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USA Wrestling Policy on Abuse and Harassment

Posted by Roger Moss at Oct 29, 2012 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
USA Wrestling (USAW) is committed to providing a safe environment for its members, participants, coaches, officials and volunteers and to prevent abusive conduct and harassment in any form while participating in the activities of USAW.  USAW promotes good sportsmanship throughout the organization and encourages qualities of mutual respect, courtesy and tolerance in all members, participants, coaches, officials, staff and volunteers.  USAW advocates building strong self-images among the youth participants.  Athletes with a strong self-image may be less likely targets for abuse or harassment; similarly, they may be less likely to engage in abuse or to harass or bully others around them. To this end, USAW has established the following guidelines of behavior and procedures for our staff, volunteers, coaches, officials and participants.  All members of the organization, as well as parents, spectators and other invitees are expected to observe and adhere to these guidelines. 1.      Abuse or harassment of any kind will not be tolerated within the organization. This means USAW does not accept physical, sexual, emotional or verbal abuse, harassment or similar misconduct from any person towards athletes, staff, coaches, officials, volunteers, parents, spectators or any other persons while they are participating in or preparing for events or activities conducted under the auspices of USAW. 2.      Physical and sexual abuse, including, but not limited to, striking, hitting, kicking, biting or wanton gesturing, lewd remarks, indecent exposure, unwanted physical contact, any form of sexual contact or inappropriate touching are strictly prohibited within the organization and as a part of its events and activities.  Physical abuse does not include physical contact that is reasonably designed to coach, teach or demonstrate a wrestling skill. 3.      Emotional abuse or verbal abuse is also prohibited. This may include, but is not limited to: yelling, insulting, threatening, mocking, demeaning behavior or making abusive statements in regard to a person’s race, gender, religion, nationality/ethnicity, sex or age.  Emotional abuse does not include controlled and disciplined verbal communication that is generally accepted in sports as a reasonable method of coaching or teaching the sport.  4.      To further protect USAW youth participants, as well as our coaches, officials and volunteers, we strongly advise that no adult person allow him/herself to be alone with a child or with any group of children in a private setting during or while they are participating in sponsored activities of USAW.  In particular, in such circumstances, we recommend that coaches or other adult members of the organization:-          Do not drive alone with a child participant in the car-          Do not take a child alone to the locker room, bathrooms, or any other private room-          Provide one-on-one training or individual coaching with the assistance of another adult or athlete-          Have private conversations with youth participants within view of others instead of a private office-          Do not socialize individually with the participants outside of sponsored activities. 5.      When staying overnight with youth participants, children should be paired up with other children of the same gender and similar age group, with chaperones in separate but nearby rooms. 6.      USAW encourages parents to become as active as possible in sponsored activities, practices and other events.  The more the parents are involved, the less likely it is for abusive situations to develop. 7.      USAW will timely respond to any and all allegations of abuse or harassment in matters that are within the purview and jurisdiction of USAW.  USAW expects that allegations of abuse or harassment that are properly within the purview and jurisdiction of officials or persons at other levels or of other organizations will be timely responded to and dealt as appropriate. When necessary and appropriate, this information should be communicated to the appropriate authorities for investigation and should be reviewed by appropriate officials, with timely notification to the alleged offender of such allegations. 8.      Any person accused of sexual or physical abuse may be asked to resign voluntarily or may be suspended until the matter is investigated and resolved.  Regardless of criminal or civil guilt in the alleged abuse, the continued presence of the person could be detrimental to the reputation of the organization and could be harmful to the participants.  A person who is accused but later cleared of the charges, may apply to have a suspension lifted or, if applicable, to be reinstated within the organization.  Reinstatement is not a right, and no assurance is made that the person will be reinstated to his/her former position. 9.      Any person who violates this Policy, who fails to appropriately report matters covered by this Policy, who makes a false report with respect to matters covered by this Policy or who threatens retaliation or reprisal against an individual for reporting a matter under this Policy will be subject to discipline or other action as may be within the purview and jurisdiction of USAW. Harassment and abuse are defined in various sources such as state law, case law, sports organization and professional association codes of conduct and training manuals, corporate and business workplace documents and human rights commission materials.  USAW has not adopted any specific definition of harassment or abuse, choosing instead to defer to such general sources and definitions for reference and application, depending on the circumstances.  As further elaboration of examples given above, the following generally describe conduct that may be considered harassment or abuse: n  Any improper or inappropriate comment, action or gesture directed toward a person or group that is related to race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, disability or other personal characteristic. n  Creating an environment through behavior or course of conduct that is insulting, intimidating, humiliating, demeaning or offensive.  n  Harassment usually occurs when one person engages in abusive behavior or asserts unwarranted power or authority over another, whether intended or not, and may include, for example, name-calling, threats, belittling, unwelcome advances and requests for sexual favors (as well as undue pressure to perform or succeed). n  Harassment includes child abuse.  n  Child abuse can include physical contact – or the threat of it – that intentionally causes bodily harm or injury to a child.  This may include, for example, hitting, shaking, kicking, shoving, forcing an athlete to wrestle when injured or mandating excessive exercise as a form of punishment.  It may also include touching for the purpose of causing sexual arousal or gratification that involves a child, rape, incest, fondling, exhibitionism and sexual exploitation.  It may also include chronic attacks on a child’s self-esteem, such as psychologically destructive behavior consisting of ridiculing, screaming, swearing, racist comments, threatening, stalking, hazing and isolating.

