricky Lopez -- 1 for 2; .500 BA; 3 points (1 tournament)
Mike Lujan -- 14 for 40; .350 BA; 51 points (4 tournaments)
Joaquin Perez -- 2 for 6; .333 BA; 8 points (1 tournament)
Randy Pilgrim -- 6 for 16; .375 BA; 18 points (2 tournaments)
Matt Soares -- 4 for 8; .500 BA; 11 points (1 tournament)
Steve Stafford -- 14 for 37; .378 BA; 77 points (4 tournaments)
Bill Thrasher -- 3 for 6; .500 BA; 5 points (1 tournament)
Nelson Vieira -- 2 for 6; .333 BA; 8 points (1 tournament)

Final Comments: So far, Aaron Dawes leads the race for the "Batting Champions: Metal Men" perpetual award bat, based on his current batting average of .875. But remember, a player must have played in a minimum of 5 tournaments to earn this recognition -- something to think about when I ask everyone next time if they want to play some more ball in an upcoming tournament...!