News and Announcements

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Twenty Years

Posted by Steve Van Bogaert at Dec 14, 2001 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )
Steve Joest
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Fifteen Years

Posted by Steve Van Bogaert at Dec 14, 2001 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )
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Five Years

Posted by Steve Van Bogaert at Dec 14, 2001 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )
Steve Coleman, Bruce Colpo, David Seewer, Boris Sewell and Mark Weidmar
Chuck Friedman honored Chris Luvisi with the Howard Turley President's Award. Chris was unable to be present, but will be presented the award by special committee in the near future. Congratulations Chris for outstanding service over the years.
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Another year comes to a close

Posted by Steve Van Bogaert at Dec 14, 2001 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )
Yes, another year has ended with a successful Wives/Awards Banquet at the Arts Center this past Friday night. This has been one of the toughest years that I can remember for the KFOA. Starting with the tragic accident of Jim Weixler, then the untimely death of Nick Cline, the illness of Chris Luvisi, Warren Shallcross and Gary Wise. But at years end we were celebrating many accomplishments of past and present members of the KFOA.
