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Manager's Meeting Minutes 3/25/2009

Posted by Tom Wendorf at Mar 24, 2009 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )


                    MARCH 25, 2009

The meeting took place at the Ocean View Town Hall starting at 10 am.  Those present included Bo Wood, Tom Farrah, Dick Mullins and the managers/assistant managers for the 2009 season.  A variety of issues were discussed, as follows:

1)  Player Draft:  The player draft will take place on May 1st.  Only those players paid as of May 1 will be included in the player draft.  Those who pay after May 1 will be placed on a team by the Board, as needed.

2)  Managers/Teams:  There will be 10 teams this season, with approximately 14 players per team.  We lost 4 sponsors (Grotto Pizza, Bayside Homes, Pepper Creek and Vickie York).  We gained one back, the American Legion Post #24 in Dagsboro, and have 3 more prospects that look promising.  Bo Wood will handle assigning managers and team sponsors to each other.

3)  Tueday-Thursday Play:  The day change was discussed.  It was voted on by the league, then confirmed by the officers and managers last year.  Sal Corrallo's practices will move to Mondays.

4)  Draft Procedures: How the draft will be handled this year was discussed.  The goal is parity within the league to enhance good, quality, competitive games.  The combined scores of the manager and his/her assistant will be added to determine the order in which the draft will start the first round.  Bo went over the details, which will be restated at the draft meeting.  Basically the team with the lowest overall score (skill level of all players to that point) will begin that round, moving toward the team with the highest rating.  Each round will start that way.  New players will be rated in April, as well as those from last year who may have had a medical situation that could affect the ability to play.  To assist the rating process in April, managers and ass't managers are asked to take note of new players and write down their observations.  Practices will be held at 10:30 am and 12:00 noon on Tuesdays and Thursdays on both fields, and will consist of 45 minutes of practice, such as infield, batting, outfielders shagging flies, etc., the a 45 minute game.  Returning players will practice with their teams from last year. The Rookie game will be held on April 29th.

5)  Substitution Rules: Several substitution situations were discussed as follows.

Game Substitution- For those with a skill level from 18 to 20, there are no limitation on substitutions, any player can sub regardless of their skill level.  For players 12 to 17, only a player with your skill level or lower may substitute for you.  For players with a skill lever from 4 to 11, any player with a skill level from 4 to 11 can substitute for any other player in that group.  For example, if a player is an 8, the manager may replace him/her with any player with a rating of 11 and below.

Runner substitution- Those who cannot run and always have a substitute runner from home or on any base will have their ratings adjusted to reflect a 3 as a runner rather than a 1 as in the past.  This is because they always have a substitute runner who is at least a 3.  The rules for running are as they were at the start of last year, which means (a) at the start of an inning when there are 0 outs, anyone may be called upon to be a substitute runner;  (b) after there is an out, the player making the last out must run if they are able, if not if moves to the previouse out; (c) anybody can run from a base for another player, but no player can be a substitute runner more than once per inning.

Team Players- Discussion took place about replacing absent players, even when a team has the minimum number of players to field (11).  The vote of the managers was to NOT allow any substitute players if a team has the minimum number needed to field a team, which is 11.  Regardless of what skill level or position is missing, a team must field it's own team if possible without subs.  A sub can only be used if a team drops below 11 players that are able to play.  Players must play as close to half the game as possible, which means if it is a 9 inning game, each player must play 4 innings, if a 7 inning game, each player must play at least 3 innings.  This is contingent on each player being physically able to play.

6)  Innings per Game: Games will be 9 innings, unless due to weather/heat/humidity it warrants shortening, then a 7 inning game will be played.  Both managers must make the decision prior to the game starting.  If the managers cannot agree on the length of the game, the umpire will make the decision.

7)  Team Responsibilities:  Last year, John Bokop and Bo Wood did most of the work on the fields each game day.  This year the responsibilities will be assigned to the teams, with each team assigned one week.  Jobs to do each week include dragging, rolling and lining the fields, cutting the 150' line in the outfield and getting the first aid kit that will be kept in the shed to the field.  The home team of the last game on the field is responsible to put everything away, including the first aid kits into the shed.  More will be discussed at the general meeting next week.

