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Reaching Championship Game Is Big Thrill For The Old Guys!

I sincerely want to thank all of the players who represented Heavy Metal Softball for their effort, help, and cooperation in reaching our first championship game of the year -- great job, guys! One man, as I've said many times before, does not make a team. But a team -- a "real" team -- does make each participant a man, figuratively-speaking, for all practical purposes. We had some real men on the field this weekend -- Heavy Metal men! Here are the final tournament statistics for those who are interested, a short summary of each game's highlights, and an invitation to all Heavy Metal Softball enthusiasts to play some more tournaments this year, in addition to the CCASA Rec. Series....

18th Annual Budlight Cinco de Mayo Tournament Summary --

Tournament Record: 3-2 (2nd place!)

Team Statistics (alphabetically):

Donny Aguiar -- 11 for 17; .647 BA; 37 points.
Vern Amaro -- 5 for 15; .333 BA; 11 points.
Rich Avery -- 5 for 12; .417 BA; 16 points.
Wes Avery -- 11 for 16; .688 BA; 41 points.
Tony DeLanda -- 5 for 15; .333 BA; 22 points.
Frank Fletcher -- 7 for 16; .438 BA; 36 points.
Gene Hitt -- 9 for 16; .563 BA; 21 points.
Paul Lawrence -- 10 for 20; .500 BA; 50 points.
Mike Lujan -- 4 for 15; .267 BA; 25 points.
Randy Pilgrim -- 4 for 15; .267 BA; 26 points.
Manny Vasquez -- 5 for 16; .313 BA; 5 points.

Tournament MVP: Paul Lawrence (50 points)

Manager's Award: Wes Avery (11 for 16; 8 singles; 2 doubles; 1 triple; 11 RBIs; 2 runs; .688 BA; 41 points. Because we use offensive points only as the criteria for tournament MVP, I will continually honor our agreed-upon selection process. But if we could cast a ballot for the player who contributed the most of himself this tournament, then your balance of steady offense, humor, and great team attitude, Wes, would have received my vote. Keep up the good work in tournaments to come!)

Tournament Team Batting Average: .439 (76 for 173; we averaged 10.8 runs/game for the whole tournament, but we were averaging several runs more than that until we scored only 3 in the last one!)

2006 Season Statistics (alphabetically; all players):

Donny Aguiar -- 23 for 47; .489 BA; 72 points (3 tournaments)
Vern Amaro -- 18 for 48; .375 BA; 52 points (4 tournaments)
Rich Avery -- 9 for 19; .474 BA; 24 points (2 tournaments)
Wes Avery -- 31 for 52; .596 BA; 120 points (4 tournaments)
Tony DeLanda -- 5 for 15; .333 BA; 22 points (1 tournament)
Frank Fletcher -- 24 for 51; .471 BA; 123 points (4 tournaments)
Lee Garcia -- 11 for 31; .355 BA; 40 points (3 tournaments)
Richard Hart -- 10 for 23; .435 BA; 37 points (2 tournaments)
Gene Hitt -- 12 for 35; .343 BA; 39 points (3 tournaments)
Paul Lawrence -- 26 for 57; .456 BA; 130 points (4 tournaments)
Mike Lujan -- 18 for 45; .400 BA; 76 points (4 tournaments)
Randy Pilgrim -- 9 for 26; .346 BA; 37 points (2 tournaments)
Matt Soares -- 10 for 14; .714 BA; 32 points (1 tournament)
Devin Stafford -- 5 for 15; .333 BA; 23 points (1 tournament)
Steve Stafford -- 8 for 26; .308 BA; 51 points (2 tournaments)
Art Tabacco -- 9 for 11; .818 BA; 44 points (1 tournament)
Manny Vasquez -- 5 for 16; .313 BA; 5 points (1 tournament)
Nelson Vieira -- 5 for 12; .417 BA; 18 points (1 tournament)

Game 1 Highlights: Won 13-7 against "Ballistic". This is always a key game, usually setting the tone for the day. Players of note were Paul Lawrence, who went 3 for 4, with 2 singles, 1 HR, 2 RBIs, 5 runs, .750 BA, 20 points; and Frank Fletcher, who went 3 for 4, with 2 singles, 1 double, 2 RBIs, 3 runs, .750 BA, 14 points.

