

Volunteer Needed - Umpire Chief

Posted by JIM MCGEE on Mar 12 2018 at 05:00PM PDT

After 28 years of volunteer service to Midland Northeast Little League, our Umpire Chief, Dave Gessford, has retired. That means we are in need of a replacement volunteer.

Below is a brief description of the role. If you are interested in filling this position on our Board, or if you have questions, please contact NELL President, Matt Hansen, at Please know that the Umpire Chief is not required to umpire games. This role serves to organize and support the umpiring crew.

Umpire Chief Role

  • Train umpires annually
  • Schedule umpires for Majors and Minors division (regular season, tournaments, sandlot)
  • Provide rule interpretations to coaches and managers
  • Manage rule disputes

Thank you for your consideration.


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