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LIFEMARK - Concussion Baseline Testing & More

Posted by Vince Greco on Sep 20 2016 at 09:59PM PDT in 2016-2017

Folks, we have an excellent opportunity to take advantage of a sponsor who can offer us a very valuable service – Concussion Baseline Testing. The only catch is that it is very important that you have the 45 minute test done before you take a big hit or get concussed. You also have to show up at their office at Garnet & Shelbourne in Gordon Head near McKenzie Ave. They are offering up a night for the 1st 7 people to have the concussion testing done. It will be Thursday Sept 29 at 6 pm. The next one after that will be Thursday Oct 6 at 6 pm.
If you would like to take a spot, this is available to any VISL player, admin, ref etc. You just need to RSVP with me.

LIFEMARK will also be offering complimentary Movement Assessment Screening. This is a great soccer specific injury prevention tool that will help you improve performance as well. If this interests you, again – send me an email and you will get further information. This will not be a specific night – rather an appointment you set up with somebody I will get you in touch with.

Please email your name & team you are registered with to: vincentgreco@shaw.ca


2016-09-20T22:01:11.000-07:00September 20 2016, at 10:01 PM PDT, Vince Greco said:

Soccer Injury Prevention through Movement Screen and Exercise:
Complementary screen offered to VISL athletes through lifemark sponsorship

Common Injuries in Soccer:
ACL or other ligament injury
 Atraumatic repetitive strain injuries
 Muscle strains (hamstring/groin)
 Ankle sprains
 Concussion
How Can Injuries be Prevented?
 Strength and conditioning
 Proprioceptive training
 Core exercises
 Stretching
 Sport specific conditioning
 Concept of ‘pre-habilitation’
Risk Factors for Injury:
 Muscle length/strength
 Alignment
 Asymmetry
 Neuromuscular control
Learned Compensatory Movements:
 Learned compensatory patterns are patterns that the body uses to adapt:
 the body ALWAYS takes the path of least resistance
 Mobility, stability, pain
 Result = dysfunctional movement pattern
 Movement screen:
 Improves injury prevention
 A tool to QUANTIFY injury risk
 Tool to identify and accentuate dysfunctional movement patterns
Goals of a movement screen:
 Identify risk for injury through identifying physical imbalances or weaknesses
 Improve performance and efficiency of movement
 Individualized, specific exercise prescription to directly address dysfunction (Melina Kurtakis, 2015)
