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Light Years from the Spin Drill

Posted by Roger Moss at Jan 6, 2002 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )
It’s probably one of the most entertaining things to watch in youth sports. Little wrestlers with oversized headgear locked in a titanic struggle to capture the elusive takedown to win the match. All the while mom and dad, grandma and grandpa with video camera in tow earnestly help the coach in yelling instructions. In unison, “spin behind him, Spin behind him, SPIN BEHIND him.” From a distance the technique on the mat with the intense coaching and pleading from the corner, takes on an almost comical feel. But, years from now with practice, training, and countless hours of mat-time behind him the young wrestler will have advanced light years from the beginning technique of “spin behind him.” Wrestlers starting out in the sport at some point in time learn the spin drill. One wrestler in the down position his partners chest to his back, spins to his left a short whistle burst sounds, and the wrestler on top begins to spin the other direction. The spin drill is the necessary beginning for coaches starting to teach motion from a close contact position. Wrestlers are encouraged to be quick with short choppy steps that spring around the bottom man. Eventually coaches instruct kids on the bottom to stop the spinning man holding up one arm, forcing the top man to change directions. Kids in youth practices perform the spin-drill with such intensity that shirts become intertwined and the top man loses his balance from dizziness. All the while coaches are working hard to teach the youth to move in defense of an opponent’s shot. Once wrestlers are successful at keeping balance and moving quickly in the spinning position, it is helpful to then progress the athlete’s footwork. Although wrestlers will still need to practice the basic skill in the spin drill and the speed it entails, at some point they’ll need to learn to high-leg out of a grip. The high-leg motion that wrestlers should learn is a great movement skill that will help increase a wrestler’s hip-heisting ability. To teach the steps of hi-legging, practice using the motion from the spin drill position. Starting in front of the opponent’s head and moving to the right, have the moving wrestler (the attacker) cross-step under with his left leg. After the cross-step under, the attacker’s right leg—-his throw-leg continues the motion. Then, the wrestler will high-leg with his left leg. Following the high-leg step the wrestler will then cross step under with his right leg. Eventually, with practice a wrestler should build speed and be able to repeatedly cross-step, throw-step, high-leg, cross-step around an opponent. Of course, this motion skill should be perfected to both directions. The ability to high-leg in close contact is a necessary skill in wrestling. At some point mom, dad, and coach begin to realize that “spin-behind” just doesn’t get the job done anymore. Young to experienced wrestlers at some point give up a shot and they are forced to fight against an opponent’s grip on their leg. The skill of high-legging out of the lock advances a wrestler’s ability to move effectively by increasing the pressure on the opponent’s grasping hands. In practicing the high-legging drill wrestlers can see that their hands are more available to them to peel the opponent’s grip and perfect a go-behind for the score. Wrestlers will then have the ability to spin behind quickly, but if they are slowed by an attacker’s lock on their leg, then they can switch to the high-leg motion to break the grip and go-behind. In the close contact situations that arise from an opponent’s shot, wrestlers must build upon the basic skill of motion. Wrestlers have to be able to quickly move in all directions and counter the attack in an effort to score. The mindset of defending or fighting off an attack doesn’t win matches by itself. Wrestlers must find ways to score and win. A real key in scoring is feeling comfortable in using motion in all directions against an opponent’s shot. Wrestler’s learn early on to square off and limp leg against an attack. This ability of course is important in stopping the initial attack. There are many different directions and motions that a defender can use to maintain balance and reposition in order to seek the score. Competitive wrestlers should be able to move from contact in all directions. Typically wrestlers, when faced with an opponent’s leg attack a wrestler will only sprawl and spin towards the reaching arm of the shooter. Wrestlers should learn that motion to the far side is still possible and when successfully learned can advance a wrestler’s takedown skills. The drive-switch to the far side is similar to reaching for a switch from the bottom position. The defending wrestler sits to his hip as he drives to the far leg. The defender will work into a seated position, much like a hurdler’s stretch. This far side attack gives a wrestler another option in defense of the single leg. To go with the ability to high-leg to the nearside, limp-leg away from a shot, and drive-switch to the far side, wrestlers can learn more advanced motion skills off of an opponent’s shot. The motions of spinning-off a shot and back-stepping over a single are advanced motion skills. In order to perfect the timing, and balance required in these maneuvers a wrestler must practice these repeatedly. Both skills require collapsing a hip on to the attacker’s back. The spin-off is best hit quickly after an opponent’s shot. Timing is a key element in spinning-off the shot. Once wrestlers learn the basic motion of the spin-off, then heavy emphasis should be put on practicing the move off of a drilling partner’s sweep single. Essentially a spin-off is a hard rotation back to the shooter’s hips. Instead of squaring off and trying to get chest weight on the shooter, the defender collapses his hip with the shot while reaching back and catching the far hip of the shooter. The back-step over a single unlike the spin-off is most commonly attempted from a prolonged struggle after a single leg attempt. A