Kids Folkstyle Wrestling Tournament

Berlin High School 139 Patterson Way, Berlin, CT 06037

There will be no tournament in 2017.


All wrestlers will be grouped by both age category and weight into 4-man brackets. Each wrestler will wrestle one-another giving each wrestler a total of 3 matches (round-robin format). There are many advantages to doing this. Medals will be awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place wrestlers.

Again this year to reduce down time we will hold all wrestlers in the hallway and assign them to the first open mat. We will have a screen this year showing what brackets are coming up to help wrestlers know when they will be wrestling.

Team Awards for morning and afternoon division ~ we will be awarding team trophies for 1stand 2nd place based on individual finishers.4 points for 1st, 3 points for 2nd, 2 points for 3rd and 1 point for 4th.


All parents are expected to work our tournament so save the date now!

Registrations: 1. All tournaments require pre-registration. Absolutely NO Walk-ins will be permitted. 2. Only Directors, or their appointee, of sanctioned clubs will be allowed to pre-register wrestlers. Wrestlers who are not club affiliated or are from out-of-state are requested to contact the Tournament Director directly by the Thursday immediately before the event. Out of state clubs can be set up by the State Chairman, so that they can register on line, however, they must follow the tournament guidelines as does the Connecticut clubs. 3. Each wrestlers weight must adequately represent the weight that they will be come tournament morning. Every wrestler will be required to check-in the morning of the tournament to check-in at the appropriate time and get their finger nails and a skin checked. The Tournament club must have the proper personnel on staff to handle these checks and put a stamp onto the wrestler indicating that that athlete has been checked and has no contagious skin conditions. Any athlete with a suspect skin condition, must be cleared by the trainer at the tournament prior to the athlete, being admitted into the tournament. This new requirement must be followed by all Tournament Directors. 4. Tournament registration fees are $16 for each individual with a family-cap of $27. All club directors are to collect their wrestlers registration fees and pay the tournament director the morning of the tournament. Payment should not be made with more than one (1) check. There are NO refunds for no-shows. 5. All wrestlers are required to have a current USA Wrestling membership. 6. Pre-registration for the Sunday Tournaments will close no earlier than 6:00 pm on the Friday prior to the Sunday Tournament. The only exception to this is if the Club Director has elected to close the tournament due to high registration. Weight Classes: 1. A Madison weight class system will be followed. All wrestlers will be grouped relative to both their age and weight. There are no published and strict weight classes to follow during the regular season. The maximum weight distribution will be no more than 5 lbs for weight classes up to 120 lbs and no more than 10 lbs for weight classes over 120 lbs. 2. There will be random weight checks at normal tournaments with a 3 pound allowance given to each wrestler. Random checks will be determined at check-in, by the tournament Director. Any wrestler that violates the three (3)pound allowance will be disqualified and removed from that tournament, if the tournament director believes that this was a typo error, the wrestler can be re-bracketed. In addition, any wrestler disqualified as a result of violating the three (3) pound allowance will be reported to the State Chairman and that wrestler is to be identified (Flagged) on the web site and must be weighed in at every subsequent tournament to verify their weight. 3. Weight challenges during a tournament are performed at the tournament director’s discretion. When a wrestler’s weight is challenged by another wrestler (Coach or Parent), then the challenging wrestler will also be weighed in. 4. The tournament director must notify Kids Director, Dave Kanute within 2 days of event in which there was a weight issue or challenge in which a wrestler violated the three (3) pound allowance. Failure of the Tournament to follow this rule will result in forfeiture of their right to run a Folk Style Tournament in the 2009-2010 Season. 5. When weighing-in, each wrestler must weigh-in wearing a competition singlet. TECH FALLS will occur when a 12 point margin is achieved, this rule applies to all age groups Officials: 1. Only certified officials may be used at USAWCT tournaments. 