News and Announcements

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Posted by Roger Moss at Oct 9, 2006 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
ATTENTION ATHLETES IMPROVE YOUR STRENGTH & CONDITIONING Fall 10-day Preseason Conditioning Camp **************************** 10 Sessions Monday – Thursday 6-8pm Wed. November 1st through Thurs. November 16th Berlin High School 139 Patterson Way, Berlin, CT *INSTRUCTORS* ‘Coach’ John Bennett is a certified personal trainer and USA wrestling coach with 30 years wrestling and coaching experience. He has won USA Wrestling Freestyle and Greco Roman National titles and is a Freestyle World Champion. John will be assisted by Joe Forsyth who is the head trainer at the Powerhouse Gym and Malibu Fitness. He is a former Springfield College wrestler and is currently an assistant coach for East Windsor High School and strength and conditioning coach for Trinity College wrestling team. *PURPOSE* To improve an athletes anaerobic capacity, aerobic conditioning, and sport specific strength training for wrestlers. *CONTACT* John Bennett IN YOUR ZONE Total Body Fitness 860.916.8177 or e-mail *COST* $149.99 - 10 sessions 2 hours each Make Check Payable to IN YOUR ZONE Total Body Fitness, LLC 2298 Chamberlain Highway, Kensington, CT 06037 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENROLLMENT FORM Name______________________________ Age_____Grade Completed _______ Height____Weight_____ Address ____________________________ City_________________ State ____ Zip _________ School __________________ Coach ________________ Coach’s Phone _____________________ PARENTAL CONSENT STATEMENT I have read and understand everything outlined in this flyer. I agree not to hold IN YOUR ZONE Total Body Fitness, LLC or anyone associated with their conditioning program responsible or liable for any accident, medical, dental, or any other expense incurred as a result of my child’s participation. In case of injury, you have my permission to give my child first aid or take him/her to a doctor or hospital to be treated. _____________________________________________________________________________________ (Parent or Guardian Signature) (Parent or Guardian daytime phone number) (Date) THIS FORM MAY BE DUPLICATED IF NECESSARY
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Time To Register

Posted by Roger Moss at Sep 18, 2006 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
If you do not wish to register on-line you may download these registration form from here and send it to me. Please note we will be starting on Monday, December 4th. 5:30-6:30 PM for beginners and younger wrestlers and 6:30-8 PM for advanced and older wrestlers. Thanks, Coach Roger
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We Made iIt Home

Posted by Roger Moss at Aug 19, 2006 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
Well if you can guess I didn't have access to a computer in Rio so was unable to update everyone. We had a great time and have many good memories to bring home. I will begin working on the pictures for everyone and hope to have it shortly. Sorry for the delay - summer has been very busy. Roger
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Monday´s Events

Posted by Roger Moss at Jul 3, 2006 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
Today we go to the mountains for some German stuff. Lunch at a German Fondue place, chocolate factory and some other stops. Bus ride will be 2 hours. The boys are learning what it means to live in a big family with the showers.... 8th graders took showers last night while upper classman hit them this morning. Yesterday we gotup early and went to two local schools to do demonstrations to increase interest. The first one was outside in an open court area with a wall that the students sat on. Students seemed to be in middle and high school age. We showed a few moves and then Dr.Tom asked for volunteers to come down and try. They did and each got a medal for their efforts. Once they saw they would get a medal they came down more freely. We packed up this mat that locks together and went to the next school. This school was much smaller and the court area was in the center of the school with a cover over it. The students were right on top of us from the beginning. The students in this school seemed to be from 3 grade to middle school. After some demonstration we got volunteers much quicker and then Jim had the boys take a pair of students to show then what to do. This quickly turned into caos and they all wanted medals. Once order was restored we finished up with some throws by CJ and Jason. This is when the rock star syndrome hit the boys. Girls started coming over to get their pictures with the boys on a cell phone, then some got paper and started asking for autographs. After about 15 minutes we were able to pull them away and a few last pictures were snapped. One cute girl came up looking to get her picture with a certain wrestler. We had the boys lineup out side the gate and step forward to see which one was the lucky one. The wrestler ended up being on the bus already and once we got Spencer off the bus he got his picture taken with the girl (Ron you might have a future daughter in law in the making.) We did fit their big heads on the bus and headed off to lunch. We were a little early so we stopped for20 minutes downtown for some shopping. We then ate at the same place as yesterday. Same food selection and everyone loved the desserts - to die for. Weight loss doesn´t seem to be part of this trip plan. We then headed back to the hotel for a few hours and the adults went to the pool where Bob V, Jack H and Brendan H went in the water. At 5:45 we boarded the bus topickup the boys. Most of the adults got off at Dr.Tom´s and went by van to a mall. The dads and coaches with wrestler´s went to the University to do a demonstartation and work with a women´s silver place finisher at this year´s PAN AM GAMES. She was strong but Jason Seigel wrestled with her at the end and thinks he could have had gold. It was interesting as we worked out a local gymnastics team was working out. The boys worked hard and then we went out to eat (A little ripe), at an all you can eat pizza place with very tasty pízzas including dessert pizza. Jason is going to open on in West Hartford for anyone looking to invest with him. We were eating at about 9:30 pm. Got back to the hotel at 11:30 and went to bed. All the boys are fine and eating well. No one is home sick and if they could would call. Seems international cards don´t want to work here.
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Happy 4th From Brazil

Posted by Roger Moss at Jul 3, 2006 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
Well today was a day of traveling and sightseeing. we Left around 8 AM to go to the mountains. We arrived and walked through a chocolate factory and many of us bought some great chocolate. Hopefully some will make it home for you all to try. We then went to a shop and purchased some gifts and things. We then headed to lunch which was Fondue. It was great, bestwas dessert with chocolate covered fruits. After Lunch we went to Black lake where the boys could take a paddle boat out or walk around the outside of the pond. We then went to a chairlift that you could take and view this 500 foot water fall from. It was amazing. Then someofthe boys discovered this zip line that they could ride which most did. Went down from mountain and took about 15 seconds. They all loved it and some of the adults even got into it. It was then time to return home to Dr. Toms´for homecooked soup (potato and chicken noodle) and fruit and cup cakes - guess what they liked the best. The boys loaded their bags on bus so we didn~t have to deal with them in the morning. We will be leaving the hotel at 3:45 AM and then going to pick up the boys so we can leave for airport by 4:15 AM. It~s off to Rio where we will celebrate Jason Seigels 25th birthday. Hopefully we will have computer access there and I will keep you updated. Everyone is fine, all seem to still have money and getting along. Kevin Moss seems to hvea slight head cold but is making it through okay at this point. We work out in Rio starting tomorrow, guess the vacation is over. Roger