wrester that fights off the initial shot but still has an opponent locked on his leg, should try to work the defender down lower on the leg towards the ankle. As the defender slides down the leg, space is created to allow a wrestler to move back to the other side. Generally a wrestler should be able to position himself into a crotch lift. From there the wrestler should elevate his opponent’s hips, while driving off the soles of his feet. The goal is to stand his opponent on his head, while working his leg free to go-behind for the takedown. However, sometimes a wrestler may back-step over too deep and miss the crotch lift. During these struggles wrestlers will be in a low-single scramble situation. When this occurs the defender of the shot should have an advantage because he has created the scramble. If he is prepared to win the position, he will aggressively sprawl his legs free and earn a go-behind takedown. Occasionally wrestlers will face situations where an opponent elevates their leg in to a tree-top position. Even in these cases a well-practiced defender still has motion available to him to help counter the attack. Wrestlers with hopping and jumping power combined with cat-like balance can hit a kickout in defense of a shot. Kerry Boumans in the 2000 Olympic Trials successfully defended opponent Terry Brands’ single leg with a kickout. The kickout must be practiced and requires a real commitment to learn this advanced countering motion. Once this skill is learned a wrestler should have a wide arsenal of ways to move against an opponent’s contact after a shot. Whether it be high-legging to the near side or drive-switching to the far side, collapsing a hip or kicking out of a high level single, motion is a crucial component for a wrestler to maintain in close contact wrestling. As wrestlers further their skills of motion in all directions, eventually they will see more positions to score against an opponent’s shot. When an opponent elevates a single leg there is an instant in a match where a knowledgeable wrestler can hit a re-shot hi-c to the far side. The re-shot takes advantage of the motion skills that wrestlers develop through practice. By hopping hard to the far side and pounding the attacked leg back to the mat, a wrestler can re-shoot off of an elevated single leg. Another position to score from a single leg comes with the development of motion and back arching skills. Often time in a high level single a wrestler will have an overhook on the near side. Since he is not in position to re-shoot against the single, he may choose to create a scramble by arching the opponent off of his feet using a lateral-drop. A key component to a successful lateral off of a single is the use of the lifted leg as an elevation tool against the shooter. Although the lateral takes time to learn, it can be used against a hard driving opponent. In collegiate style wrestling, a defending wrestler can battle against the high level single by executing a complex rolling and re-shooting maneuver, often called a diver, dive-through, or hook and roll. This technique must be well practiced before it can be successfully used in a match. The dive-through counters in college wrestling have increasingly become more apparent in matches nationally. Wrestlers have found a way to defend against even the best of shots. Many times wrestlers like Jody Strittmatter of Iowa or Mark Munoz of Oklahoma State frustrated their opponent’s by countering a tough shot with a diver counter. A quality wrestler will be able to re-attack his opponent and limp-leg free for the takedown. Once wrestlers learn motion in all directions and see the potential in attacking an opponent who is already in on their own legs, the possibilities are absolutely limitless. With practice and patience and an eye on advancing their technique wrestlers will then be ready to learn more complex, exciting, and match winning moves. Wrestlers are often intrigued by the big scoring moves that can come from close contact counters. One such move that is taught to wrestlers in this position is the spladal. The spladal when performed correctly can be a thrilling match ending move. To correctly perform a spladal wrestlers will need many of the movement and balance skills that are practiced through the basics of wrestling. Other moves that are highly advanced from close contact situations are match-breakers as well. When wrestlers are skilled in balance and motion and coached to learn knew moves the advancement is limitless. For example, out of a high level single a wrestler can counter an opponent with a back-trip tilt, also known as a cut-back tilt. The cut-back tilt can be an unexpected counter when unleashed in a match. From the low-level position wrestlers are increasingly becoming better at off balancing an opponent by using a hip tip. Throughout the NCAA Championships last season more wrestlers were successfully countering the single leg position by tipping an opponent to his hip and spinning behind. A select few had perfected the ability to encircle an opponent’s head and arm while holding a defender to his back. A hip tip is another potential scoring move from close contact for wrestlers to learn. Wrestling by all accounts is a difficult sport to learn quickly. The variety of techniques and the ability to “hit” moves against a defending opponent is not a simple task. To take a wrestler from the beginning of youth wrestling when they are still in “spin drill” mode and mentor them through increasingly more complex movements and maneuvers is an enjoyable and rewarding part of the sport of wrestling. Fundamentally wrestlers should learn basic movements before they try the complex moves. But, wrestlers should always try to advance their technique in all different aspects of wrestling. There will be opportunities when talented and practiced wrestlers can use an advanced move to win a match. It will take time to perfect and careful study of technique coupled with sound basic skills. However, eventually, wrestlers should look back and remember the days when they first learned the spin drill motion, and be able to say, “man, I’m light years from that now.”
