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Welcome to the homepage of Rochester Lightning'96 Gold of Rochester Soccer Club

Lightning are a team of exceptional girls dedicated to sportsmanship and fair play and committed to full and honest effort in training and on the game field. Lightning measure their success not by scores and record but on improved skill and increased understanding of the game from week to week and over the course of a season – knowing full well that if we focus on our own improvement and execution, the results will take care of themselves.

From this site you will be able to access team roster, calender of events, practice and match scheduled, field locations, updates & general team news, etc. Please take some time to find the neat things on this site. Try the History link for interesting stories about the development of the game, or the Wisdom & Inspiration link for many excellent quotes & thoughts from great women and men. Also, please take a moment to check out our SPONSORS sites, it is in large part thanks to them that all of these girls are able to play and enjoy the benefits of playing for such a quality soccer club and environmant as RSSC.

You may always feel free to contact me with questions. We're looking forward to another fantastic season!

Coach Knut

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Posted by Knut DeMuur at Jun 2, 2011 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
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Toca Touches - 1 - Rhythm

Posted by Knut DeMuur at Jul 21, 2009 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Let's Get Started!


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Posted by Knut DeMuur at Aug 10, 2008 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
it's all about TEAMTeam camp is here! And with it, the beginning of another great season. Team camp is a special event on many levels. It helps establish a tone of work ethic and effort. It is a magnificent team bonding opportunity – we are not 16 players just showing up to play the game, we are one team. And, of course, there is the obvious benefit of improving technical and tactical skills as we learn from day to day. Our camp will run 9:00am to 11:30am, Aug 11th-15th at Oakland Christian School, 3075 Shimmons Road, Auburn Hills. Oakland Christian is located at Shimmons & Dexter roads north of Walton and west of Squirrel (you can enter from either main road). Dexter runs north off Walton Blvd, west of Squirrel Rd. Shimmons Rd. runs west off Squirrel, north of Walton Either one will lead you directly to the school. PLEASE NOTE: Regular team training sessions will resume Monday, 18 Aug. We will not have regular team practice sessions the week of team camp. .
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Posted by Knut DeMuur at Sep 2, 2007 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Hi Team. The original practice schedule was in error. There will be no practice on Labor Day, Monday 3 Sept.

Enjoy your cookouts and save me a hot dog.

 Coach Ken