Game 2 Highlights: Won 16-0 (run rule) against "Foul Play". This game was a bit of a snoozer, though we kept our focus sharp, which is difficult to do when the other team is a level or two below in ability. Players of note were Paul Lawrence, who went 2 for 4, with 2 singles, 1 RBI, 4 runs, .500 BA, 12 points; Mike Lujan, who went 2 for 2, with 1 walk, 2 singles, 3 runs, 1.000 BA, 9 points; Wes Avery, who went 1 for 3, with 1 triple, 2 RBIs, .333 BA, 9 points; and Donny Aguiar, who went 3 for 3, with 3 singles, 1 RBI, 1 run, 1.000 BA, 7 points.

Game 3 Highlights: Lost 6-11 against "Good Fellows". Much more competitive than the previous one. Started strong enough, but let it get away near the end. Even so, we made the playoffs -- our first goal. Players of note were Wes Avery, who went 3 for 3, with 2 singles, 1 double, 3 RBIs, 1.000 BA, 10 points; Frank Fletcher, who went 1 for 3, with 1 double, 2 RBIs, 1 run, .333 BA, 8 points; and Paul Lawrence, who went 2 for 4, with 1 single, 1 double, 2 runs, .500 BA, 7 points.      

Game 4 Highlights (playoff game): Won 16-7 against "Buzzin". This game spoke volumes about our attitude for the day. Our opponent run-ruled Total Kaos in their previous game and is usually a very offensive team. But it was our turn to be offensive in this game -- our best effort, with tons of energy displayed and defense to boot. Players of note were Randy Pilgrim, who went 1 for 3, with 1 walk, 1 double, 1 RBI, 5 runs, .333 BA, 15 points; Donny Aguiar, who went 3 for 4, with 3 singles, 4 RBIs, 1 run, .750 BA, 13 points; Wes Avery, who went 4 for 4, with 4 singles, 4 RBIs, 3 bonus points [4/4], 12 points; and Vern Amaro, who went 3 for 4, with 3 singles, 1 RBI, .750 BA, 5 points. First championship game of the year, boys -- great job!

Game 5 Highlights (championship game): Lost 3-16 against "Total Kaos". For some reason, our bats went silent during this game. Because Total Kaos started the first inning with a barrage of huge hits, our suspicions were instantly raised -- we've heard rumors is all I'll say. "Lightweight Metal" instead of "Heavy Metal" showed up again.   Only nine hits total, eight being singles -- only one extra-base hit, a double. These stats, as I've said before, just won't get it done. Possibly, we were showing a bit of our age (I turned 47 this day, my birthday!) -- the other team was filled with a few more younger players. Oh, well, I personally enjoyed the day overall, as did the rest of our team. Player of note was Tony DeLanda, who went 1 for 2, with 1 triple, 1 RBI, 1 run, .500 BA, 7 points.               

Comments: Overall, I was very pleased with Heavy Metal's performance, especially our ability to score in bunches through three of the first four games. Consistent scoring every inning will continue to be the emphasis, as always, in future tournaments, as well as developing speed in the outfield and making the plays needed in the infield. But more important than all of these is the gauge, or measuring stick, of our attitude, composure, growth, and individual patience with me, your manager. All I can say is for everyone to work diligently to keep a consistent positive attitude flowing throughout our endeavors together, as we demonstrated admirably during this tournament. What I am very sure of is that I continue to love to play softball -- or most any sport, for that matter. At my age now, it still is as strong as ever and even more important to me. And what better way to do it than playing with friends. Say, does anyone want to play some more? Looking at the nice spring day that is going on outside my study window, I'm willing to guess that all of you are shouting "yes" to yourselves as you finish reading this....
Close Losses Spell Quick Exit From Points Race....

First, I want to thank all of the players who represented Heavy Metal Softball this weekend for their effort, help, and cooperation in making our first CCASA Rec. Series tournament of the year a somewhat successful effort -- in the sense that we finally got to play one! Here are some final tournament statistics for those who actually visit our website and are truly interested in such things. Unlike in the past, when I published an extensive summary of each tournament regardless of the outcome, I will only do so from now on if we achieve playoff status or have a winning record, with just a bare-bones tournament rundown for those events of little distinction. So, without further adieu, I present some facts from this particular contest:

CCASA Rec. Series #1 Tournament Summary --

Tournament Record: 1-2 (no accolades!)
                               1st game: Lost 7-17 vs. Bleacher Bums
                               2nd game: Won 13-11 vs. Scorpions
                               3rd game: Lost 11-12 vs. It's All Good