2. Tournament directors are required to contact Mark Cammisa, Officials Director 30 days prior to your event date (preferably by e-mail)and request from him the number of Officials that you will require. The officials Director will make the assignments for the officials. 3. You’ll need at least one (1) more official than the number of wrestling surfaces that you will be using. 4. You will provide free of cost to all officials and the supervisor official lunch, have water available at the tables at all times and provide a dinner meal if the tournament runs beyond 5:00 pm. You will also pay the Supervisor Official $75.00 for their days service, if that person also officiates, you will pay them for the time that they were on the mat officiating at the standard rates, which is $15.00 per hour. Site: 1. Mats- no less than one-half mats is to be used at any time for any age category. The minimum mat size is recommended to be the equivalent of two (2) full-mats broken-up into three (3) mat surfaces. All Novice and Middle school wrestlers that are in a weight class of 115 pounds or more will be required to wrestle on Full Mats, this is not left to the tournament director’s discretion. 2. Sound system- adequate sound systems must be available in each area where wrestling matches are present 3. Emergency personnel- it is the responsibility of each tournament director to have on hand one of the following type of personnel (certified trainer, nurse, doctor, paramedic, EMT, fireman with medical training) Bracketing: We will be using the 5-man (Maryland Crab) round-robin format. 1. All wrestlers will be grouped by both age category and weight into 5-man brackets. Each wrestler will wrestle one-another giving each wrestler a total of 4 matches (round-robin format). There are many advantages to doing this. 2. Everyone gets 4 matches. When using 8-man brackets with only 7 listed wrestlers the #1 seeded wrestler will only get two (2) matches. Wrestlers with lesser experience tend to only get two (2) matches too. The round robin format automatically gives these wrestlers a 100% increase in the number of matches. 3. Wrestlers of equal caliber can be grouped together providing for more competitive matches. This should give everyone 4 competitive matches versus a #1 seed in an 8-man bracket who usually gets only one (1) competitive match. 4. It is a very easy format to operate. This will allow the tournaments to be operated more smoothly and in a timely fashion. 5. This is also a very easy format to understand. Everyone, coaches, wrestlers and parents alike should quickly understand the progression through the tournament of each and every wrestler. With only five (5) rounds the match-ups will be identical week in and week out. o Round 1- #1 vs #2 and #3 vs #4 with a bye to #5 o Round 2- #1 vs #3 and #2 vs #5 with a bye to #4 o Round 3- #1 vs #4 and #3 vs #5 with a bye to #3 o Round 4- #1 vs #5 and #3 vs #4 with a bye to #2 o Round 5- #2 vs #3 and #4 vs #5 with a bye to #1 6. Parents will quickly understand the format and know when their child is finished wrestling for the day. 7. This format also allows each tournament director to pre-bracket their tournament. In the event of a no-show the bracket then becomes a 4-man. Criteria are being developed to identify place winners in the event of some wrestlers having the same win-loss record. a. When only two (2) wrestlers have the identical win-loss record the tiebreaker will be the one who won their match. b. When three (3) wrestlers have identical win-loss records the following criteria, in order, will apply- c. Match points- 3 points for regular decision (minor), less than 8 pt delta in the final match score; 4 points for a major decision where the match score delta is between 8 and 11 points; 5 points for a technical fall where the match score difference was 12 or more points; or 6 points for a fall, forfeit or injury default. d. Scoring total- the wrestler who had scored more points in their 3 matches regardless of the type of decision, fall, forfeit or injury default. e. The tournament registration form will be modified to allow each coach to identify those wrestlers who would typically place in the top three (3) of an 8-man bracket. Wrestlers will then be grouped by not only age and weight but their skill level as well. f. A minimum of 20 minutes must be allowed between wrestlers matches.
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Posted by Roger Moss at Feb 5, 2012 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )
Must Place Top 4 at one of the 4 Qualifying Locations on Feb 19th to be Eligible Connecticut Kids State Championship Sunday February 26, 2012

