News and Announcements

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Christian Catano (World Champion)

Posted by Ken Deleske at Apr 17, 2011 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
Current Team: Phillies     Jersey No:  5     Years at OVLL: 7

Past teams played on:  Astros, Astros, Cardinals, Rivercats, Bulls, Padres, Phillies

Favorite Coach: Coach Blokdyk  High School likely to attend: HB Highschool

Other sports you play:  Soccer, dirtbike and wakeboard

Goals and Aspirations:  be a pro athlete

What I will miss about OVLL:  The Hot Chocolate and the mini baseball games between the majors and minor A fences

Fondest memory at OVLL: Making the All Stars for the first time and playing in San Bernardino for the Championship

Message to OVLL:  Try Hard and don't let anybody tell you that you can't

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Rules Clarification

Posted by Ken Deleske at Apr 13, 2011 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )



VI (a):  Any player, who has played the position of catcher in four (4) or more innings in a game, is not eligible to pitch on that calendar day.  (Clarification:  This rule means any portion of 4 innings, not 12 complete outs.  Example:  If the player assumes the position of catcher, with two outs in the first inning, he/she may not pitch that day if he/she played the position of catcher in any portion of the forth inning.)


VI (c-3):  Note 1:  A pitcher who delivers 41 or more pitches in a game cannot play the position of catcher for the remainder of that day.

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Braeden Wallace

Posted by Ken Deleske at Apr 1, 2011 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
Current Team: Colorado Rockies    Jersey No: 13        Years at OVLL: 2

Past teams played on: Muckdogs

Favorite Coach: Mike Monroe     Other sports you play: Basketball, Soccer

Goals and Aspirations: To continue to play and to teach the sports I love.

What I will miss about OVLL:  The snack bar, the tennis ball game between Minor A field and Majors field, wrestling with friends, and joking around with friends.

Fondest memory at OVLL: Hitting a home run and pitching

Message to OVLL: When I first came to OVLL I was not fond of baseball, but throught the experiences at OVLL I have grown to love the sport and I have made friendships that will last me a lifetime.

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Ryo Takada (World Champion)

Posted by Ken Deleske at Apr 1, 2011 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
Current Team: Majors-Rays       Jersey No: 10            Years at OVLL: 4

Past teams played on: Minor B Giants, Minor A Bats, Minor A Express, Majors Cubs

Favorite Coach: All     Other sports you play: Football and basketball

Goals and Aspirations: Having to be famous at anything around the world

What I will miss about OVLL:  The times we played games, and the tennis ball game between the Majors and Minors A field

Fondest memory at OVLL: TOC!! When I was on the Bats and Cubs my team went to the championship game!!!

Message to OVLL: I've had a lot of fun at this league and I want you to have fun here. And always never give up. Believe in yourself and think of your next pitch!! OVLL Rocks!

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Devin Lacy

Posted by Ken Deleske at Apr 1, 2011 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
Current Team: Braves     Jersey No: 2         Years at OVLL: 7 

Past teams played on: A's, Bats, Hooks, Giants, Pirates, and Diamond Jaxx

Favorite Coach: All of them    High School likely to attend: Ocean View 

Other sports you play: Basketball

Goals and Aspirations: I will try to hit a homerun.

What I will miss about OVLL:  The friends that I've made, the coaches that I've learned from, and the snack bar

Fondest memory at OVLL: My fondest memory was when the Ocean View all star team won the California championship!!!

Message to OVLL: Try your best at everything you do even at practice.
