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Posted by Efrem Gomes at Aug 29, 2018 1:21PM PDT

Here the Updated Standings for the Sunday Evening Division. There have been a couple of you that have inquired about information, and please feel free to look at the Previous Announcement with questions regarding formats/logistics/etc. This information has been posted to your Divisions Homepage as well as your Sunday Evening TEAM Homepage as well.

Just to further help, I’ve included tentative date information with regards to Rounds. These are only placeholders and aren’t confirmed till the games are entered onto the website. This site is limited with regards to posting games as unless we have two defined teams, we won’t be able to provide placeholders (i.e. Semifinals, /Finals etc). With the amount of juggling done as different divisions have different numbers of teams, rainouts throughout the year and realignments to consider….these dates remain undefined online until the previous seeding/knockout round is complete.

Best of luck in the playoffs!

(Still being updated)



Posted by Efrem Gomes at Aug 15, 2018 12:22PM PDT

PLAYOFF FORMATS are straight forward for Divisions 1,2,4 & 5 with 8 teams in each division:
2 Balanced Pools of 4 will play Round Robin Games against each other, followed by a crossover knockout based on said RR games, followed by Semi then Final. As spoke about a few years ago in the AGM, Division 1’s schedule will be completed with the intention of finishing (early usually) in order to allow for play at the NSA Coed Provincials.

DIVISION 3’s format is somewhat similar just with 13 teams, there will be 2 pools of 4, and 1 of 5. Again a Round Robin style will be used to determine seeding, followed by knockouts. In a 3 game format with 5 or 7 teams, the #1 ranked team in the pool will play a 4th game, with the best 3 games counted towards the standings.

WEEKLY FORMAT: :Just like in previous years. Teams have their regular season games played, followed by all rescheduled games, followed by Playoffs, with any remaining games happening falling on the Year End Weekend of September 28th and 29th. (UPDATE: Same as last year the better ranked team will have choice of Home/Away through Round Robin, and in the Knockout Portion: The better ranked team will be Home).

Scheduling variables include reserving diamonds 30 days in advance, having umps scheduled for at least 2 games, maximizing use of diamond reservations and back to back logistical doubleheaders, so teams may have bye weeks, or logistical doubleheaders. Alot of complexity goes into the schedule with the listed variables in addition to the varying requirements of each division due to weather/ppd’s/etc.

The intention is to have stats/scheds updated in the pic and online Wednesday every week. Winning and tying teams are expected to continue to report scores so please continue to do so within the 24 hour expectation of finishing your game as information is dependent on it! Best of luck in your upcoming weeks, thanks VERY much for your patience, and see you on the fields!


REGULAR SEASON STANDINGS PIC: Will appear by Wed Aug 22nd (After all divisions are done)
UPDATED PLAYOFF STANDINGS PIC: Will also appear on Wednesdays will appear as separate announcements



Hello Sunday Evening Division Captains!

So since some people jinxed our ‘lack of Rain’ throughout the year (LOL), unfortunately having rainouts this late in the year caused a little complexity in late July! Instead of being able to rearrange games so teams in a division are done at the same time, a few teams have more then 2 games left. In addition to other postponements due to lightning and the lights at Georgian, we’ll be using Rainout Week 2 (Aug 19th) to finish off the rest of Divisions 2-5. It’s tricky as factoring realigned games, and doubleheaders come into fruition as well. I attempted to add email notifications for any games changed but just in case teams are invited to revisit their schedules online.

I was able to finish off* D1’s* regular season this Sunday (Thanks to the help of Foxy’s who are accepting 3 games in a day!), therefore playoffs will begin Aug 19th. Seeding will be tabulated and expect to have your first couple round robin games scheduled right away.

D2, D3, and D5 all have games pending and the remainder of regular season games will take place this week and next week August 19th. These games will be scheduled by Wed Aug. 15th to ensure this weeks games take place. With playoffs expected to commence the week after.

D4 has one team that had 3 games leftovers so they’ll play 2 of their games this week, and the final game of the division, next week (the 19th). With that being said, I will evaluate the impact and will schedule other playoff games based on seeding next week (August 19th) so please have your teams ready to play just in case. Just like D1, seeding will be tabulated and posted by Wednesday August 15th). I do this in order to maximize resources!

PLAYOFF FORMATS are straight forward for Divisions 1,2,4 & 5 with 8 teams in each division:
2 Balanced Pools of 4 will play Round Robin Games against each other, followed by a crossover knockout based on said RR games, followed by Semi then Final.

DIVISION 3’s format is somewhat similar just with 13 teams, there will be 2 pools of 4, and 1 of 5. Again a Round Robin style will be used to determine seeding, followed by knockouts.

WEEKLY FORMAT: :Just like in previous years. Teams have their regular season games played, followed by all rescheduled games, followed by Playoffs, with any remaining games happening falling on the Year End Weekend of September 28th and 29th.

Best of luck in your upcoming weeks, thanks VERY much for your patience, and see you on the fields! Sorry for being so wordy in my emails just want to keep you informed.


PS: Any Division 1 teams interested in attending the Coed Provincials

Please use the Inquiries link and let us know. We 100% want to accommodate our teams to represent us, obviously if the logistics can work out, we’re here to help. Other teams are more then welcome to let us know about Provincials attendance as well just we’ve been completing D1’s playoffs earlier in order to allow teams the chance to attend. Cheers guys!

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Posted by Barrie Slo-pitch Association at Jul 15, 2018 9:05AM PDT

Reminder to all Teams, Players, Spectators etc. There is No smoking, including vaping at any public sports field in Ontario. If you continue to do so, you could be fined and if need be the township/city etc. can require the league to suspend the team from any further play or risk losing the diamonds completely. That is the Cold hard facts folks. Let’s try to work together.

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Eye Opening Experience, please Read

Posted by Greg MacDonald at Jul 9, 2018 6:36PM PDT

Good evening to everyone in the Barrie Slo-pitch Community. I have some very disturbing news to share. Something happened tonight at the Georgian College Diamonds that has left me sick to my stomach and very, very concerned about our society and all the young people that come to watch parents / guardians / aunts / uncles etc at our games. PLEASE. PLEASE Read and Be AWARE, it can happen to you too!

Names etc. are not being supplied so as not to create issues with the family, but this DID happen tonight:

At approximately 7:00pm tonight at the Georgian diamond a young man approached 2 children aged 5 and 4 touched them on the head and asked them their names and inquiring about personal things about them. One of the fathers DID (thank God) notice him and started up the path to see what was going on. At this point the young man bolted from the scene. YES NOTHING HAPPENED, but it could have, PLEASE be diligent regarding your children and always be aware of any possible threat to them. I just had my grand daughters over for supper and got this news a couple of hours later, I shutter at the thought of any harm coming to them or anyone else’s child. Let’s not let this affect our game and the camaraderie that surrounds our game, but just be diligent.

City police and College security have both been notified, hopefully video surveillance of the area will provide a lead.