Team Statistics (alphabetically):

Donny Aguiar -- 5 for 13; .385 BA; 17 points.
Vern Amaro -- 4 for 10; .400 BA; 7 points.
Wes Avery -- 7 for 10; .700 BA; 22 points.
Frank Fletcher -- 4 for 10; .400 BA; 25 points.
Lee Garcia -- 3 for 8; .375 BA; 5 points.
Gene Hitt -- 1 for 10; .100 BA; 7 points.
Paul Lawrence -- 5 for 12; .417 BA; 20 points.
Mike Lujan -- 7 for 11; .636 BA; 25 points.
Randy Pilgrim -- 5 for 11; .455 BA; 11 points.
Steve Stafford -- 3 for 11; .273 BA; 13 points.

Team Batting Average: .415 (44 for 106; we averaged 10.3 runs/game for the whole tournament. We need to improve our team batting average, as this current one won't win tournaments....)

Tournament MVP: Mike Lujan (25 points; .636 BA -- tiebreaker used)

Manager's Award: Frank Fletcher (25 points; .400 BA) and Wes Avery (22 points; .700 BA)

2006 Season Statistics (alphabetically; all players):

Donny Aguiar -- 12 for 30; .400 BA; 35 points (2 tournaments)
Vern Amaro -- 13 for 33; .394 BA; 41 points (3 tournaments)
Rich Avery -- 4 for 7; .571 BA; 8 points (1 tournament)
Wes Avery -- 20 for 36; .556 BA; 79 points (3 tournaments)
Frank Fletcher -- 17 for 35; .486 BA; 87 points (3 tournaments)
Lee Garcia -- 11 for 31; .355 BA; 40 points (3 tournaments)
Richard Hart -- 10 for 23; .435 BA; 37 points (2 tournaments)
Gene Hitt -- 3 for 19; .158 BA; 18 points (2 tournaments)
Paul Lawrence -- 16 for 37; .432 BA; 80 points (3 tournaments)
Mike Lujan -- 14 for 30; .467 BA; 51 points (3 tournaments)
Randy Pilgrim -- 5 for 11; .455 BA; 11 points (1 tournament)
Matt Soares -- 10 for 14; .714 BA; 32 points (1 tournament)
Devin Stafford -- 5 for 15; .333 BA; 23 points (1 tournament)
Steve Stafford -- 8 for 26; .308 BA; 51 points (2 tournaments)
Art Tabacco -- 9 for 11; .818 BA; 44 points (1 tournament)
Nelson Vieira -- 5 for 12; .417 BA; 18 points (1 tournament)

And that's all, folks!!!
Needed Playing Time Finally Comes About On Dry Day....

First, I want to thank all of the players who represented Heavy Metal Softball this weekend for their effort, help, and cooperation in making our second tournament of the year a somewhat successful one, in the sense that we needed it very badly. Here are the final tournament statistics for those who are interested, a short summary of each game's highlights, and an invitation to all Heavy Metal Softball enthusiasts to play some more tournaments this year, in addition to the CCASA Rec. Series....

Setters Easter Classic XI Tournament Summary --

Tournament Record: 1-2 (no accolades this time!)

Team Statistics (alphabetically):

Vern Amaro -- 5 for 10; .500 BA; 9 points.
Rich Avery -- 4 for 7; .571 BA; 8 points.
Wes Avery -- 6 for 11; .545 BA; 29 points.
Frank Fletcher -- 7 for 12; .583 BA; 27 points.
Lee Garcia -- 2 for 10; .200 BA; 11 points.
Richard Hart -- 2 for 9; .222 BA; 6 points.
Gene Hitt -- 2 for 9; .222 BA; 11 points.
Paul Lawrence -- 6 for 10; .600 BA; 26 points.
Mike Lujan -- 6 for 13; .462 BA; 16 points.
Art Tabacco -- 9 for 11; .818 BA; 44 points.
Nelson Vieira -- 5 for 12; .417 BA; 18 points.

