News and Announcements

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Big news, our Juniors team is entering the state championship games this weekend.  The game will be played at Pineview Baseball Complex.  Field is at 401 Daggett Ave, Pawtucket.  Game is Saturday, 6:30 pm vs. Glocester.  Go Wickford.


Tonight, the 9/10 Urwin team of Wickford Little Leaguers takes on Warwick Continental in the finals of the Urwin Tournament.  The tournament is hosted by Coventry Little League.  Wickford has had an impressive run in the tournament, posting a 6-1 record.  Our only loss was against Warwick Continental.  Game is at 6pm at Wood St. Field, Coventry.  Go Wickford!!! 

This just in... Wickford Little League 11's defeat Warwick Continental American. Final score from Wilson Park was 7-4. WLL has advanced to the District 3 Championships. Great job Wickford District 11's, coaches, families, players!!!
Go Wickford.
Come out Friday, July 15th to cheer on our District 11's. Wilson Park at 6:30. Our rising stars are playing Warwick Continental. Should be a fantastic night for baseball. Good luck players, coaches, and families. Go Wickford!!!
Congratulations to the Wickford Little League Jr's district team. They defeated a strong East Greenwich team to win the District 3 championship. Nice job Juniors and Coaching Staff. Go Wickford!!!