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The best way to take notes: the battle between quantity and quality.

What is the most effective way of taking notes? Below you will find recommendations based on popular research in the field.

If you’re looking to develop the perfect photographic memory, then you should work even harder on the habit of taking notes during class. You have two important goals in taking notes. First, it helps you to better assimilate the information you hear from the teacher. Secondly, having well-written notes, you can return to them at any time and remember certain concepts, which is especially important before passing the exam. 

Electronic abstracts: quantity is more important than quality 

When you type notes , for example, on a laptop, then this approach allows you to record the maximum amount of information from the lecture you listened to. You may even have time to type the entire lecture verbatim. If you don’t have time to write everything down then don’t worry. There is effective essay writing to help you accomplish what the lecture said. The huge advantage of electronic notes over their paper counterparts is that you can easily search for information in them later using keywords. For example, when preparing for a test or exam, you can easily enter the term you need and find the passages in which it occurs. 

If you prefer to take notes in electronic format, then you should pay attention to such a useful tool as Google Docs. The information you typed will be automatically saved to the cloud storage, and the notes made can be viewed on any gadgets. Plus, you can easily interact with other students, share your notes with them, or if you missed something, ask them to share their notes.

Microsoft also has a great tool for taking notes electronically. OneNote is a program that gives you a lot of freedom when taking notes. Using it, you can create drawings, diagrams and insert other media files into your notes. 

Handwritten notes: quality is more important than quantity

If you prefer to take notes by hand, then there is some good news for you. This technique is ideal for those who want to memorize more information from the lectures they have listened to. In 2014, a study was published in Psychological Science that proved that typing in electronic format, even if you have time to type the entire lecture verbatim, allows you to retain much less data in memory than taking notes by hand. 

And there is a perfectly logical explanation for this. We cannot write as fast as we speak. When you take notes by hand, this task requires analysis and synthesis of the information you hear. Of course, you can automatically type text, almost without catching its meaning. To train the ability to grasp the meaning use which, through writing an essay, will help to grasp the meaning of the text. But using a pen and paper will require much more effort on your part.

However, handwritten abstracts also have their drawbacks. First, you will inevitably miss out on some information. To avoid this use which will resume some of the information you missed. Second, it can sometimes be difficult to make out handwritten notes, even if they are your own notes. Third, it is difficult to search for information using keywords in handwritten notes. But with the right approach and organization of handwritten notes, they can be quite effective. 

Combining the two approaches 

Since each of them has certain disadvantages, the logical step is to take the best from each of them and create the most effective method of taking notes.

Develop your ideal handwriting note-taking technique that will allow you to memorize the maximum amount of information and at the same time easily navigate the notes.

Next, you should talk to other students with whom you attend the same lectures. Select a service or program and create a common document there, in which you will jointly bring in the lecture materials. Have everyone add a piece of information there, so that you end up with a document that covers all the important data from the lecture you heard. Not only will you be able to fill in the blanks in your own notes, but you will also be able to ask questions if something remains incomprehensible to you. In addition, in such an electronic document it will be easy to search for information by keywords. 

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