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2001 Two Place In Bristol

Posted by Roger Moss at Dec 30, 2001 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )
It was a long day for the Minutemen who took a day from vacation to travel to Bristol to compete in a tournament. Ryan Bisson came way undefeated on the day with a pin and two technical falls taking home the gold medal. Jack Rudy was able to pin one opponent and placed third for his efforts. Winning one match on the day were Mason Powers with a 7-5 Overtime win in his first match of the day and Ryan Vujs wining 17-2 in his second match. Other wrestlers who went and gave it a great effort were: Sean Pentalow, Michael Cassineri, Will Matuzak, Kevin Moss, and Zach Parsons. Many matches were close and the Minutemen were close to winning more. The Minutemen have a home meet against the Somers Youth Program on Friday, January 11th beginning at 6 PM at Berlin High School.
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Bristol Results - 2 place

Posted by Roger Moss at Dec 28, 2001 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )
The following wrestlers attended the Bristol Tournament, Sunday, Dec 30th. Here's how they did: It was a long day for the Minutemen who took a day from vacation to travel to Bristol to compete in a tournament. Ryan Bisson came way undefeated on the day with a pin and two technical falls taking home the gold medal. Jack Rudy was able to pin one opponent and placed third for his efforts. Other wrestlers who went and gave it a great effort were: Sean Pentalow, Michael Cassineri, Will Matuzak, Kevin Moss, Zach Parsons,Mason Powers and Ryan Vujs. Many matches were close and the Minutemen were close to winning more. The Minutemen have a home meet against the Somers Youth Program on Friday, January 11th beginning at 6 PM at Berlin High School. Records for the day and coaches notes on what needs to be corrected: Sean Pentalow - Lost 2 matches,1st by pin 2nd 14-7. Keep hips up off the mat. When the man is in front of you, you need to grab his leg and lift it. In the second match you need to step up when you had a double leg not sag on the mat. This was a point you almost had a takedown but he pushed into you and took you to your back. Michael Cassineri - Lost 2 matches,1st pin in 3rd period, 2nd 5-1 When man puts 1/2 nelson on you, you need to chop your arm down towards your body and hop over the man. When a man shoots in on your legs you need to sprawl had and push your hips to the mat. In neutral position don't just push on the man, you need to circle and set up at drop step. You had a beautiful stand-up in this match need to have good hand control and it will work every time. Ryan Bisson - Won three matches 1st tech fall 16-2, 2nd pin 3rd period, 3rd tech fall 12-0. In all matches need to sink the 1/2 deep (elbow behind the head) When man trys to roll out of 1/2 you need to reverse the 1/2. You also want to be perpendicular to the man when pinning, make a "T" with his body. Great job! Will Matuzak - Lost 2 matches 1st 12-8, 2nd pin. 1st match you walked into him and he took you down. Need good stance. Need to be ready to explode as soon as the whistle blows. Don't stop keep working for move. You need to finish your takedowns. You were in deep and didn't get the takedown because you stopped. Kevin Moss Lost 2 matches, 1st 4-0, 2nd pin. When a man hooks your leg you need to mule kick it free. Keep you head up don't leave it on the mat. In 2nd match needed to keep your head up you got stuffed over yourself for a pin. Half nelson you need to chop and hop hard with your head up. Better hand control in the second match. Zach Parsons - Lost 2 matches, 1st pin, 2nd pin. You could have won both of these matches. You need to keep your hips up off the mat. When you drop your hips it allows the other man to step over and put you to your back. When out in front of the man you need to push down on him and do our spin drill behind. You want to work from behind the man not in front of him. Mason Powers: Won 1 match and Lost 2 matches. Great first win in overtime! You need to shoot right off the whistle don't just push your opponent around the mat. In 2nd match you needed to keep your hips up and post your outside let when trying to stand up. Don't put your head near your knees. 