News and Announcements

It’s that time of year, when the turf is getting frosty! For this upcoming November 30 weekend, just a friendly reminder to check turf conditions before your games. For UVic, you can easily check the field condition at the link below. They expect to update the condition at 9 am on Saturday morning.

We expect the turf in Duncan to be open for games being played on November 30. However, if it is not, a VILFHA representative will email the team Captains directly Saturday morning.

Have a great and safe weekend!

The VILFHA Annual Christmas Meeting details are below:
When: Thursday, December 5 at 7 pm
Where: Lower Clubhouse, Juan de Fuca Recreation Centre, 1767 Island Highway

Please see map of Juan de Fuca Recreation Centre at (Lower Clubhouse is “p” on the map)
•As per Regulations 4.1 c) Fines shall be imposed on any team: iv. For not having a Team Rep at Council meetings and/or General Meetings $25.00

The meeting agenda is below:

1) Adoption of Agenda
2) Report from the Executive
3) Second half of schedule
4) Discussion /feedback regarding game length
5) New Business
-underage players
-turf condition/plan
6) Announcements
7) Adjournment

Training Sessions: November 16, 17 and 24
If you are over 40 and were wondering about the Canadian Masters Women’s teams, come out to a training session! They are looking for athletes from the over 40, over 45, over 50, over 55, and the over 60 age categories. See below for more details on the upcoming sessions:
•November 16, 5:30 to 8 pm, Eric Hamber, Vancouver – $30
•November 17, 7:45 to 10 am, Livingston, Vancouver – $30
•November 24, 9 to 11 am, Uvic, Victoria – $15

Please contact to register!


2020 Masters World Cup Expressions of Interest
Field Hockey Canada is pleased to announce that Canada will submitting both men’s and women’s teams to the masters and Grandmasters World Cups, slated for 2020. At this point, both programs are seeking expressions of interest from prospective players from Coast to Coast. Please sign up via the registration form to express your interest in being a part of the Canadian Masters programs. Here is the form:

If you are interested in o40s World Cup in Nottingham in August 2020 or the o45s, o50s, o55s, or o60s World Cups in Cape Town in September 2020, see attached letter.


Provincial Umpiring Clinic

Dates: Thursday November 7th and Thursday November 14th (registration cut off: Friday November 1st)
Location : PISE
Times: November 7th 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm and Thursday November 14th 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Instructor: Denise McGeachy

Register for the course

This clinic is open to anyone. We recommend that young learners take the Community umpiring course first (though it is not mandatory).

Those who have previously taken an umpiring course and are unsure of their current standing should review this list:

If your name does not appear on this list, it means your certification has expired.

**If you are a player – you could probable go just to learn!