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äàéîåï äùðé, á- 05.02.03 äìê èåá - äúçìðå òí îâøù øé÷ ìçåìèéï, àáì ëðøàä äëãåøâìðéí, åäôøéæáéðé÷éí ùîòå ùäâòðå, åäí øöå ìöôåú áàéîåï äîãäéí òùéðå éåúø ôòéìåú, ëåìì ñáá ùì àéîåðé ëãåøé ÷ø÷ò, áðèéí - ð÷éèåú - åçáèåú. ñééîðå òí àéîåðé çáèåú òí äâùåú àîéúéåú îùîåàì, â'øîé, åçãùðé÷, ñèéá ÷øåððâåìã. ðåëçéí: åúé÷éí: ,ùîåàì âåìãùèééï,éäåðúï ãéí,ãðé àôùèééï,â'øîé ùé,éðéá â'åäøé åçãùéí: àìé ôâï,çéìé÷ áñø,éäåãä ÷øåððâåìã,ñèéá ÷øåððâåìã àéîåï ùìéùé áøùì"ö. äñôåøè-ëéó ìéã äçé -ëó ùì øàùåï. éåí øáéòé, 8 áòøá, 19 áôáøåàø, 2003 àí éù çùù ùì îîù ùì âùí, ðåãéò òì ãçééú äàéîåï - ðåãéò òã ùòä 16:00 áâìì äâùí, äàéîåï ùì 12.02 ìà éú÷ééí

----------------------------------------------------- Our second Dawg training on Feb 5, started to really warm us up. We arrived to an empty field, but the soccer players and frisbee players soon heard that we were there, and everyone wanted to watch our fantastic practice. This time, we lasted more than two hours, until 10:20 PM, later than usual. We did an intense rotation of ground balls, fly balls, bunting and fielding practice, and finished with a scrimmage/batting practice featuring pitching from Shmuel, Jeremy, and newcomer Steve Kronengold. Attendance report:

Veterans: Shmuel Goldstein, Jon Dym, Jeremy Shai, Danny Epstein, Yaniv Gohary Newcomers: Eli Fagan, Yehudah Kronengold, Steve Kronengold, Hilik Besser

Next practice: Wednesday, February 19, At the Sport-Kef in Rishon LeTzion, 8 PM. If there is rain, we will inform people by 4 PM, and postpone the practice to the 20th. Note that the practice for the 12th will not take place, because of the rain, Baruch Hashem. -----------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------- áèåøðéø ùì ìéâú äðåòø äàøöéú áçðåëä, ÷áåöú øçåáåú ì÷çä àú äâáéò. ùéí ìá áúîåðä ëîä ãåâæ éù á÷áåöä: ùåøä úçúåðä, îéîéï ìùîàì: â'øîé ùé, áéìé æôøðé, éðéá â'åäøé, ãåã ùé,àìáøè ñø÷åáéõ, åàäøåï ÷åøõ. ùåøä òìéåðä îéîéï ìùîàì: ñâéà îåø,øôàì àäøåðåáéõ, æàá øåèîï, îéëàì îåøåðåá, éåðé ñåãéú, éåàá àìéäå, åîàîï ä÷áåöä: éò÷á ÷åøõ ------------------------------------------------------------- The Rehovot youth all-stars took the cup in the National Youth Softball Tournament held during Hannukah, 2002. There are a few Dawgs on this team, noted with an (*). Pictured, front row, left to right: Aharon Kurtz (*), Albert Sarkovitch (*), David Shai, Yaniv Gohary (*), Billy Zaphrani, and Jeremy Shai (*). Top row, left to right: Coach Jack Kurtz, Yoav Eliahu, Yoni Sodit, Michael Moronov, Zeev Rotman, Raphael Aharonovich, and Sagi Mor. -------------------------------------------------------------image
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Do you want to play ball in the league ?

Posted by Shmuel Goldstein at Jan 25, 2003 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )
Israel Softball and Israel Baseball are alive and kicking !!! Play in the league. Drop us a line at:, or tel: 0505-726-749 and we'll get in contact with you. We are especially looking for skilled catchers, and shortstops, who can hit. ------------------------------------------------------- éù áééñáåì éùøàì, éù ñåôèáåì éùøàì. ùç÷ áìéâä. ùìç ìðå àéîééì áëúåáú äð"ì -----------------------------------------------------image
äàéîåï äøàùåï äéä îåöìç - äúçìðå ìàè ìàè, åðåñéó úàåöä. àéîåï ùðé áøùì"ö. äñôåøè÷ ìéã äçé -ëó ùì øàùåï. éåí øáéòéò, 8 áòøá, 5 áôáøåàø, 2003 àí éù çùù ùì îîù ùì âùí, ðåãéò òì ãçééú äàéîåï ìéåí çîéùé (ðåãéò òã ùòä 16:00 ) ----------------------------------------------------- Our first Dawg training was a successfull start to a promising season. On a cold late January evening, we started slow, but steady with regulars:

Shmuel Goldstein Jon Dym Jeremy Shai Danny Epstein, and newcomers: David Sommer Eli Fagan Yehudah Kronengold Yossi Glickman

Next practice: Wednesday, February 5, At the Sportek in Rishon LeTzion, 8 PM. If there is rain, we will inform people by 4 PM, and push off the practice to Thursday, the 6th. If there is still rain on the 6th, we will practice only on the 12th. -----------------------------------------------------
Post Author Picture

Year 2002 (click here for more . . . )

Posted by Shmuel Goldstein at Dec 8, 2002 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )
DG-Tech sponsored us this year. 2002 saw the emergence of Shmuel as a bona-fide pitcher. We also saw the emergence of the Rehovot Softball League as a bona-fide "farm system" that supplied no less than 6 players for the Dawgs this year. 2002 also saw a new sponsor: DG-Tech, a technical writing company, and the adoption of the name "Dawgs". Jon Dym joined the team this year, and offered his services as coach. Shmuel stayed on as manager. Jon once managed the team that evolved in to Penticon. At the time the team was sponsored by Lachish Tours. We ended up winning 3 games - two againt the Elmhurst Dairy Mets, and one against ZionTours, believe it or not. You see, ZT had Blair pitching, and we just hit and hit him to no end. We could not win against our traditional rivals, Tri-United. List of players: Blackman, Lowell Dym, Jon Epstein, Danny Even, Robert Garrison, Gary (spring only) Gohary, Yaniv Goldstein, Shmuel Kamnir, Alon Kurtz, Aron Pomerantz, Eitan (fall only) Rak, Ariel Rothstein, Russel (fall only) Sarkovitz, Albert Schmidt, Jerry Shai, Jeremy Shutter, Idan (spring only) Weiser, Ben In photo: Top, ltr: Albert Sarkovitch, Idan Shutter, Danny Epstein, Alon Kaminer, Shmuel Goldstein Bottom, ltr: Gary Garrison, Ben Weiser, Aron Kurz, Yaniv Gohary, Jeremy Shai, Ariel Rak image