Season Statistics (alphabetically):

Donny Aguiar -- 7 for 17; .412 BA; 18 points (1 tournament)
Vern Amaro -- 9 for 13; .391 BA; 34 points (2 tournaments)
Rich Avery -- 4 for 7; .571 BA; 8 points (1 tournament)
Wes Avery -- 13 for 26; .500 BA; 57 points (2 tournaments)
Frank Fletcher -- 13 for 25; .520 BA; 62 points (2 tournaments)
Lee Garcia -- 8 for 23; .348 BA; 35 points (2 tournaments)
Richard Hart -- 10 for 23; .435 BA; 37 points (2 tournaments)
Gene Hitt -- 2 for 9; .222 BA; 11 points (1 tournament)
Paul Lawrence -- 11 for 25; .440 BA; 60 points (2 tournaments)
Mike Lujan -- 7 for 19; .368 BA; 26 points (2 tournaments)
Matt Soares -- 10 for 14; .714 BA; 32 points (1 tournament)
Devin Stafford -- 5 for 15; .333 BA; 23 points (1 tournament)
Steve Stafford -- 5 for 15; .333 BA; 38 points (1 tournament)
Art Tabacco -- 9 for 11; .818 BA; 44 points (1 tournament)
Nelson Vieira -- 5 for 12; .417 BA; 18 points (1 tournament)

Tournament MVP: Art Tabacco (44 points)

Manager's Award: Paul Lawrence (6 for 10; 5 singles; 1 triple; 3 RBIs; 6 runs; .600 BA; 26 points. Because we use offensive points only as the criteria for tournament MVP, some players whose style is to contribute in other ways sometime get lost in the shuffle. But if we could cast a ballot for the player who contributed the most of himself this tournament, then your balance of speed, solid defense, willingness to run for others, and great team attitude, Paul, would have received my vote. Oh -- one more time -- great effort in catching that long drive in the first game! Keep up the good work in tournaments to come!)

Tournament Team Batting Average: .482 (55 for 114; we averaged 10.6 runs/game for the whole tournament, but we averaged 6.5 runs/game in the first and third games -- this won't get it done in future tournaments!)

Game 1 Highlights: Lost 7-14 against "2nd 2 None". This is always a key game, as I've said many times before. In my opinion, we hit just like a team that hasn't had a lot of at-bats this year. Our opponent was a decent team, but we just came out flat both offensively and defensively, especially the latter. Fortunately, everyone remained philosophical about the outcome -- patience needs to always be a virtue on any team. Plus...we're older than dirt compared to some of the other teams we play -- we can't turn back time, just play a little wiser. Players of note were Art Tabacco, who went 2 for 3, with 1 sacrifice, 1 single, 1 HR, 5 RBIs, 1 run, .667 BA, 17 points; Wes Avery, who went 4 for 4, with 3 singles, 1 double, 1 RBI, 1 run, 3 bonus pts. [4/4], 1.000 BA, 12 points; and Frank Fletcher, who went 2 for 4, with 1 single, 1 double, 1 RBI, 2 runs, .500 BA, 9 points.

Game 2 Highlights: Won 19-18 against "Still Tippin". This game defined what we should be doing every tournament game -- learn to come from behind, get multiple hits from almost everyone involved, play respectable infield/outfield defense, keep our collective feet on the ground until the last out, stay hungry and together, and end it with little or no casualties (besides me, who needs to look up a right arm on eBay!). We came together well as a team during this game. Players of note were Paul Lawrence, who went 3 for 3, with 1 sacrifice, 2 singles, 1 triple, 2 RBIs, 3 runs, 1.000 BA, 15 points; Nelson Vieira, who went 2 for 4, with 1 single, 1 triple, 2 RBIs, 3 runs, .500 BA, 14 points; Frank Fletcher, who went 2 for 4, with 1 single, 1 double, 2 RBIs, 3 runs, .500 BA, 13 points; Wes Avery, who went 2 for 4, with 1 single, 1 HR, 2 RBIs, 1 run, .500 BA, 11 points; and Lee Garcia, who went 2 for 4, with 1 single, 1 double, 3 RBIs, 1 run, .500 BA, 11 points.

