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Soccer players equipment and important info.

Posted by Eddie Hackett at Sep 29, 2009 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

It is important all players attend soccer practice and games well prepared;

Cleats - ALL players of all age groups MUST wear Cleats.

Shinguards - ALL players MUST wear shinguards. Shinguards should be worn under soccer socks (not over or without)

Dress Code/Weather - In inclement weather, it is important to dress players with clothing to keep them warm and dry, yet comfortable. Something light weight and fitting is important for soccer players. Anything to big and baggy gets in the way and can be restrictive. Jeans are NOT appropriate soccer attire as they are very restrictive and uncomfortable to run around and move freely. Athletic trousers are suitable. If hoodies are worn the hud MUST be tucked in for safety reasons.

Uniform -  NSC uniform only needs to be worn for game days. Any comfortable soccer/athletic clothing can be worn for practices.

Ball - A Ball, with air, and in good condition MUST be brought to practice and games, as most soccer warm ups require 1 ball per player to develop good skills, and good habbits for players.

Ball - Size 3 - U6. Size 4 - U8-U12. Size 5 - U13+

Refreshments - Players sweat during practice and games, therefore players MUST drink (water or sports drinks) to replace liquids and continue to play hard throughout practice and games.1-2 drinks is usually adequate.

Bag - To give your young players a sense of responsibility, a bag will allow them to place their equipment in one place without losing it!

Eating/Diet - It is a good idea for players to TRY and eat a light meal no less than 1 hour before practice or games to give food a chance to diggest. A snack (fruit or snack bar) can be eaten 30 minuntes prior.

Vendors - it has been our experience that stores like Models, Sports Authority and Dicks Sporting Goods sell packeages for soccer.  Each package will have shin guards, a soccer ball and cleats. 

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Weather Cancellation

Posted by Arnaldo Adorno at Sep 26, 2009 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )





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Coaches Guide Book 2008

Posted by Arnaldo Adorno at Sep 21, 2009 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Hi everyone,

If you are a new or current coach and want to learn more about how we operate as a club, take a look at our Coaches Guid Book 2008.  It is a great start to answering your questions.

 Have a GREAT SEASON!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Photo Day Events

Posted by Arnaldo Adorno at Sep 21, 2009 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Hi Everyone,

The club will again be offering families the opportunity to have photographs taken of their children in the Fall 2012 Season.  Sportography will be made available on Game Week No. 02. which is September 23, 2012.  A new team photo schedule will be made available in the Fall 2012 Season.

DO NOT WORRY!!!!!!!!!!!  Forms will be available the day of the event. 

The Events on Photo Day

The process is really easy.

1. Review the schedule, provided as an excel file below, and find your team name.

2. The pictures are taken at Stage Coach Elementary School on that patch of land between the M&M Field and the Dare Rd parking lot.

3. Show up about 15 minutes early.

4. Please make sure you locate your team. Team photographs as well as individual photographs will be taken.

5. The teams scheduled photo session is planned before their game time.

 If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at 

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Coaches Reference Site

Posted by Eddie Hackett at Sep 16, 2009 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )


Go ahead and click the title above and it will provide you access to an excellent coaching website.

We have set up a member login for all our NSC coaches to take advantage of this coaching website, which provides drills for all age groups and abilities, exercises/stretching, nutrition, pro-coaching tips and many other coaching tools.

Below is some tips for new coaches from;

The following will help you along as you start preparing your sessions:

* Make it FUN!

* Have a few extra balls available, as well as cones to mark out your area!

* Allow players the opportunities to problem-solve!

* Think how you can maximize the number of touches each player will have in your session!

* Allow players the opportunity to be creative!

* Don’t talk too much –have the grids set up ahead of time –let them play and then explain your exercise within thirty seconds or less!

* The larger the size of the grid the easier it is for the players to have success: the smaller it is the more challenging!

* Be organized, be patient, stay positive, and have a backup plan!  

Much of the information on the site is free to view. For the NSC member login and to view much more, please e-mail the DOC Eddie Hackett at