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MARCH 13, 2020

From the President of the FSSL:
To all FSSL players

This letter is in regards to the Coronavirus (COVID-19)

A lot of you have been calling and texting me about the health problem with the Coronavirus. There are some that are saying that the league should stop for a period of time until this is over, and some are wanting to continue to play. I think at this time in light of all the other cancellations that are happening throughout the US, we must understanding the importance of our health as well as our families and people that we come into contact with. Until we as a board which meets next Friday, March 20th, I can only say that each player must decide on their own should they play or not until the board makes a decision. I do understand the importance of this medical problem and I’m happy to see that people do care about other people. A decision will be made at the board meeting, and I hope that whatever the decision may be made, that all players, fans and families will understand. If you want to voice your opinion, you can call me at 559-514-4225 or call any board member to let us know your thoughts.

Thank you for your understanding.

Paul Sanchez

The 68’s division is scheduled to start Tuesday March 17th. Draft will take place on Saturday March 14th – time and location to be announced. As of this date we have 2 1/2 teams and would like to get it to 4 teams. Games are played on Tuesday mornings. I am still looking for a few good men to manage and draft teams so if you are interested in being a manager and drafting a team please let me know.

CALL THE PARAMEDICS NOW . . . . .if last night is any indication of how the season is going to go, but get the paramedics to the ball park. Last night all three games were won in the bottom of the open inning with two outs and the home team trailing. In the first game of the night it was All American Flooring beating the Elbow Room/93.7 kiss in extra innings by the score of 14-13 after it was tied 12-12 to force the extra inning. In he second game Cash Now defeated Realty Concepts 19-18 . The score was tied 14-14 after 6 inning and then in the top half Realty Concepts score4 runs to take an 18-14 lead into the bottom half. Cash Now then proceeded to score 5 runs to get the win with two outs. Then in the third game of the night it was the Diamond Kings overcoming a nine run defecit to beat Athletic Design by 17-16. The Diamond kings score 5 in the bottom of the 6th and then shut out Athletic Design in the top half. Then just like the other two games it was time for the home team to come alive and that they did as they scored another 5 to come away with the win and once again with two outs.
I think if this is the way it is going to go, the 2020 season is going to be a lot of fun, we will see what happens in tonights games.

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Posted by Fresno Senior Softball League at Feb 29, 2020 10:44AM PST ( 0 Comments )

The draft has been done, you can look at the teams as drafted under documents. Schedule will be posted as soon as site is updated. I will post the first few games under announcement.

1st Degree – Normal ejection by Umpire not involving excessive vulgarity or threatening behavior
Ejection for remainder of game and 1 additional game in same league.
No Board review and or player appeal.

2nd Degree – Ejection by Umpire for excessive vulgarity
Ejection for remainder of game, an additional 3 games in every league player is in and 6 months’ probation.
For example: Player is ejected by Umpire of excessive vulgarity. Player plays in both the fifties and fifty-eights. Total suspension (not including game of occurrence) 6 games.
Player can appeal. Player needs to present a letter of appeal to the Board. Presentation of letter must be to an active member of the Board and not an affiliated 3rd party. Player would then be allowed to address Board and present witnesses as deemed necessary. Until appeal and ejection are heard by Board player would then be able to continue participation in League activities.
Board review -Board reviews the ejection and determines validity. Player will be presented with a letter outlining decision. Letter would state Boards position on ejection. At this time the player would either be vindicated or continue serving their suspension if not already served. If player has lost on appeal, they would then start serving suspension.
2nd ejection for any reason during 6-month probation.
Player can appeal. Player needs to present a letter of appeal to the Board. Presentation of letter must be to an active member of the Board and not an affiliated 3rd party. Since this ejection was during a probation period player would not be allowed to play until after Board rules on ejection. Player would be allowed to address Board and present witnesses as deemed necessary.
Board must review. Board reviews the ejection and determines validity. Player will be presented with a letter outlining decision. Letter would state Boards position on ejection. This could include up to a 1-year suspension.
3rd Degree – Ejection by Umpire for threatening behavior
If the Umpire working the game determines that a player has committed threatening behavior they can be ejected from the game and receive an additional 6 games suspension in every league the player is in. The player will then be on a year’s probation.
For example: Player 1 swings bat at anyone and Umpire working the game believes this to be threatening. Player 1 is ejected for that game and an additional 12 games as they play in two leagues.
Player can appeal. Player needs to present a letter of appeal to the Board. Presentation of letter must be to an active member of the Board and not an affiliated 3rd party. Player would be allowed to address Board and present witnesses as deemed necessary. Since this is a 3rd Degree ejection the player would not be allowed to participate in League activities up until such a time as the Board decrees. Player would be allowed to address Board and present witnesses as deemed necessary.
Board must review. Board reviews the ejection and determines validity. Based on the nature of the ejection (i.e. threatening behavior, actual physical contact, or both) it would be necessary that the Board seek out and hear from corroborating witnesses. Intent would play a major factor in Board’s decision.
2nd ejection during 1-year probation.
Player can appeal. Player needs to present a letter of appeal to the Board. Presentation of letter must be to an active member of the Board and not an affiliated 3rd party. Player would be allowed to address Board and present witnesses as deemed necessary. Since this is multiple offense of a 3rd Degree ejection the player would not be allowed to participate in League activities up until such a time as the Board decrees. Player would be allowed to address Board and present witnesses as deemed necessary.
Board must review. Board reviews the ejection and determines validity. Based on the nature of the ejection it would be necessary that the Board seek out and hear from corroborating witnesses. Intent would play a major factor in Board’s decision. If ejection is determined to be valid suspension from League would be what the Board decrees up to life.