News and Announcements

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Day 1 of Tournament Completed

Posted by Tom Wendorf at Aug 27, 2015 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

The first 6 games of the 2015 Year-End tournament were played yesterday. There was only 1 game where the lower seed won.

Results from yesterday are below, along with the bracket and Tuesday's game schedule. The bracket can be downloaded from the Handouts link below.

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Fall Ball Starts Soon

Posted by Tom Wendorf at Aug 20, 2015 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Register now!

The Fall Season starts 9/15 and runs through 10/29. Registration ends 9/8.

The fee for Fall Ball is only $10 per player. Players who played during the 2015 Regular Season should give their money to one of the league officers. Checks are preferred.

New players and returning OTS players who didn't play in the 2015 season need to fill out a registration form and mail it to the address on the form with a check, or give the form and check to a league officer.

The registration form can be found on the Handouts webpage. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select Registration Materials or click here.  

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Photos from 7/23

Posted by Tom Wendorf at Aug 20, 2015 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
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Posted by Tom Wendorf at Aug 18, 2015 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

The 7th Annual Golf Tournament will be held this year at Bear Trap Dunes Golf course in Ocean View on October 21ST.

You can download the flyer, registration form and hole sponsorship/receipt form here or by going to the Handouts page, scrolling to the bottom and selecting on Golf Tournament.



August 13, 2015

Present: Bo Wood, Harry Gowl, Keith Purdy, Tom Wendorf

1) OTS Picnic

The picnic will be held on September 10 this year from 1:00 to 4:00 at the American Legion. Cost will be $5.00 per person. Kids 12 and under will be free.

The main course, soft drinks, iced tea and water will be provided. A cash bar will be open. Each person/couple/family is asked to bring a side dish or dessert that will serve 6.

Awards will be given to the league champion and the tournament champion.

Bo is to confirm the date, time and arrangements with the American Legion.

2) Elections

Ballots were handed out to all teams on 8/13. Completed ballots are to be returned to Tom Wendorf who will count the votes since Dick Mullins and Harry Gowl are on the ballot.

3) Board of Directors

A change to the Board of Directors structure was discussed. Bo suggested cutting down the number of members on the Board of Directors by allowing the managers to choose representatives to serve on the Board. The number of representativeswas discussed and it was decided that 6 would be a good number. None of the 6 are to be any of the Executive Committee members. The Executive Committee agreed to present a proposed By-Law change at the next Board of Directors meeting.

4) Fall Ball

It was decided that Fall Ball will run from 9/15 to 10/29. A registration fee of $10 per person will be charged. The will cover the cost of liability insurance. New balls will be procured for the Fall season. Tentative plans are for 8 teams playing 14 games.

Players must be registered to play Fall Ball. Registration fees can be given to any of the Executive Committee members. If a player was registered for the Regular season, he does not need to fill out a new form. Everyone else will need to fill out a form.

Bo will get 8 team managers. 

5) Tournament Schedule

The schedule has been determined. Carl Pierce will get the bracket on a large sheet. The tournament is scheduled to end on 9/10. The schedule is as follows:  

8/27   Thu  Tournament Games 

9/1      Tue  Tournament Games 

9/2    Wed  Make-Up Tournament Games (if needed)

9/3     Thu Tournament Games  

9/8     Tue  Tournament Games

9/9   Wed   Make-Up Tournament Games (if needed)

9/10   Thu  Tournament Games

6) Rating Meeting

The player rating meeting will be held on 9/8 after the tournament games. Rating forms need to be distributed to the team managers and returned to the Secretary (presumably Carl since he is running unopposed) by 9/3.  

7) Plan for Next Year

Bo proposed a 14-team league for next year. Each team would have 12 players. That would allow 168 players to play. To accommodate the extra games, 6 games would be played on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and 2 games would be played on Wednesday mornings.

Bo also proposed changing he minimum age for the league from 55 to 60. All current players who are under 60 would be “grandfathered” in.

Both changes require By-Laws changes approved by the Board of Directors.  

8) Running Rule

Keith proposed a change to the runner rule for courtesy runners from home plate. Prior to the start of the game, team managers will advise the home plate umpire and opposing manager of which players require a runner from home plate. Each team manager will select 3 players from the opposing team that cannot be used as courtesy runners during that game. Anyone else can be used as a courtesy runner. If a courtesy runner is on base when it is his turn to bat, he will be removed from the base and declared out as a batter. He will lose his turn at bat.

The substitute runner rule will be done per SS-USA rules.

It was agreed that the Executive Committee would propose this By-Law change to the Board of Directors. (Note: in conversations after the meeting with a manager or two, consideration is being given to reducing the number of excluded runners from 3 to 2).  

9) Work Day

Bo announced that there will be a work day on Monday, 9/14 from 9 to 12.The wood fences, backstop and dugouts will be repaired and painted.

10) Wine Tasting

A wine tasting event for the off-season was discussed. There was some discussion of having it in December when more OTS players are still in town, but it was decided that since the event will be on a Sunday, there would be too much conflict with Ravens, Eagles, Redskins and other NFL TV games.

The Sunday after the Super Bowl was suggested as a good date. This date has not been confirmed. Discussions with Michael Ohr will continue.

Thomas C. Wendorf

Information Officer, OTS  
