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2016/2017 Start of Season / Major points

Posted by Vince Greco at Aug 13, 2016 10:50PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

The season start is just around the corner. A quick reminder on some key points.

-Hopefully you have gone in to see Moreno at Team Sales and/or John at Soccerworld to be prepared for the upcoming season.
-The Organizational meeting is on Monday August 22, 7 pm start at Club Distrikt in the basement of the Strathcona Hotel. Mandatory for all teams South of the Malahat, encouraged for all VISL teams. $ is due that night – please contact Treasurer Keith Smith for any financial questions.
-If you have any special scheduling concerns, you need to contact Danny Hood at asap
-The new Society Act legislation comes into effect in November 2016. We (via work group chaired by Daniel Greco) are updating ours, and all major clubs must do theirs as well. We encourage all registered societies to do the same or you could lose your status eventually. BC Soccer is also helping by sharing their best practices policies – they hope to have their business model updated by mid November. Any questions can be asked to Daniel at
-Referees …..if you are interested – there is a meeting this Monday August 15, 7:15 pm at Tyndall Clubhouse. Steve Legg is the new President. RSVP to Christian Hauer at
-Do you need League sanctioned (mandatory) game balls? If you do, email me to arrange for delivery/pickup, and payment. They are still a total cost of $80.00 per ball. If both teams do not provide 2 game balls to the referee at start of match – they will be fined $50.00
-McGavin Cup time !! All teams are eligible except the top 4 finishing teams of Div 1 last year.
This is a League sponsored (which really means member sponsored) tournament. Costs are at a bare minimum so teams can get some exhibition games in, have a last look at some players maybe, and perhaps play some better competition to get ready for the year. The last couple years have produced some great games with some fun upsets. Games will start roughly Saturday Sept 10 for those divisions/teams that are not playing that weekend. We will also have early to mid week games. All drawn from the hat and each round is re shuffled. If you have time on a field, you can have your game there…..if not, games will be at Blanshard or wherever else we can get time. Start times will be as early as possible to get the games in as darkness becomes a factor. Every team brings a net and corner flags, supplies an AR, the League will then supply all 3 officials for the semis.
Maximum 24 teams, 16 would be a good number – the most inclusive open League sanctioned tournament in BC and potentially even Canada. Permits are encouraged and discipline earned will stay within the competition unless the infraction is deemed severe.
-Key dates listing will be handed out at the meeting on Aug 22 at the Strath.
-The League is looking into producing some goods for membership. One (and probably more in the future) of the items on our radar requires a vector file from your Club/Association. All teams are invited to be part of this. If you would like to have your team logo/Club logo on these manufactured pieces – please send me your vector file. A PDF or JPEG will not do the trick. Teams have until Aug 31 to send this in. If you need help organizing a vector file or have some questions – please contact Tony Drolet at
Whoever did your uniforms probably has your vector file.
If you would like your team* logo listed on our community links page*, please send me that logo as well. That would be in a JPEG format.
-New Registrar in town – it is Geri Dickson. She can be reached at
-We have a couple new Gold Sponsors that are officially part of the League. Kaltire & Heineken.
These are great fits for us!

See you on Monday August 22 at the Strath.

Vince Greco
VISL President

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VISL's McGavin Cup

Posted by Vince Greco at Aug 12, 2016 3:47PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

It is open to any VISL team except for the top 4 finishing teams from Div 1 last year.

Same rules as last year -

Permits are fine – players just need to be registered.
Cup tied rules in effect so you cannot play on different teams within the competition.
Same idea as last year……hopefully the weather cooperates with fields.
Games will be scattered wherever we can find a field or wherever teams can supply a field.
Most will take place at Blanshard/Topaz/Glasgow.
Kickoff times will be early – 5:30 or 6 pm at latest. Halves might be knocked back to 40 minutes.

So first come first serve, email me your intentions of entry to
First 12 teams are in, after that it is up in the air.
16 teams would work well to if we can squeeze all the games in.
Cost will be the same as last year – $100.00
Supply an A/R for the first & second game, then official crews of 3 for the following rounds.
All rounds will be drawn from a hat.

Vince Greco