8)  Courtesy Foul:  Ed Sternberg represented Sal and asked about the possibility of allowing for a courtesy foul.  The managers voted to keep it the way it is, with a starting 1 and 1 count with no courtesy foul.

9)  Season Practices:  The practices that Sal Corrallo held on Wednesday will move to Mondays.

10)  Pitching Screen:  A pitching screen will be available for each field for the pitcher's use, if he/she wants to use it.  This is optional.  If a screeen is used and a batted ball hits it, the ball is dead, the at bat does not count and all runners go back to their base.  A thrown ball that hits the screen will be live, and play will continue.

11)  Short Fielders:  Discussion took place on having the short fielders play no farther in than the outfield grass.  The problem with this is that each field is set up different, with one field having a much larger infield than the other.  The managers decided to not impose any restrictions on where the short fielder plays.

12)  Meeting Dates:  There are two upcoming meetings.  Next week is the general meeting, to be held on April 1, 2009 at the Bethany Town Hall (intersection of Rt. 1 and Rt. 26 adjacent the totem pole)  at 7 pm. The other meeting will be the player draft, to take place at the Ocean View Town Hall on May 1 at noon.

13)  Weather Line:  The weather line will be activated on April 1, 2009.

14)  CPR/AED Training:  About 16 people have requested to be trained in CPR and how to use the AED (defibrillator) that will be at the fields.  I will contact those interested and set up a training session, to last about 3 hours.  We also currently have 3 or 4 who already have the CPR training that may only need the AED part of the program.  Also, Bo has directed me to make up 2 first aid kits for use at the fields, they will be kept in the shed to avoid damage to them in the boxes behind home plate.




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Meeting Minutes for October 7, 2008

Posted by Tom Wendorf at Oct 20, 2008 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

MEETING MINUTES for October 7, 2008   The newly elected officers of the Old Timers Softball League met today for an informal meeting to get acquainted with each other and discuss issues that will or may come up for the next season, as well as budget issues that need to be addressed between now and when we begin collecting revenue next season.

The League officers for the 2009 season are: President: Bo Wood, Vice President: Tom Farrah, Treasurer: Archie Alexander, Secretary: Dick Mullins

The main purpose of this meeting was to update everyone on the financial aspects of the league, where the money goes and how much is collected, league rules and regulations, where the league has been and where we hope to take it.  Archie will have the ability to issue a financial report in the near future, but at this time the league is in good financial condition. Bo stated there were several items he thought should be included in next year’s budget.  They include the acquisition/purchase of a shed (minimum 10’x12’) to house a tractor that is being donated by the COG (approx. $2,000), a roller ($200), backstop screens ($400), and other implements to maintain the fields.  Also discussed was the annual maintenance fee of $295 to maintain an AED (defibrillator) on the field during games.  This is in addition to the uniforms/balls/etc. required to play ball during the season.

Everyone agreed with Bo’s items as presented in principle, based on cost, feasibility, etc.  For example, the shed to house the tractor may be a pre-constructed plastic shed or we may opt to build our own, depending on cost, labor, materials, etc.  We need to meet with the COG to determine location, appearance and other issues. Archie presented a projected budget sheet for 2009.  It is based upon 150 players paying $40 per person, sponsors for 12 teams based on projections that we can increase the pool of players, and funds from Sussex County.  We have adequate funds to accomplish our goals for next season.  The insurance is due January 1, and we have continuous expenses such as the weather line and web site.  Routine expenses include uniforms, balls, equipment, insurance, telephone, the picnic, field maintenance and other expenses.  We all agreed with Archie’s approach to the budget and what was projected.  Archie has already scheduled to meet with several home owners’ associations to advertise our league and solicit players.  All players are encouraged to advertise our league and solicit new players.

