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Posted by Dale Redick at Jul 19, 2001 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
The time flew by and we completed another season. It must have been fun because it went fast. We won lots of games and I hope everyone had fun. I enjoyed watching everyone improve as the season went on. Next year we will try to get a better field so we can work on defense more. You can tell we worked on hitting because everyone was hitting the ball hard at the end of the season. Thanks to the coaches--Lance Vogel, Rob Watters, John Thomas, and Jim Johnson for helping me out this year. Thanks to Chili's and Rogers Party shop for sponsoring us. Thanks to all the parents, for letting the girls play on the team, for the drinks, and for the support. We are going to miss Jenna Vogel, Danielle Shephard, and Ellie Davidson next year( they have to move up because they decided to get older). Remember that the girls that will be pitching to you won't groove the ball like coach John did. I hope everyone else comes back next year and we will try to have even more fun. Play as much catch as you can and try to hit a few balls before the season starts next year. Thanks everyone, it has been great!!! Coach Dale
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Slow start but we win 20 to 14

Posted by Dale Redick at Jul 11, 2001 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
It took us awhile but we scored 13 runs in the last two innings to pull this one out. Going into the last inning we were down 13-14 but had homeruns by Jenna and Ellie and all 7 batters that came up scored. Ellie had 2 homeruns, one that rolled all the way to the fence and hit the fence. Also homering was Taryn.
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Big Sticks

Posted by Dale Redick at Jul 9, 2001 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
From the 1st inning the girls came out swinging. They scored 7 runs and used only 8 batters. Overall we out scored the other team 25 to 10 and had 34 hits to their 17. Both the runs and the hits were season highs. I am just happy to see runs scored in the first couple of innings, it usally takes us 3 innings to get going. Great job girls. Coach Dale.
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No comment, we lost 11-26

Posted by Dale Redick at Jul 6, 2001 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
What can I say? This team hit lights out(39 hits) and they were a good fielding team. I think we could have done a better job and made the score a lot closer but can't win them all. Practice Sunday.
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We Won 12 - 6

Posted by Dale Redick at Jul 1, 2001 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
This was our best overall game. We hit good and played really good defense. Though 12 runs does not sound like a lot, the other team played some really great defense. They caught 6 balls, not easy ones. Their leftfielder caught a hard hit by Ellie that would have been a homerun. Emily and Haley each got snowconed by hard hits. Jenna had one caught with the bases loaded. Our defense did real well. Jessica made some nice plays, Ashlee made two nice stops on grounders, and others did good jobs also. The score was tied 6-6 in bottom of 5th and Maggie started it off with a hit and we scored 6 runs in the inning to win. Great game girls. Coach Dale.