3rd match you got away on a standup but then you ran right back into him before setting something up and he took you down. You need to escape and then get into a good stance. Can't roll to your own back. Jack Rudy: Won 1 and lost 2 matches. 1st pin, 2nd won pin, 3rd pin. Watch for the headlock. Keep inside control on the man's hands and he can't headlock you. Hook your top leg on his and try to roll him. Cuddle towards the man keeps your shoulders off the mat. Second match nice job of going right after him and pinning. 3rd match. Need to try your snatch single against a taller opponent and trip him to your back. Curley Shuffle to a base don't stay down on the mat. Ryan Vujs - Won 1 match and lost 2 matches. 1st pin, 2nd 17-2 win, 3rd 5-0 Loss. HEADLOCK, HEADLOCK, HEADLOCk! If you shoot with your head down instead of hitting the man in the chest with your head this is what will happen! In your second match you shot a great double leg and took the man down. You need to do that more often. You gave the third match away. Locking hands shouldn't be happening at this stage in the game. You need to grab a wrist (one-on-one). Arms in when you shoot and don't just push the man around the mat. Make him come to you and shoot that nice double leg. When you throw a half you must just to that side and run on your toes, sink the 1/2 and be perpendicular to him once he is on his back.image
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Thanks To Allyan Quibble

Posted by Roger Moss at Dec 23, 2001 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )
Special thanks to Allyan Quibble for coming and teach some moves. Allyan was home on vacation from Iowa Central where he is a Freshman. Hey here is our team with some of the other wrestlers who attended the clinic in December with Allyan Quibble. The following are pictured: Sean Pentalow, Jacob Eilades, Ricky Mullins,Will Matuzsak, Jack Banks, Ryan Vujs, Tim Norton, Jake Haynes, Jacek Laberda, Kevin Moss, Kevin Tatro, Ryan Vujs and Jack Rudy. Coach Mossimage
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Southington - Great Day!

Posted by Roger Moss at Dec 18, 2001 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )
Seven Minutemen traveled to Southington for this week's tournament and did very well. First year wrestler Derrick Durity had another outstanding day, coming away with the only first place finish. Durity won three matches on his way to first place. Placing second were Mason Powers who won his first match by pin then went on to Technical Fall his second opponent before losing in the championship match 4-0. Sean Pentalow won his first two matches by scores of 6-3 and 6-2 before meeting a tough Avon opponent and losing in the championship match. Kevin Moss was the third to take home second place winning his first match 7-0, pulling out a 5-2 win in the third period of his second match and losing his final match 7-1. Third place finishers included John Holzinger who lost a close match 5-2 before taking home the third place medal. Coming back from an injury earlier in the week Jacek Liberda had the most matches on the day winning his first by pin, then shutting out his opponent 13-0. His third match was a tough 14-3 loss which put Jacek in the consolations bracket where he pinned his first opponent and then beat his last opponent 10-8 for third place. Also wrestling was Jack Rudy who lost his first match in overtime 2-0 and then had a slight neck injury that required him to stop for the day. This week our wrestlers were ready to rumble and showed it on the mat. I don't have a breakdown of each match but here are the results as reported to me. 1st Place Finishers: Derrick Durity: Pinned, Won 6-2, Won 1-0. 2nd Place Finishers: Sean Pentalow: Won 6-3, Won 6-2, Lost Pin Kevin Moss: Won 7-0, Won 5-2, Lost 7-1 Mason Powers: Won Pin, Won TFall, Lost 4-0 3rd Place Finishers: Jacek Liberda: Won Pin, Won 13-0, Lost 14-3, Won Pin, Won 10-8 John Holzinger: Lost 5-2, Won Also wrestling and not placing on the day was Jack Rudy. Lost 2-0 OT, Lost TFall Jack had a tough match against someone he might see a lot of! Your neck is fine Jack!