Game 3 Highlights: Lost 6-10 against "Team Krunk". For some reason, our bats went silent this game. We hit early, staying ahead through most of the game, but -- like I've witnessed before -- we were more like "Lightweight Metal" than "Heavy Metal".   Only 15 hits total -- with just three extra-base hits. Possibly, we were getting a little lethargic after a day of warm temperature finally and a lot of energy expended during the previous games -- who knows. Our opponents hit okay, but like our first game loss, I thought we should have taken this game easily. We need to live up to our menacing-sounding name each and every contest. Too many shoulda, woulda, couldas being heard in the dugout -- everyone just play to the height of your capability at ALL times! Oh, well...I thought we played decently for what really amounted to a glorified practice, being that not all of us play together each and every tournament. Basically, I didn't want our regular Rec. Series players to go into next week's inaugural tournament without some sort of live-action playing. Players of note were Art Tabacco, who went 4 for 4, with 2 singles, 1 double, 1 HR, 2 RBIs, 2 runs, 3 bonus pts. [4/4], 1.000 BA, 19 points (great tournament, buddy!); Paul Lawrence, who went 1 for 3, with 1 single, 1 RBI, 2 runs, .333 BA, 7 points; Wes Avery, who went 1 for 3, with 1 double, 1 RBI, 1 run, .333 BA, 6 points; and Frank Fletcher, who went 3 for 4, with 3 singles, 1 run, .750 BA, 5 points.         

Comments: Overall, I was mostly pleased with our performance, especially our ability to score like we're capable of, as evidenced in the second game. Consistent scoring every inning -- once again -- will continue to be the emphasis in every tournament we play in the future, as well as developing more speed in the outfield and making the plays needed in the infield. In other words, consistency. But more important than all of these is the gauge, or measuring stick, of our attitude, composure, growth, and individual patience with each other. All I can say is for everyone to work diligently to keep a consistent positive attitude flowing throughout our endeavors together, as we demonstrated pretty well during this tournament. It's pretty obvious we can't win them all, but I'd like to win a few this season. And please don't be surprised if my tinkering with the batting order and defensive positions produces a more desired outcome...after all, we haven't yet put our complete team together so far this year. I believe that when we do, the results will be rather good....
Cold And Rain Can't Stop Team From Making Playoffs....

First, I want to thank all of the players who represented Heavy Metal Softball for their effort, help, and cooperation in making our first tournament of the year a rather successful one. One man, as we all well know, does not make a team. But a team -- a "real" team -- does make each participant a man, figuratively-speaking, for all practical purposes. We had some real men on the field this weekend! Here are the final tournament statistics for those who are interested, a short summary of each game's highlights, and an invitation to all Heavy Metal Softball enthusiasts to play some more tournaments this year, in addition to the CCASA Rec. Series....

ASA Umpires Softball Tournament Summary --

Tournament Record: 2-2 (fifth consecutive time making playoffs)

Team Statistics (alphabetically):

Donny Aguiar -- 7 for 17; .412 BA; 18 points.
Vern Amaro -- 4 for 13; .308 BA; 25 points.
Wes Avery -- 7 for 15; .467 BA; 28 points.
Frank Fletcher -- 6 for 13; .462 BA; 35 points.
Lee Garcia -- 6 for 13; .462 BA; 24 points.
Richard Hart -- 8 for 14; .571 BA; 31 points.
Paul Lawrence -- 5 for 15; .333 BA; 34 points.
Mike Lujan -- 1 for 6; .167 BA; 10 points.
Matt Soares -- 10 for 14; .714 BA; 32 points.
Devin Stafford -- 5 for 15; .333 BA; 23 points.
Steve Stafford -- 5 for 15; .333 BA; 38 points.

Tournament MVP: Steve Stafford (38 points)

Manager's Award: Matt Soares (10 for 14; 10 singles; 9 RBIs; 2 runs; .714 BA; 32 points. Because we use offensive points only as the criteria for tournament MVP, I will continually honor our agreed-upon selection process. But if we could cast a ballot for the player who contributed the most of himself this tournament, then your balance of steady offense and great team attitude, Matt, would have received my vote. Several pinch-runners got your run-points on the stat sheet, but that's how our team rules go. Keep up the good work in tournaments to come!)

Tournament Team Batting Average: .430 (65 for 151; we averaged 13.53 runs/game for the whole tournament, but we were averaging 17 runs/game until we scored only 3 in the last one! )

Game 1 Highlights: Lost 15-17 against "Sudden Impact". This is always a key game and actually, in my opinion, turned out to be a great motivator for the next game, even in the miserable rain and cold. This was a good-hitting, good-defensive opponent. We learned that we need to smack the ball regularly and often or risk getting smacked back in return. Judging by the close score of our second game, I liked the way we returned fire in this close loss. Players of note were Wes Avery, who went 3 for 4, with 2 singles, 1 double, 3 RBIs, 1 run, .750 BA, 12 points; Matt Soares, who went 3 for 4, with 3 singles, 2 RBIs, 2 runs, .750 BA, 11 points; and Richard Hart, who went 2 for 4, with 1 single, 1 HR, 2 RBIs, 1 run, .500 BA, 11 points.

