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Wrestling Clinic 11-10 by Orville Palmer

Posted by Roger Moss at Nov 20, 2001 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )
Wrestling Clinic 11-10 at Berlin High School Orville Palmer 1. Duck under lock-up forehead fake to side you have outside control - lift arm + start head to that side then go to other side. 2. Forehead to forehead you control him push with your head. 3. Now go to high crotch right side pull arm back shoot it thru leg go behind, lift leg between your two legs. Grab your own hand. Head applies pressure to shoulder. Make sure you shoot to outside of foot- don't just dive straight through. 4. Defense- lock around waist Knee Snatch 1. Good for Hvy wts don't go to knee. 2. Head in chest and drive. 3. Get them to step towards you. 4. Shoot with your head up. Front headlock 1. Pull head down with inside control hand. 2. Switch hands on head lock up. pull down to knees in front of you. 3. Move to right throw your left leg into his side- you want him to grab it. 4. Your left arm reaches over and grabs his left arm underneath. 5. If he tries to roll you walk your hips in front of his head- this will end with him stacked. 6. Once over scisor your legs so he can't free his hand. Spiral breakdown 1. Once broken down throw leg in. 2. Right hand reaches up and grabs on top of his right hand. 3. Left hand underhooks left pit. Lift arm towards you. Switch to a crossface. 4. Stretch your body straight to apply pressure. Leg In 1. Grab hand same side as leg in. 2. Throw free leg over body of opponent and post next to man. 3. Reach under hook and pull man up to chest. 4. If you dont get points scoot hips pull towards mat. If man stands up just pull his hip back to mat.
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Pin To Win Comes With Shoes

Posted by Roger Moss at Nov 20, 2001 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )
A special thanks to Ron LaBeef of Pin To Win for coming tonight with all his shoes. Hopefully eveyone who needed shoes got what they were looking for. If you still need something from Ron you can go to his website and order it. Just click on the title above and it will take you to the site.
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What You Will Find Here!

Posted by Roger Moss at Nov 17, 2001 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )
Visit this site for the latest information on upcoming tournaments and results from recently attended tournaments. We hope to see lots of good results posted here. Click on the title if it is underlined to get the complete article. Coach Moss
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Important Wrestling Hints

Posted by Roger Moss at Nov 16, 2001 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )
1. Always remember that the fall (pin) is the main objective of wrestling. 2. Learn holds in slow motion – pay attention to details. 3. Don't expect to learn wrestling in 10 easy lessons. It takes patience and repetition, but vary your practice so it won't become monotonous. 4. Learn to get up from underneath. 5. Takedowns are very important. 6. Concentrate on quality rather than quantity of practice. 7. Matches are won in practice - plan attack now - variations as season progresses. 8. Learn few holds perfectly from each position; have a working knowledge of all. 9. Vary holds from year to year so you're not typed. 10. Be in condition to wear down opponent for pin in later part of bout. 11. Don't do anything to reflect unfavorably on yourself, your parents, school, teammates, coach, or wrestling. Learn to get recognition by good deeds. 12. Don't be afraid of criticism; also, give criticisms and suggestions. 13. Get out to a right angle from your opponent in most pinning positions. 14. Learn holds as you'd work them against a good opponent. 15. In practice if your partner indicates that he is injured, stop immediately. 16. Have confidence in holds (obtained through practice.) 17. Never give up the idea of learning something new or getting details you may have missed. 18. Don't mind being beaten in practice. Try all types of maneuvers to see if they work. If they don't, find out why. 19. Keep on balance and opponent off balance. Don't give him a chance to counter. 20. Get help from more experienced wrestlers. 21. Wrestle with heavier and more experienced men. 22. Avoid unnecessary roughness or illegal and punishing holds. 23. Countering holds is one of the most important phases. 24. When going to referee’s position after going off the mat: a. Take some good deep breaths b. Decide your next move c. Dance around a bit and relax your arms (do this before the match also to shake off nervousness) d. Watch the referee’s lips and cheeks – go as soon as he blows the whistle. 25. Talk as little as possible about match to opponents and others before the match. They may get something psychological en you. Be polite before the match, a tiger during the match, and a modest, polite winner after the match. Pat your opponent on the back for his good word. 26. In tournaments the last minutes of a bout leave the biggest impression on a referee if the bout is tied and a decision must be made. 27. Championship teams have a slight edge attained by hard work, but the victory goes not only to the strong and brave but to the smart team. 28. Make him wrestle as you want him to, not as he wants to wrestle. Example: If he is a buller, that is how he practices. INSTRUCTIONS FOR NIGHT BEFORE MATCH 1. Plan your match early in the week and season, not the night before the match. Be at your full strength physically, mentally, and emotionally for the match. Do something you like the night before the match in order to keep your mind off the match. If you do these things, you should get a good night's sleep. 2. Rest afternoon of the match. 3. What to eat before match: a. Poached eggs on toast. b. Toast - whole or cracked wheat. c. Lean beef or broiled steak, roast lamb, chicken consomme, clear cup. d. Vegetable - peas, spinach, carrots, beets, celery, tomatoes. e. No pork, hot dogs, or fried foods the day of the match; no greasy foods or pastry. f. Eat slowly, chew foods well. 9. Oranges, eggs, fresh vegetables and fruit, cereals. h. Potatoes, preferably baked, or mashed, broiled j. Head lettuce and tomato salad. 4. Time to eat – 4 hours before the match or after matches 5. Time to leave 6. How to dress. INSTRUCTIONS FOR MATCH 1. Don‘t drink to much before the match, take it in small sips. 2. Encourage each member of the team. His points are necessary for the team score. He only wrestles once the night of the match. 3. Don't keep looking across at opponent; he may think you are worried. Watch other matches; you may learn something for your bout. 4. Be sure you are well warmed up before going into match. 5. Relaxing exercises (walking, dancing, shaking arms.) 6. Shake opponent's hand with good firm grip. IMPORTANT WRESTLING MANEUVERS 1. Floating 2. Keep close body contact 3. Keep off knees with weight on opponent when on top - know when to relax and when to resist. 4. Don't fear lying on one shoulder on defense 5. Become bar conscious when opponent is moving around and you are on top 6. Keep opponent flat on mat (breakdown) 7. Hand in inside crotch and single wrist - opponent on his back 8. Two on one 9. Stepovers 10. Arms close to body 11. Fake 12. Keep rolled up in a ball in most positions, knees under, legs apart 13. Use legs, arms, and head as levers 14. Never reach backward over a man's body 15. Arm low around back or on ankle on defense (between his body and yours) 16. When opponent is about to be pinned, give a few quick jerks instead of a steady push 17. Don't cross legs when standing facing opponent 18. Hands cupped (thumb a part of hand) fish hook with thumbs facing in.
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Team Stats

Posted by Roger Moss at Nov 9, 2001 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )
This year we will again use as our site to enter statisitics from our meets. If you click on the title you will go to our team page at their site. Coach Moss