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2007-08 Team Averages

Posted by Donald Wilkerson at Feb 14, 2008 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )
(per game averages for the team as of February 14, 2008, after 33 games)



points against


2 pt. field goal %


3 pt. field goal %


free throw %






blocked shots








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Why didn't someone tell me?

Posted by Donald Wilkerson at Feb 14, 2008 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )

(by Don Wilkerson) We are nearing the completion of the seventh season for the website. Most seasons among the main concerns I have about this website is the lack of feedback from the fans/viewers. This season is certainly one of those. Case in point. Late in the evening of February 12, 2008, three days before the last district game of the season, I discovered a problem with the "Schedules and Scores" Page on the website. The scores were not being displayed for completed games. It has been like this for the entire season and since I hardly ever go to that page I had not noticed it. Color me embarassed. Like the incorrect "NEW" tag on the Home Page Title, the problem actually lies with the software provided by the web hosting company and is not something I can fix but I can work around it and I did so when I realized the webpage in question was not doing what it was supposed to do. Scores of past games are now available.

The point of this is either no one goes to this page or no one cared enough to point out the problem to me despite it requiring only one click to send me an email from almost anywhere on the site. Since I do spend an inordinate amount of time obsessing over this website my fear is that it may be a waste of my time if not enough fans find the site useful so I am ever vigilant to that notion.


Perhaps I have done something to blunt the communication between me and the readers enough that no one would point out the discrepancy. If so, that must be corrected right away. I value your opinions.

Another possibility is that no one ever uses the specific page to refer back to previous games and scores. Quite likely I suppose.

Yet another possibility is that not many people are using the website who care enough to point out mistakes and discrepancies. If so, this must be remedied as well. I need feedback and constructive criticism if the site is to continue to strive to improve.

I spend way too much time on this website and Clear Lake basketball. During the season a minimum of 30 to 50 hours every week is devoted to the website. My wife would claim it is closer to 50 than 30. The photos are by far one of the most time consuming aspects but I believe they add a dimension to the site to increase the overall value of the site so I am willing to commit the time required (although I do stay behind in getting the photos onto the website in a timely manner).

Since the words do not come easy for me, another major time consumer is the article I write about each  game. I believe the "quality", if you can call it that,  of the articles this season is at an all time low. Maybe my expectations are just higher, I don't know.  In addition, this season for the first time in five years, I have not written articles for almost every game. I reported in prose mostly the out of town and district games with just a very few other games added.

I will continue to look for ways to cut back on the amount of time required to support the website. I am thinking that maybe a survey would soon be helpful for me to refocus my efforts mainly in the areas where most interest lies. Prior surveys have not proven too useful though. Anyone having any thoughts on this subject (not the surveys) is encouraged to email me.

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Posted by Donald Wilkerson at Feb 13, 2008 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )
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Posted by Donald Wilkerson at Feb 13, 2008 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )
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Jay Williams 2007-08

Posted by Donald Wilkerson at Feb 12, 2008 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )
Name: Jay Williams
Birthday: 2/26/90
Jersey number: 24
Elementary school attended: Clear Lake
Intermediate school attended: Clear Lake
Number of years playing school basketball: 5
Graduating Class of 2008

Favorite subject: English
Fave teacher: Davis
Favorite NBA or college player(s): Tyrus Thomas and Tracy McGrady
Favorite book: Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter
Last book I read for fun: Harry Potter

Favorite food: peanut butter and jelly
Fave dessert: Chocolate cake with chocolate frosting

A food I won't touch food
Favorite movie of all time: Lord of the Rings
My must-see TV show: Lost

Other sports or school activities I participate in: Basketball takes up all my time.
(actually Jay is within days of becoming an EAGLE Scout)
What makes me laugh is....Mark McCollum and Alex Atkins
My family says that I am: a teenager
If I could change one thing about basketball I would .....add a shotclock in Texas.
The best player I have ever played with (or against) is ....I don't know.
Person I would most like to meet (dead or alive): Peyton Manning
What I like most about Clear Lake High School is..the Field House.
I would like to attend college at: Blinn
My plans after high school are: to go to college.
What I would like for people to remember about me: my sense of humor.