Game 2 Highlights: Won 21-20 against "It's All Good". This game defined our attitude for much of the day -- get multiple hits from almost everyone involved, play respectable infield/outfield defense, keep our collective feet on the backs of our opponents until the last out, stay hungry and together, and end it with little or no casualties (besides Mike, who bravely came out already ill, but had to go home). We came together well as a team during this game. Players of note were Richard Hart, who went 4 for 4, with 2 singles, 2 doubles, 3 RBIs, 2 runs, 3 bonus pts. (4/4); 1.000 BA, 18 points; Paul Lawrence, who went 2 for 4, with 2 singles, 1 RBI, 6 runs, .500 BA, 16 points; Devin Stafford, who went 4 for 4, with 2 singles, 2 doubles, 3 RBIs, 3 bonus pts. (4/4), 1.000 BA, 15 points; and Lee Garcia, who went 2 for 4, with 1 single, 1 double, 3 RBIs, 1 run, .500 BA, 11 points.

Game 3 Highlights: Won 15-12 against "Mud Ducks". Very similar game to the previous one. Thus, we made the four-team playoffs. The team showed a variety of hits in this game, with more extra-base hits, especially Frank Fletcher's towering home run that almost went over the trees in centerfield! Players of note were Steve Stafford, who went 2 for 5, with 1 double, 1 triple, 4 RBIs, 4 runs, .400 BA, 21 points; Frank Fletcher, who went 3 for 4, with 1 walk; 2 singles, 1 HR, 3 RBIs, 2 runs, .500 BA, 17 points; and Matt Soares, who went 3 for 5, with 3 singles, 3 RBIs, .600 BA, 9 points.      

Game 4 Highlights (playoff game): Lost 18-3 (run-rule) against "Ballers". For some reason, our bats went silent after the first inning of this game. We hit early, but we were more like "Lightweight Metal" than "Heavy Metal".   Only eight singles total -- not even one extra-base hit. Possibly, we were getting a little lethargic after a day of up-and-down temperatures and a lot of energy expended during the previous games -- who knows. Our opponents hit very well, going for both the big hits and small hits -- with lots of zing! -- which kept us back on our heels defensively throughout the game. We didn't live up to our raucus name during this contest, though it wasn't really contested at all. Oh, well...I thought we played pretty well for our first tournament action, and considering the quality of our opponent (this team wins LOTS of tournaments!), we shouldn't hang our heads in shame for too long. Players of note were Wes Avery, who went 2 for 3, with 2 singles, 1 RBI, .667 BA, 4 points; and Matt Soares, who went 1 for 1, with 1 sacrifice; 1 single, 1 RBI, 1.000 BA, 3 points. Thanks to both of you for making the best of your opportunities in this important game. Just one win away from the championship...let's taste it next time!         

Comments: Overall, I was mostly pleased with Heavy Metal's performance, especially our ability to score in bunches through the first three games. Consistent scoring every inning will continue to be the emphasis, as always, in future tournaments, as well as developing speed in the outfield and making the plays needed in the infield. But more important than all of these is the gauge, or measuring stick, of our attitude, composure, growth, and individual patience with me, your manager. All I can say is for everyone to work diligently to keep a consistent positive attitude flowing throughout our endeavors together, as we demonstrated admirably during this tournament. What I am very sure of is that I continue to love to play softball -- or most any sport, for that matter. At my age now, it still is as strong as ever and even more important to me. And what better way to do it than playing with friends. Say, does anyone want to play some more? Looking at the nice spring day that is going on outside my study window, I'm willing to guess that all of you are shouting "yes" to yourselves as you finish reading this....
Official Presentation To Come In The Near Future!!!

During our first team practice/meeting to start off the 2006 softball campaign, Art Tabacco was presented with the coveted Heavy Metal Softball "Circle of Honor" MVP plaque, marking the first time he has earned this award since joining our team in 2003. Because our team photographer, Jerry Amaro, wasn't present at the initial handing out of the award, an official presentation -- with picture -- will take place after one of our upcoming Wednesday "B" Division games. MVP! MVP! MVP! -- you deserve it, big guy!