News and Announcements

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Posted by Christina Woodward at Jul 8, 2021 8:38AM PDT ( 0 Comments )

I’m looking to see how many teams would be interested in a Fall Season. The season would start around the middle to end of August depending on how many teams are playing. A rough estimate for the league fee would be around $590 ($630 for new teams) and that amount is based on 16 teams. The league fee will change depending on the number of teams playing. New teams are required to pay a $200 non-refundable deposit to hold their spot and it will be deducted from the total league fee due. If you could please let me know by Friday, July 23rd at the latest if you are putting a team in*.

The Fall meeting will be sometime during the beginning of August. An exact date will be sent out once I see if we have enough teams for a season. The league fee would be due at that time and the schedule would be drawn.

  • For NEW teams wanting to play: We would like for you to be an already established team or have at least 10 males and 10 females fully committed. We often run into issues with new teams dropping out at the last minute which causes a lot of issues with the schedule and league fee amount. Please reach out to me for more information.
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Mid- Season Rosters/Waivers

Posted by Christina Woodward at Jun 22, 2021 10:49AM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Mid- Season Rosters/Waivers

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June Bat Testing & Mid-Season Rosters

Posted by Christina Woodward at Jun 9, 2021 11:45AM PDT ( 0 Comments )

I will be testing bats this Sunday, June 13th at the pavilion on field 2 from 11:30am-12:30pm ONLY.  
Reminder that Mid-Season Rosters CLOSE by the end of play Sunday, June 13th. The new pickups are eligible to play on Sunday, June 13th. Please remember if a player is currently on a roster they can’t change teams mid-season. Please make sure you list the players you are dropping and write DROP beside their name on the new waiver. New players must sign BOTH waivers. PLEASE PUT THEM IN THE DROP BOX ON THE CONCESSION STAND BY FIELD 2 after your last game of the day.  You can’t exceed 25 players on your roster.

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Posted by Christina Woodward at Jun 2, 2021 1:10PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Mid-Season Rosters OPEN Monday, JUNE 7th and CLOSE by the end of play Sunday, June 13th. The new pickups are eligible to play on Sunday, June 13th. Please remember if a player is currently on a roster they can’t change teams mid-season. Please make sure you list the players you are dropping and write DROP beside their name on the new waiver. New players must sign BOTH waivers. PLEASE PUT THEM IN THE DROP BOX ON THE CONCESSION STAND BY FIELD 2. You can’t exceed 25 players on your roster.  

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2020 Summer Schedule/COVID/Miken

Posted by Christina Woodward at Jul 2, 2020 1:23PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Attached is the 2020 Summer schedule.  Diamond Ratz has changed their name to Brady’s Run Fitness.
A few things to remember:

  • I will be testing MIKEN BATS ONLY on opening day between 12:45-2:00 pm at the pavilion on field 2. 
  • Please inform your players that the league/officers are NOT responsible for anything COVID related.  The County has asked for us to practice safe social distancing while at the fields.  Try to limit the number of spectators at the fields and also the number of players in the dugout.  The league is not enforcing anything but we are all adults so please try to be mindful of the current COVID guidelines.
  • BOTH pages of the waiver/roster must be signed by ALL players on your team.  Failure to do so will result in a $50 fine and all games played resulting in forfeiture.  No other rosters will be accepted.  All players must be 18 years of age by the start of the season without exception. Rosters have a limit of 25 players.  Please put them in the drop box on the side of the concession stand by field 2/baseball field after your last game of the day.  We will not be accepting late waivers or players you want added after they have already been turned in.  I have to turn them into the county on Monday.  
  • Please make sure the lineup cards have your team name and the opposing team name listed.  All players must have FIRST AND LAST names on the lineup cards and the subs must be listed at the bottom.  At the end of the game please make sure the umpires lineup card has the subs you used marked as played and sign the back of the lineup confirming that.  If a sub is not marked as played on the lineup, but they did play there will be no exception made and that game will NOT count towards an eligible game for playoffs.
  • All bats used must be tested and have a 2020 sticker, NO EXCEPTIONS!  If a player is caught using an illegal bat, the team will forfeit the game, incur a $50 fine, and the player will be suspended for the remainder of the season.  All female bats must be clearly marked with two stripes of highly visible tape above the handle grip. No unmarked bats are permitted.    

    Thank you,BCUCSL