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This picture taken just after United's championship victory. Pictured (roughly l-r) Jordan Shepherd, Melissa Anderson (goalkeeper), Rebecca Heck (behind M.A.), Coach Carlee Smith, Tenealle Tenwolde (waving), Mallory Parker-Zibel, Aly Vogt (bottom of pile), Sara Driscoll, Dayna Heinrich (pointing #1), Lisa Zelenak, Megan Lapanowsk (back), Jessica Munson, Kristen Mannino (obscurred by J.M.), Allison Bohne (sipping water), Kristen "Dutch" Dutcher, Coach Knut, Jenna Hanna & Julia Simon. Amber Dippold and Karen Armstrong were off chasing a butterfly I think and missed the shot.image
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29 Oct 2000 - Championship Victory

Posted by Knut DeMuur at Mar 23, 2001 5:44AM PST ( 0 Comments )
After a scoreless 1st half, United once again drew on their now trademark resolve and shut down a stubborn opponent throught the 2nd half and carried the play. Tri-captain Kristen Mannino gave the opposition fits (as she has done all season long) up and down the right flank with her "damn the torpedoes, full steam ahead" approach to attack. Time after time beating her opponent and serving the ball into red zone, Kristen even drew accusations from the opposition the she was not even a legitimate member of this team but a ringer brought in from the select side or a higher age bracket. Of course, those accusations were silly and easily proven nothing more than sour grapes. Once again, Rebecca Heck and Melissa Anderson were rock solid in the goal when called upon to earn the teams amazing 7th shutout in the 10 game run to the Championship. This is an amazing team - not because of their wins and losses, but because they have worked exteremely hard from the very 1st week of practice, improved their technical and tactical knowledge and execution with every game, refused to succumb to pressure when in the midst of a strong challenge from opponents, and because they continually applied that work ethic and resolve, achieved the end result. goals scored by: not yet certain CONGRATULATIONS TEAM on a brilliant season of fun and learning. This has been a job extremely WELL DONE!!! image
AFTER SCORELESS 1st HALF UNITED DOMINATE After a well played and hard fought 1st half, United once again dominated the 2nd half of the match. Julia Simon scored 45 seconds into the half from 25 yards out. Wizards tied it up about 4 minutes later after I had foolishly pulled my central midfielder to the side in an effort to accomodate a substitution. This goal against is the coach's fault - not the team's. Undaunted, United continued to dominate carrying the play, playing mostly in the attacking 3rd of the field and logging shot after shot. In the end, Wizards were unable to stave off the attack allowing 2 more goals and unable to mount any attack. Also scoring today with her 1st ever career goal was Jordan Shepard from a brilliantly crossed ball from the left side of the field (will follow up with name) and a clever dummy run from Dayna Heinrich for the assists. With this win, United finishes the regular season with the league's best record at 7-1. Next week is the Autumn Tournament. United have a 1st round by and will advance directly into the Semi-Final Match. goals scored by: Julia Simon Jordan Shepard one goal unaccounted for (cannot see player on gametape)
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Special Thank You's

Posted by Knut DeMuur at Mar 22, 2001 1:28AM PST ( 0 Comments )
I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all the parent & families of the players for your exemplary support and sportsmanship all season long and for your gracious support in volunteering to help me in ways that aid the team in a very big way. In particular I'd like to mention: Nick Dippold for keeping game stats for me all season. Debbie Driscoll and Chris Vogt for taping all of the games Rich & Kim Anderson for putting together the indoor team and securing practice space for the girls. And thank you to those arranging snack schedules, taking & sharing photogaphs, etc. and finding a way to carpool to get the girls where they need to be when they need to be there. Your contributions to the team are significant and highly appreciated by everybody.
With the game winning goal from Julia Simon, United have now defeated every team in the division for an unblemished 5-0 record. The winning sequence began at the middle of the field with only 3 minutes remaining to play where Sara Driscole layed a perfect ball wide into space for team captain Kristin Mannino making the run. Beating her opponent and turning the corner, Kristen played the ball full across the face of the net where Julia was able to one-time the ball home. Melissa Anderson and Rebecka Heck, each playing a half in goal, combined for the team's 4th shutout in 5 outings. Goals scored by: Julian Simon