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Kyle Nelson

Posted by Bryant Jung at May 19, 2013 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
Name: Kyle Nelson
Current Team: Marlins
Jersey No: 6
Years at OVLL: 8
Past teams played on: Rangers, Redwings, Stars, Diamond Jaxx, Sand Gnats, Thunderbirds, Yankees, Angels
Favorite Coach: Coach Decarlo
High School likely to attend: Marina
Other sports you play: soccer
Goals and Aspirations: I want to be a magician and an astronomer
What I will miss about OVLL: I will miss the great feeling when you make a game winning hit
Fondest memory at OVLL: When I was in Minor A, Red Wings, I made the game winning run and got the game ball
OVLL is 50 years old. In 50 years what do you want OVLL to Remember about you: I want OVLL to remember my great hits and amazing plays
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Aidan Knipe

Posted by Bryant Jung at May 19, 2013 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
Name: Aidan Knipe
Current Team: Dodgers
Jersey No: 14
Years at OVLL: 5
Past teams played on: Sand Gnats, Aeros, Iron Pigs, Rays
Favorite Coach: Madole/Blokdyk/Knipe
High School likely to attend: Ocean View /Huntington
Other sports you play: Soccer, Basketball, Football, Volleyball
Goals and Aspirations: After college play a sport professionally
What I will miss about OVLL: I will miss playing sandlot, eating at the snack bar, and playing baseball games there.
Fondest memory at OVLL: My fondest memory at OVLL was when I hit the game winning double to beat the Dodgers last year when I was on the Rays (in the playoffs)
OVLL is 50 years old. In 50 years what do you want OVLL to Remember about you: What I want them to remember is that I played hard for the success of the team.
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Isaac Lopez

Posted by Bryant Jung at May 19, 2013 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
Name: Isaac Lopez
Current Team: A's
Jersey No: 15
Years at OVLL: 6
Past teams played on: Iron Pigs, Volcanoes, Naturals, Blue Claws, Cougars
Favorite Coach: Coach Webb, Tony Cianca
High School likely to attend: Ocean View
Other sports you play: Soccer and Basketball
Goals and Aspirations: Play high school baseball
What I will miss about OVLL: The snackbar and all my friends
Fondest memory at OVLL: My favorite team was the Iron Pigs, we had a lot of fun and our coaches were great.
OVLL is 50 years old. In 50 years what do you want OVLL to Remember about you: That I was a good outfielder
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Daniel Bartle

Posted by Bryant Jung at May 19, 2013 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
Name: Daniel Bartle
Current Team: Rockies
Jersey No: 14
Years at OVLL: 7
Past teams played on: Mud Cats, Naturals, Storm Chasers
Favorite Coach: Steve Frydman
High School likely to attend: Ocean View or Marina
Other sports you play: Basketball and Football
Goals and Aspirations: study hard and go to college
What I will miss about OVLL: Friends I have made
Fondest memory at OVLL: I hit a homerun
OVLL is 50 years old. In 50 years what do you want OVLL to Remember about you: My homerun
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Daniel Mayorga

Posted by Bryant Jung at May 19, 2013 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
Name: Daniel Mayorga
Current Team: A's
Jersey No: 8
Years at OVLL: 8
Past teams played on: A's Orioles, Owls, Aeros, Knights, Bees, and Rockies
Favorite Coach: I liked all my coaches
High School likely to attend: Huntington
Other sports you play: Flag football, and basketball
Goals and Aspirations: I would like to become a major league baseball player
What I will miss about OVLL: If I were to list all the things I will miss the most about OVLL I would need two more pages
Fondest memory at OVLL: Going to Williamsport and watching my older brother Jason Mayorga play in the Little League World Series
OVLL is 50 years old. In 50 years what do you want OVLL to Remember about you: All I want OVLL to remember about me is that my families last name, Mayorga