The registration letters will be mailed to all players, as well as being sent by e-mail and on the web site.  The letters will include the option of each player including any health issue they want to disclose to the league in the event of an episode on the field.  In addition, we will ask if any player has a skill, such as nurse, EMT, first responder who wants to declare it and help out at games.  These are voluntary.   

The schedule for next year, based on a league wide vote, is to play on Tuesday and Thursday (not Fri.).  Practices that Sal conducts now on Wednesday will most likely move to Monday.  More to follow.

 Rules:  Two issues that will likely need addressing next spring include substitution of players and  mid season players joining teams (and how to rate them).

Field Maintenance:  This year, Bo Wood and John Bokop basically maintained both fields, and as all will agree, they did a great job.  However, we do not think it is fair to place this burden solely on these two individuals.  Therefore, next year we are considering assigning each team a week, during which it is their responsibility to maintain both fields, including cutting grass, lining, field prep., etc.  This is something that will be discussed and voted on by the team managers whether it is done day by day or by the week.

Player input:  It is our feeling that when major issues surface that affect the league and its’ players, a league wide vote may be called for.  Obviously, we cannot run the league on the day to day operations in this manner, but significant issues may require everyone’s input. The weather line will be discontinued as of November 1.  It will be re-activated April 1, 2009. Player Safety:  This is a major concern, and to that end we have agreed to accept the donation of an AED from Rescue One for Life.  This will require an annual maintenance fee of $295, which will include replacement pads, battery, medical oversight and all documentation required for the State or Delaware.We will ask the umpires and team managers to become certified in CPR and AED (defibrillator).  This would be voluntary.  Also, we will look to upgrade our first aid supplies, and may offer an informational class on first aid, to include the common injuries/medical conditions we may see on the field. 

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OTS Senior Olympic Team Wins Silver at Dover

Posted by Ron Weber at Sep 21, 2008 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

The OTS Senior Olympic team in the 60 to 64 age bracket won the Silver Medal on Saturday September 20th by defeating 2 of the 3 other teams in their division. The team, managed by Bo Wood ended up playing 4 games that day; 3 in their division and 1 game against the Delaware Legends who are in the Majors division. It was a long day with the first game starting at 9a.m. and the 4th game ending at 5:30 p.m.

The team played all day without a single injury which was very fortunate considering there were only 12 players on the roster.

The team had to play the Legends in the 1st game......the toughest team at the tournament......and although the pitching and fielding was very good, the team was not able to put enough consecutive hits together to keep pace with the Legends hot bats.

From the 2nd through the 4th game, the team really put it all together, handily beating 2 teams from Wilmington and giving the Stars, the eventual Gold Medal winner, a run for their money. The manager of the Stars commented that we were their toughest competition of the day. 

OTS Team players were: 

Pitchers - Eddie Sternberg and Ed Wilson

Catchers - Ron James and Terry Thomas

Infield - Harry Banks, Jesse Bare, Johnny Allen, Bo Wood

Outfield - Pete Harris, Ron Weber, Tom Faulkner, Tom Copp


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OTS at the Olney MD Senior Softball Tournament

Posted by Ron Weber at Jul 21, 2008 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

OTS sent two teams to the 2008 Olney Tournament. The 65+ managed by Bo Wood and the 70+ managed by Mike Carta. Both teams had many new faces, as time made more eligible for each age group. For past 70+ team members, a new age group beckons, as the tournament added a 75+ bracket with four teams.

The 65+ team represented Grotto Pizza while the 70+ were wearing ReMax Coast 65+ and Country Real Estate colors. The Grotto Team hit well but so did its opponents, as they dropped three straight.

The ReMax Team won its first game blowing out a team from Brandywine 16-1 in five innings. They also won the last game they played, 15-7 over the Bowie Seventies, the usual Tournament Champion. The bats went dry in the second game as they dropped a 17-2 decision to the Montgomery County Seniors, the eventual winner. Vinnie DelVecchio batted cleanup for Montgomery.

The second place finish was the best in the six years the team has participated in the Tournament. It should be noted that all contributed; especially noteworthy was the pitching of Larry Pulcini, who had to work all three games in 90-degree temperature.