Rules & Application for Intermediate, Novice & Middle School Divisions from Connecticut Qualifying Tournament

The Kids State Championship will be held at HillHouse High School Field-house, 480 Sherman Parkway, New Haven, CT 06511 to be operated by USAWCT on Sunday February 26, 2012. By placing top four in this District you are eligible to compete In the USAWCT Kids State championship, however, you must submitted this form with payment at your respective Qualifier Location. Wrestlers will not be registered for the State Championships if they did not register or pay on the day of the Qualifiers . A USAWCT State Club Director will be on site at the Qualifiers to collect the applications. If any of the TOP FOUR (4) place winners do not complete and pay before leaving the Qualifier, then the fifth place winner will be awarded the fourth place spot. The other place winners will move up. Example: the 3rd place wrestler does not complete this form and does not pay. The fourth place finisher moves to 3rd and the fifth place finisher will be the fourth seed from this District.

Weigh-ins for the USAWCT State Championship Tournament will be held at 7:30 to 8:00 am for Intermediate and 10:00 to 10:30 am for Novice Division, 10:30 to 11:00 Middle School in which all wrestlers must be present at the beginning of weigh-ins and each wrestler must make scratch weight for the weight they qualified for, NO WEIGHT ALLOWANCE . Each wrestler will be allowed two consecutive attempts to make weight and may not leave the weigh-in area Wrestlers must weigh-in wearing a competition Singlet. A WRESTLER THAT MISSES WEIGHT WILL BE DISQUALIFIED FROM THE KIDS STATE CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT.

Trophies will be given to the top four finishers in each Division and weight class. Full mats will be used for the USAWCT KIDS STATE CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT.

This tournament will NOT have true wrestle back for 2.

During weigh-ins, all competitors will be inspected for communicable skin disease. Wrestlers with communicable skin disease will not be allowed to compete unless they have a current Skin Condition Form signed by a doctor saying they are under treatment, are not contagious as of a specified date and are cleared to wrestle. Tournament Chief Medical Officer reserves the right to refuse entry to questionable cases.

$5.00 Admission fee for spectators

Emergency Medical Personnel will be on-site. Breakfast, lunch and snacks available on-site in designated areas Wrestling equipment will be available for purchase Spectators must stay in the stands  For more information: Check our web site or email Sarah Jadach at

No refunds of pre registration fees

There are predetermined weights for Intermediate, Novice and Middle School.

Intermediate- 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 87, 95, 103, 112, 120, 120+ (20 lbs.max difference)

Novice- 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 105, 112, 120, 130, 140, 140+ (25 lbs. maximum difference)

Middle School- 70, 77, 84, 91, 98, 105, 112, 120, 128, 136, 144, 152, 160, 175, 190, 210, 265


BE ABLE TO CHECK YOUR WEIGHT AFTER 8:00 am for Novice and 8:30 am. for Middle School Division


NEW: Qualifying for the USA Kids’ New England Classic Tournament

Top Four Finishers of the USAWCT Kids State Championship for the Intermediate, Novice, & Middle School Division in each of the above listed weight classes will be eligible to advance to the USA Kid’ New England Classic, which will be held at Coventry High School, located in Coventry, Rhode Island on March 11, 2012

Each Kids State Championship top four place winner will be required to complete a registration form and pay $20.00 (of the $30.00 total entry fee) either with cash or a check made payable to USAWCT, prior to leaving the USAWCT Kids State Championship Tournament held on February 26, 2012 at Hill House High School Field House. This year the entire entry fee for the New England Championship tournament is $30.00 per wrestler, however, USAWCT will pay the balance of $10.00 for each Connecticut wrestler that places and registers as detailed above.