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Game #1 vs Startz

Posted by Dale Redick at Sep 9, 2002 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
We played a team that has been playing girl pitch for a while and this was our first game ever. We did not do to bad and lost 5-13. They had a really good pitcher and ours did o.k. just had trouble finding the strike zone(we walked 14 batters). Our fielders had trouble staying awake because when the other team finally hit the ball we made several errors. We will get better. Coach Dale.
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Posted by Dale Redick at Jul 15, 2002 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
We started off slow, got going in the middle and then ended slower than we started. The first game we played a team that was pretty young and we beat them 21-5. Our hitting was weak at the beginning but then we had it going the last couple of innings. All 4 homeruns(Lauren,2 by Haley L., and Taryn) came in the last 2 innings. Our defense had them shut-out till the last inning when we got a little sloppy. The second game we played that day was one of our better games though we got beat 14-22(we ended up getting the win because the other team forfeited when it was found out they had girls older than the rules allowed). Our defense was pretty good and we put the ball in play a lot. But some of their older players could play good defense and hit the ball b=pretty hard. Nikki had a good game with a triple and homerun and 6 RBI. The next day we came back to play in the championship game and we had one of our worst and unlucky games we have played all season. The streaks started the game scoring 7 runs without hitting it out of the infield. They hit balls in the right spot and we had a problem just hitting the ball. We had 7 strikeouts to their 2(that's almost 2 innings worth of extra outs). The 1st and 5th inning we were outscored 2-14 and the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th innings we were outscored 9-11. Jessica(3 for 3, homerun), Lauren(2 for 2, homerun), Taryn , Ashlee, Marissa, Maggie, and Toni were perfect from the plate. For our first tournament we did pretty good. We kept getting down and had to battle back and just dug to big of a hole at the end. I am proud of how every girl played. Coach Dale.
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Game #10 vs Diamonds

Posted by Dale Redick at Jul 11, 2002 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
We had our bats going this game and revenged an earlier defeat from the Diamonds. We won 26-20 and had 34 hits. Every girl had a least one hit and scored at least one run. Taryn, Nikki, and Haley L. had homeruns. Haley L. also had a double and triple in three atbats. Taryn, Emy H, and Nikki drove in 5 runs each. Kaycee had 3 hits and scored three times. Those that were perfect from the plate were Taryn, Lauren, Emy H., Toni, Nikki, and Haley L. Good thing our bats were going because our defense was not up to par. We made good stops but either the throw was off or we did not catch the throw. Good plays were made by Emy H., Katie, Toni, Kaycee, and Nikki. This was a good win against a good team. Coach Dale
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Game # 9 vs Acres(A league)

Posted by Dale Redick at Jul 3, 2002 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
Just when I think that we are a hitting team the girls decided to show me they could play defense. We just shut down the other team and won 14-7 and outhit them 26-16. There were great defensive plays all over the field, Nikki, Emy, Taryn, Lauren, Jessica, Katie, and Haley L. Nikki fielded two hot grounders up the middle and stepped on second for the force out both times. Emy caught one of the hardest hit line drives and about lost her glove. Lauren got the ball in the outfield, turned and threw to Taryn at 2nd base to get the girl that was going for a double. Katie scooped up the ball when she was playing pitcher and tag a runner out at home. Jessica and Haley L. made several plays at 1st base. We could have hit the ball a little better because we struck out 8 times and left several runners on base. If we would have hit like we should the game would have been a run away. Those that were perfect at the plate were Haley W., Lauren(2 triples that were hit deep), Jessica(4 RBI), Marissa, and Taryn. Great game girls!!
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Posted by Dale Redick at Jul 1, 2002 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )