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Posted by Terry Stump at Jun 18, 2007 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Tryouts will be set up in two distinct sessions:
Mon & Tue A.M. – Fitness sessions, as we will be measuring each player versus the expectations for the 2 mile run , the 1 mile run, and ball pushups &  sit-ups.  We will also be working some Technical sessions, as we will be measuring each player versus the juggling expectations as well as numerous passing, dribbling, shooting and ball skill drills. 
Mon & Tue P.M. – Tactical sessions, as we will be measuring each player versus each other in small sided games and full field scrimmages. 

You should be able to achieve the following TRYOUT expectations to be considered for team selection:
                                                                              Field Players                     Goal Keepers

- TWO MILE RUN ON THE HS TRACK                          (13:36)                               (14:16)
- ONE MILE RUN ON THE HS TRACK                           ( 5:56 )                               ( 6:16 )
-                                                                                Perform 80 ball situps in 120 seconds
-                                                                                Perform 60 ball pushups in 120 seconds
- JUGGLES FEET ONLY                                                80                                         50                            
- CONSECUTIVE JUGGLES (ALL AREAS)                    140                            Goalie Hand Juggles        

Those players who are unable to achieve the tryout expectations hinder their chances for team selection, but do NOT necessarily eliminate themselves from the selection process.  If selected, they will receive behavioral modification training (BMTs) to accelerate the learning curve in the afternoon. They will be unable to play at the VARSITY level for 2 weeks if they have not made the expectations prior to first cuts.

The first player cuts will be made on Tuesday after the evening practice.

Final cuts and team selection will be made on Friday after practice.


Team Selection and Player Role: 
Team selection and playing time are determined by assessing the combination of individual talent, commitment, attitude and the needs of the team at a given time.  Players will be assigned to the team that best enables that player to successfully compete and to improve.

The varsity team will consist of 15-18 members who have shown the highest combination of talent, attitude and willingness to excel.  A roster of 16-21 players will be selected to compete at the JV level.  A player CAN be moved up to the varsity at any time during the season if the team need and player's level of play justifies such a move.  This movement could also justify a player being moved from the Varsity to the JV level at any time of the season.

If a player has concerns about his role on the team, he should speak with a member of the coaching staff to gain clarity.

These decisions and discussions are never easy, but the coaching staff will always do what they believe best benefits the team and then the player.  They will make sure that the player has total understanding of the situation.  Consequently, any conversations with parents after August 16th , DURING THE SEASON,  will exclude the following items:
- their son's team placement or amount of playing time

- the position on the field that their son is playing

- any comparison of their son and other players on the team

The coaching staff does not allow grade, age or past participation to impact the selection process. Favoritism is not an excuse that can be used, as each player has the ability to be a favorite of the coaching staff by simply giving  THEIR BEST....FIRST TIME, EVERY TIME.  


As each player works towards giving his best first time, every time; a reminder is provided that effort alone does not guarantee any playing time.   Teamwork, talent, the ability to compete and attitude, along with effort, are all components for team selection and playing time.

Please remember:    You are a STUDENT-ATHLETE at Miamisburg High School.   Academic integrity is a must.  You have to apply yourself every day in the classroom.  We should have a strong reputation for academic excellence.  If you ever need help academically, speak with the coaching staff or your school counselor to gain assistance.

You are part of a TEAM.  You are responsible for your own actions, but also must have a commitment to each other. The friendships and memories that each player develops will carry on for many years to come.  Make them great ones, built on respect, trust and striving towards excellence while helping your teammates along the way.

You are to give YOUR BEST....FIRST TIME, EVERY TIME:  I know you have seen this over and over, but the best way to give yourself an opportunity to shine is by going all out.  I guarantee that you will reap what you sow.
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Posted by Terry Stump at Jun 18, 2007 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

As a parent/guardian of a high school soccer player, you must realize that you send powerful messages to our student athletes and those messages should be consistent with the coaching staff.  You can help us improve the culture of Miamisburg soccer and cultivate a lifelong appreciation with your son for the core values and the positive character traits learned while being a student-athlete. 

