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Dan Yokum, Class of 1987

Posted by Louis Myers at Aug 24, 2008 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
Dan played four years as a fullback for Miamisburg before moving on to Miami University for undergraduate work in Finance and Accounting and then on to Ohio State for a MBA. Beating West Carrolton on their field his senior year is his fondest high school soccer memory.
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Mark Goodman, Class of 1987

Posted by Louis Myers at Aug 24, 2008 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
Mark played as a forward and fullback during his four years as a Viking. He recalls the friends he made while playing and the great fan support during his years on the pitch. He graduated in 1991 from Miami University at Oxford with a degree in Finance and serves as a Director of Sales.
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William (Billy) Shatto, Class of 2000

Posted by Terry Stump at Aug 21, 2008 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Billy played all four years as Fullback for Miamisburg and made Second Teams for both the All-Area Dayton South and All Mid-Miami League from 1997 to 1999. He went on to earn his Bachelors degree in Electronic Engineering Technologies from the University of Dayton in 2005. He still lives in Miamisburg and works as an Application Engineer. The best memories of playing for Miamisburg include friends, fun and bonfires at his parents’ house.

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Week Three - Let the Games Begin.....

Posted by Jeffrey Thompson at Aug 17, 2008 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Dear Soccer Players (and families):

We have gotten through the two-a-days, expectations and hot, steamy weather.....we have survived and are better for it.  Now the fun begins as we get to showcase ourselves on game days.

I want to remind everyone that game time is earned at practice and on the pitch.  The coaching staff will do their best to get players in the game when they can add value and help the team.  Our opponent sometimes dictates the amount of playing time due to their level of play.  We want our players to be able to compete at all times and to help one another.

We have three matches this week and the start of school.  It is vital that each player get plenty of sleep, plenty of liquids and eat right....lots of fruit, vegetables and carbs.  Your body must have the necessary fuel to sustain your efforts.

I want to take a moment to thank all of the parents who have stepped up and assisted on the many committees we have during the season...ticket gate, concessions and sign sponsorship.  Each of these are so very important to our program running smoothly and I do appreciate your assistance.

Lastly, we will always wear blue uniforms during our away games and white at home.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me.

For Soccer,

Coach Ric



Hello Viking Players (and families):

As we begin our second week of practice, ONE THOUGHT is most prominent.....WE ARE NOT IN GAME SHAPE AT ALL.   Thus, we will spend most of our week on conditioning to aid us along this process.

We have improved over past seasons, as we made a combined 70% of the player expectations and had 9 players make all six expectations on the very first try.   We have an additional 10 who made them the first week.  The hope is to get all 37 players there during the next 10 days.

I want to thank once more all of the players and parents who helped with our fundraising efforts so far this year.  We have had great success with UD concessions, Air Show labor, Soccer Camp and Cubs bagging. 

I close by asking that all of you attend the Athletic Director Meeting on Tuesday evening starting at 6:00pm and that you and your son review the teambook together in the next couple days.

For Soccer,

Coach Ric