Several players on the ReMax team had serious problems with the heat. All will agree that this is the type of tournament that is enjoyable whatever the results, and all look forward to next year's event.

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Courtesy Runner Rule

Posted by Ron Weber at Jul 8, 2008 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

The recent courtesy runner rule controversy/discussion has generated about as many opinions as there are players, managers and assistant manager in the league.

Some feel that the rule [Item J-2] needs to changed, others feel it should stay the same, others feel some minor modifications are needed, and others feel that no league rules should be changed during the season. Frankly speaking, it’s a quagmire with no answer that’s going to satisfy everyone.

Consequently, it has been decided that the league we will follow the rule as written at the beginning of the 2008 season, but allow for game day modifications when both opposing manager agree.

Following the completion of the 2008 season the League’s Board [Officers & Managers] will revisit the courtesy runner rule and hopefully come up with modifications that are satisfactory to all.

The current rule [Section IV, Sub-heading J, Page 8] reads as follows:

J. Courtesy [Substitute] Runners

1) Players who have difficulty running from home plate, or on the base paths, due to injury, age or for medical reasons may use a courtesy runner.  Before the game begins, the manager should give the umpire and opposing manager the names of any players requiring a courtesy runner from home plate.

2) The designated courtesy runner will be the last batter who made an out; or, if that player is on base running for another player, then the next previous batter, to make an out., etc.

Exception: In the first inning, with no outs, anyone on a team roster may serve as a courtesy runner.

3) A courtesy runner from home plate must start from a position directly behind the catcher and not leave that position until the ball is struck.  If a runner leaves this position before the batter hits the ball he/she will be declared out.

4) A courtesy runner may not be used after one pitch to the next batter.

5) Another courtesy runner may not replace a courtesy runner, except in event of injury.

6) A courtesy runner on base when it is his/her time to bat will be declared out on base, but will be allowed to bat.


A. Further Definition of Rule J-2: 

[1] Courtesy Runner from Home Plate [Other than First inning]: The player who made the last out, unless he/she has already run in the inning and/or he/she is unable to run [due to age, injury or for medical reasons], is theonly person who can run for a player needing a courtesy runner from home plate.

* If the player who made the last out is ineligible or unable to run then the next to last person to make an out must be the courtesy runner.  The team manager and/or assistant is responsible for maintaining a record of who made the last out[s] and providing this information to the umpire in a timely fashion when a courtesy runner is required.

[2] Courtesy Runner on Base:  The player who made the last out, unless he/she has already run in theinning or he/she is unable to run [due to age, injury or for medical reasons], is the only person who can run for a player needing  a courtesy runner who is on base.

* If the player who made the last out is ineligible or unable torun then the next to last person to make an out must be the courtesy runner.  The team manager and/or assistant is responsible for maintaining a record of who made the last out[s] and providing this information to the umpire in a timely fashion when a courtesy runner is required. 

-----------------------------------------------B. Game Day Modification Option:

If two opposing mangers wish to waive any portion of thecourtesy runner rule, [agree to a game day modification of the rule] they must mutually agree to the waiver before the game commences and notify the umpires of the portion(s) being waived.   

Examples of alternatives that have been used with some success this season include:

* Any player may serve as a courtesy runner from home late, at the beginning of each inning until the first out is made.  After the first out is made the player making that out must serve as courtesy runner. 

* If the player who made the last out is ineligible or unable torun then the next to last person to make an out must be the courtesy runner.   

* The selection of courtesy runners for a player who is on base,in any inning, is at the manager’s discretion. 

* If the person who made the last out is unable to pinch run for any reason, go back one spot in the batting order  

If these alternatives and/or others you may try prove successful, under actual game conditions, please keep them mind and share the results with an OTS Board. 

This input will be utilized when the Board reviews and updates league rules prior to the 2009 season. 

Regarding 2008, this memo is the final word [end of discussion] regarding the courtesy runner rule for the 2008 season!   Tom Harvey