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Posted by Kevin Feader at Apr 2, 2016 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
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Lingerie Football League Lowdown!

Posted by Kevin Feader at Nov 11, 2012 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )

Saskatoons newest sports team is here and as we always like to support our local athletes, off we headed to see the game. 

The Saskatoon Sirens played the Regina Rage and of course, the ol Regina/Saskatoon rivalry was in full effect.

Arriving at Credit Union Centre we watched the girls warm up and I have to admit, they can definately hustle and make the plays.  Now, they do wear a tad less clothing than thier CFL counterparts but you know what, they make it work!

After paying a measley $15 for our tickets, we noticed that there were plenty of empty seats available right behind the players bench.  Not wanting the girls to think they didn't have lots of fans, we felt obligated to relocate to these premium seats......

Anyone who says women are the weaker sex has never been to one of these games!  They were hitting each other like mac trucks and I even saw a few elbows and knees thrown in the pileups. 

Although the game itself was great, the fans did their part as well when it came to keeping everyone entertained.................

Now this might surprise you but with all the testosterone and beer, a couple of fights broke out in the stands. (shocker, I know!)  The first fight had 2 guys go after 1 guy and the lone skinny fellow pounded on both of his attackers.  I'm not usually a big fight guy but to see those 2 get pummeled like they deserved was kinda sweet.

We were then "treated" to two gentleman would had stripped down to their underwear, hopped the boards and ran out onto the field.  Although the fans were entertained, I don't think the gals were to impressed and the guys are likely lucky it was security that tackled them and not one of the players!

The next fight was across the stadium and I watched some poor sap on the ground get kicked repeatedly by 3 different guys.  Pretty low in my books so I hope security was a little extra rough when kicking these tools out.

As for the end of the game, well the Sirens ended up losing however as a fan, it didn't really matter.  Although there were no equipment "malfunctions", we got more than our moneys worth and we will definately be returning to watch more games next season.

So to summarize, good hard hitting football, very nice uniforms, cheap night of entertainment and I would highly recommend you taking in a game if you haven't already.


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Posted by Kevin Feader at Sep 14, 2011 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

After 11 years of living in sin, 69ers founder Trevais has finally tied the knot!  The wedding took place in Oyama BC and was fantastic.  Congrats you two, it was a long time coming!  

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Coaches Corner - Playoff Analysis!

Posted by Kevin Feader at Aug 15, 2010 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )


Well, playoffs started out great with the 69ers beating the Pineapples handily the first game, but then we got crushed by Balls Deep in the second game leading to a nail biting third game against the Beers which ended up in a tie.

Believe it or not, this lackluster playoff performance actually got us into the C final where we again met up with the Pineapples.

It was a very close game with it all tied up in the 5th, then the Pineapples got 5 in the 6th putting some major pressure on the team.  Pressure however is not a factor for Paulie!  With a few runs scored, Paulie steps up to the plate (did I mention he is potentially our third out?) cracks a ball deep over the left fielders head and brings in a couple of runners to tie up the game. (The cheers from the people watching the game was unbelievable!)  In the 7th we managed to hold them with no runs and Robbie then hit in a couple of runners to win the game.  I know it was only the C Final however, I am confident it was definately the most exciting game of the day!

Playoff Facts I Have Learned.....................

- Tanner plays much better hung over than sober.  Give the boy a beer.

- Ang doesn't miss a ball in outfield

- Megan has a hell of an arm and can throw much farther than some of the guys (I'm in a good mood so I won't mention which guys!)

- Devin plays reallyyyyyy good when mad.  I will make sure to piss him off before each and every game next year!

- Coach should never, ever play infield! 

- Rob continues to pitch like a pro and as a result, has been signed up for another 1 year ball contract for 2011.

- When the gals have to stand up in the porta-potties to pee, yeah, tis time to start using the bushes!

- Anyone missing playoffs when they knew about the date 3 months in advance, should buy all the players beer!

- Cheryl still has a big grunt when hitting the ball and will always be our little "warrior princess!"

- Endangered species or not, that hawk at the ball diamond has got to go!

- Paulie is the official "hero" of the playoffs as it was his big hit that kept us in the game.

Great season guys and gals.  Yeah we could of won more games but then we would of had to cut back on the beer drinking so really, is it worth it!?

 See you all at the windup on the 28th............................................  Coach




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Concert Review - AC/DC

Posted by Kevin Feader at Aug 11, 2009 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

First of all, thanks to the boys at Maxies that let us hop on their bus for the trip down to the concert.  Bus driver Keith was a little intense but he did manage to get everyone there and back so good job. 

Also, special thanks to Nikki for making the 200 jello shooters for the ride down.  Making the shooters must of been exhausting though as she decided to have a little sleep once we pulled into Regina.  Sadly, this sleep lasted 4 hours which caused her to miss the concert altogether.  No worries Nikki, it was just the best concert ever so you didn't miss to much!

Arriving at the stadium, we stood in the mile long line to get in and then had to throw a few elbows to get through the stupidly long beer line up.  Hate to say it but those were some of the tastiest $6.00 beers I've ever had!

Prior to the show starting, we were treated with the Snow Birds making a few passes over the stadium.  The crowd was literally on its feet and the Snow Birds headed off into the distance with 40,000 people cheering like you wouldn't believe.

Finally, ACDC hit the stage and of course opened with the hit Runaway Train.  This was one of the best openings I have ever seen and the show only got better from there.  They played a few of their new songs however the crowd went wild with such classics as TNT, For Those About To Rock and the ever popular Hells Bells.   For a 61 one year old guy Brian can still blast out the tunes and he kept the crowd on its feet for the entire show.  Angus of course did not dissappoint and he ran all over that stage like he was still in his twenties.  I could go on and on but will just summarize with, BEST CONCERT EVER!

The only negative thing about the whole night was that they ran out of beer at the concert by 10:00pm.  Comeon people, 40,000 fans and you don't think that maybe, just maybe you should have extra beer on hand?  Give your heads a shake...................

Anyhow, twas the show of a lifetime and worth every penny.  ACDC, they definately still got it!