You can support your son before, during and after each soccer experience: 

Before Competition
-         Talk to him about his goals, team role and how he can be successful
-         Make sure that your son knows how much you appreciate his effort
-         Assist him in being on time with the proper uniform and equipment 

During Competition
-         Model poise, optimism and positive behavior
-         Acknowledge good play regardless of the player or team
-         Be supportive and encouraging from the sidelines without coaching
-         PLEASE DO NOT vocally challenge the decisions made by the referee 

After Competition
-         Be a constant confidence builder, let him know he can accomplish his goals with hard work and persistence
-         Let your son know how proud you are of him for competing
-         Use this TEAMBOOK  to support your son and the coaching staff  

If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions, please approach any of the coaching staff to set-up a time to talk with us.  We are looking to improve your son and to support your family.  Our dialogue will always be confidential.  

Important Contact Information: 

Team Website: 

Coach Campbell:  (Cell)     937-902-9414
                             (Work)   937-610-5913            

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Posted by Jeffrey Thompson at Jun 12, 2007 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Hey gang:

I hope that each of you have had a great start to your summer break.  Enjoy your vacation time.  Remember that everything this summer is OPTIONAL and you should only attend if you want to attend.

I will be checking grade cards in the next week to make sure that everyone is eligible for the fall.  If anyone was to have an issue, I will contact you.

Our open fields have been attended fairly well with all the tryouts, tournaments and club activity that has been going on in the area.  Just so that you know, I have invited numerous alumni to join us so that they can help push each of you towards greater improvement. 

I believe in "rock sharpening rock" and for us to play against better/bigger players will only prepare us for the fall season.  If we can learn from our alumni, we will improve.

Lastly, next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday are contact days at the field and I would hope that everyone would want to attend.  No better way to see what the season holds then to have some practice runs during the summer.

Be safe and smart in ALL YOUR CHOICES this summer!!!!

For Soccer,
Coach Ric
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Posted by Jeffrey Thompson at May 30, 2007 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Dear Soccer Players (and family):

I must start this note with a continued apology, as I have been extremely busy at work and with end of year school stuff, I have NOT been able to schedule our pre-season meetings.   The last six weeks have just flown by and with soccer tournaments, finals and club tryouts so will the next two.

I said all that to say this.....
I will do my best to get our meetings done as soon as possible.....sorry for the delay.

VERY must do great this last week of school.  Take notes, study hard, prepare wisely and ace your finals.  We need for every one of you to be eligible this fall.  Work so that you have NO F's on your report card.  No F's and you will be eligible.

Congratulations to all those who participated in our off-season weight lifting program.  We averaged a little over 80% attendance with about 19 guys showing up each session....not too shabby for 17 weeks of hard work.  I want to recognize those young men who were above average in their attendance.....thank you to David Schmolinsky, Brian Twarek, Joel Throckmorton, Brian Lakes, Cameron Randolph, Daniel Hurt, Nick Schwartz, and Kevyn Bange.  I also want to congratulate and recognize the four players who had perfect attendance.....thank you to
Brian Van Arsdale, Nathan Wright, Wil Downing and Drew O'Donnel.

Everyone worked very hard and you will reap what you have sown.  Optional open fields start this coming Sunday....check the calendar to see the time. I hope to see you there.

For Soccer,
Coach Ric
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Posted by Jeffrey Thompson at May 22, 2007 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )


I cannot stress enough the importance of doing your very best the remaining 3 weeks of school.  Your SOCCER ELIGIBILITY is solely determined by your last quarter grades.  No semester average, no summer school, no passing the class for the thing and one thing only determines your eligibility.....YOUR FOURTH QUARTER GRADES.

The best way to know that you are eligible is to make sure you have NO F's on your card for the fourth quarter.  If you have concerns, please go and speak with your teachers to do all you can to get your grades up.  Eligibility is a black and white line, no leeway, no talking your way out of are either eligible or not.

I know that most of you are very busy playing ball with your spring team and I hope you are having fun.  Soccer is a great game and you should enjoy playing it.  At the same time, it is important that you love getting better.  You need to be working on improving your ball skills, dribbling and moves.  You should be performing the "Ball Routine" that was provided to you in February at least a couple times a week.  You will only improve if you practice your weaknesses.  It may not ALWAYS be fun working on your weaknesses, but it will make you better.

Also a quick reminder that most Soccer Clubs will be holding their tryouts for next spring the first two weeks of June.  I believe spring soccer is a great way to keep your touches up during the offseason.  If you have any club team questions, feel free to call me.

Lastly, we have just 2 morning lifting sessions left and then open fields will begin.  Remember, attendance is OPTIONAL.  We provide these sessions to give you a chance to get better. 

Congratulations to those of you who have been faithful to our weightlifting program!!!  You are getting bigger, stronger and faster

For Soccer,
Coach Ric
