News and Announcements

Hey team, just a reminder about the social tonight – 7:30 pm at Sunset Beach.

It will be picnic style so please BYOB and some snacks!

I will have red solo cups ready!

It is supposed to clear up by 1:00 pm so lets hope for no rain!!!!!


Posted by Andrew F Wilson at Jun 27, 2018 12:30PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Alright team, we’ve got a few players out due to injury today and a few who can’t make it, so we may be light on subs tonight. If you haven’t advised Andrew or I of your attendance yet, PLEASE DO SO ASAP.

This week, in “Things That Are Yellow and Cool” (and bad-ass), Uma Thurman in Kill Bill! When you think of a character who stays calm, cool, and collected in the face of adversity, Uma’s should come to mind. She’s savvy, she’s fierce, and she don’t back down. See where I’m going with this one, Team Junction? Let’s really work on passing and communication tonight, gang. Team Justice is a strong team, so we’re going to need to play smart in order to take the win – and if we’re anything besides stunning, it’s smart!


Posted by Andrew F Wilson at Jun 20, 2018 3:01PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Happy Wednesday, Team Junction! Tonight we’re facing off against Team Carter Honda for the third and final time this season. Our first game was a 0-0 tie, followed by our 4-2 win two weeks ago. We know what we need to do to pull out a win against this team, so let’s keep things consistent and bring it! This week, in “Things That Are Yellow and Cool”, in honour of the spectacular weather we’ve been having this week, it’s the sun!

I know the sun is actually a ball of fire, so let’s all imagine all of the yellow/popular depictions. The sun is the most consistent thing we’ve got going for us. Yes, sometime our view is blocked by clouds, and sometimes we can’t see it because the earth has rotated away, but it’s always there. Let’s keep things consistent and tonight and bring our Team Junction style to the field. Keep up the great communication, continue passing with intention, and keep up that amazing hustle you bring to the field every week. We stay cool under pressure, we have fun, and we play to win – we’ve shown Carter Honda before, so let’s do it again! Remember, just like the sun, we’re hot, we’re fire, and we’re yellow. See you all tonight!


Posted by Andrew F Wilson at Jun 13, 2018 3:35PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Hey, Team Junction!

This is a big week for international soccer folks! The 2018 FIFA World Cup kicks off tomorrow in Russia, and the 2026 World Cup was awarded to the United 2026 Bid, which means that Canada will be hosting games, along with the USA and Mexico. To keep up with the theme, in this week’s edition of “Things That Are Yellow and Cool”, I’m giving you the Brazilian national team!

There is a reason Brazil and soccer are synonymous: the men’s Brazilian national team is the most successful team in FIFA World Cup history, with a total of 5 wins. From Pelé, to Ronaldinho, to Neymar, this team has been rocking the pitch in yellow for decades! Let’s keep up the momentum from last week and do the same tonight. Keep up the great communication on the field, keep up the beautiful and deliberate passes, and keep on keeping our cool. Let’s show our opponents why yellow is bad-ass, and let’s do it with a little bit of Brazilian gusto!


Posted by Andrew F Wilson at Jun 6, 2018 1:19PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Helloooo, Team Junction! In this week’s edition of “Things That Are Yellow and Cool”, the yellow highlighter!

Now, I know what you’re thinking – “I’ve been waiting all week for this. I’ve been checking my email all morning for the latest edition of “Thing That Are Yellow and Cool”, and all he’s got for us is yellow highlighter?!”

Well, yes. But it’s highly relevant, I promise.

The yellow highlighter is the best and brightest of the highlighter family, and anything communicated via yellow highlight is loud, obvious, and in your face. Last week we identified our volume level on the field as being problematic to our game. If we’re going to win more games, we’ve got to shake our reputation as the quiet team and amp up our communication on the field. This week, we need to focus on loud and impactful communication throughout the entire game. When you’re claiming a ball, use your own name. When you’re passing the ball, call out the receiver’s name. Our game saw a huge improvement last week after our half-time chat about communication, so this week, let’s go into it with loud, clear, and continuous communication as a priority. Stepping onto the field with you all on Wednesday is the highlight of my week, but I want to be sick of hearing your voices by the end of the game due to your unwavering communication ;)

Team Record






