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Semi Pro?....You Betcha!

Posted by Mark Dietz at Mar 15, 2008 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

For 22 consecutive years, the Cincinnati Cobalts have offered top level baseball players a chance to continue playing this nations greatest game while pursuing professional careers and raising families.

Each year, we strive to provide our players an opportunity to experience a higher level of play in tournaments and stadiums that are reserved for only the elite. Past events have been: Boston Red Sox's City of Palms, Minnesota Twin's Miracle Stadium, Grand Forks International in British Columbia, and Dayton Dragon Stadium.

2008 will be no different!

Cobalts will be hosting a July 4th Tournament at the Professional Florence Freedom's Stadium. The "Battle of the Banks II" will showcase the best Semi Pro Teams from Cincinnati, Louisville, and the NABA World Series Champions: Myrtle Beach White Sox....The stadium concessions will be ready to handle the onslaught of fans looking for hot dogs and beer!

Just another GREAT GIG for the 'Balts and their Fans!



New Shiny Gloves from Santa!

New Fancy Lumber from Stiggy!

New Stud Players from Rocky!

New Uniforms from Coach!


New Exotic Workout from Ricardo!


Just Great to Get the Boys Back Together!!!


Another favorite Cobalt Tradition is the annual Winter Meeting held at the local Hooters each year. This year a gagle of Cobalts came together to discuss the coming year's plans for CRC League Play, Tournaments, Rosters, and Rocky's inability to grow a real beard.


After several plates of wings, frosty mugs, and long stares at Amanda, the Cobalts set the direction for what might just be their BEST season in their 22 year history. Let's just say there is BIG doin's in Cobalt Nation this off-season.


So get ready. Coach and the Boys will be back playing with a little edge this year...Can't wait!

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Annonymous Investor Saves Cobalts

Posted by Mark Dietz at Jan 24, 2008 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )

Someone only calling himself "The Banker" has given the current Cobalt Management Team enough of a cash investment to spur the unwanted take-over bid.

In fact, the new investor has determined that the team would improve their tournament success by upgrading the player post-game rewards.

So, in 2008, the Semi-Pro Cobalts will celebrate with chilled Malt Liquor rather than the traditional Natches.

This upgrade is sure to have an impact on the Cobalt's level of play and is sure to arouse questions once again about the amatuer status of Cobalt Players... knowing that such hefty rewards are provided free.

Is it Opening Day yet???


Three former players who call themselves "The Hobbit Consortium" have made a hostile bid to buy-out the Cobalt Baseball Team and all its assets.


These 3 evil little people have been identified in grainy photographs taken at various ATMs around town:

Johnny Mederer: former fastest man on the team. Was shamed by Monster Spriggs and fustrated by Coach's refusal to let him pitch even just to one batter.

Burgess Doan: just bored with his life and wanted to start trouble with his extra cash. Former Situational Hitter. Not a pretty man when in uniform.

Shane Schirmer: an inside plant from the now defunct George's Falcons. Said to be insanely jealous of El Vic-a-tor's vast Cobalt wardrobe.


Not sure what this Hostile Take-Over could mean to the current roster members. But one player, who asked to remain annonymous, was heard saying: "Hey Man. I got no trouble wit dis. As long as I can drink. Shi% Man"

