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2014 AGM  Election- Available Positions & Descriptions.

League Executives

President – 2 year term

President Shall:

              [a]  Conduct the affairs of the Local League and execute the policies established by the Executive.

                [b] Present a report of the condition of the Local League at the annual meeting.

[c] Communicate to the Executive such matters as deemed appropriate, and make such 

       suggestions as may tend to promote the welfare of the Local League.   

[d] Be responsible for the conduct of the Local League in strict conformity to the policies,

principles, Rules and Regulations of B.C. Minor Baseball Association.

       of charter issued by the Local League by that organization.                                                                              

[e] Designate in writing, other officers if necessary, to have the power to make and execute

       for/and in the name of the Local League such contracts and leases they may receive and

       which have had prior approval of the Executive.

[f]   Investigate complaints, irregularities and conditions detrimental to the Local League and

       report thereon to the Executive as circumstances warrant.

[g] The President will prepare meeting agendas.

               Registrar – 2 year term

               Registrar Shall:

              [a]  Record all player transactions and maintain an accurate and up-to-date record thereof.

                [b] Receive and review applications for player candidates and assist the President in checking

                       residence and age eligibility.

                [c] Ensure distribution of Coach’s application forms to divisional directors on draft day.

                       Conduct the player auction or draft and all other player transaction or selection meetings.

                [d] Prepare the Player registration list.

                [e] Prepare for the President’s signature and submission to B.C. Minor Baseball Association, team  

                rosters,  including players claimed, and the tournament team eligibility affidavit.

                [f] Notify B.C. Minor Baseball Association of any subsequent player replacements or trades.

                [g] Shall make deposits as required pertaining to registration.

                [h]    Records the information on registered coaches.

               [i]  Shall have final approval for all player transactions after consultation with directors if  necessary.

               Secretary 2 year term

                The Secretary shall;

                [a]  Be responsible for recording the activities of the Local League and maintain appropriate

                       files, mailing lists and necessary records.

                [b] Perform such duties as are herein specifically set forth, in addition to such other duties as are

                       customarily pertinent to the office of Secretary or as may be assigned by the Executive.

                [c]   Give notice of all meetings of the Local League, the Executive and Committees.

                [d]   Keep the minutes of the meetings of the Members, the Executive and the Executive

                       Committee, and cause them to be recorded in a book kept for that purpose.

                [e]   Shall conduct all correspondence not otherwise specifically delegated in connection with said

                       meeting and shall be responsible for carrying out all orders, votes and resolutions not

                       otherwise committed.

                [f]   Notify Member, Executive, Officers and committee members of their election or appointment.


              Board Executives


               Equipment Manager – 1 year term

               [a]  Purchases all team equipment needs as outlined on budget approved by board.

                [b]  Arranges for distribution and collection of team equipment.

                [c]  Arranges for distribution and collection of team uniforms.

                [d]  Manages the storage facilities for the team equipment and uniforms.

[e]Makes a recommendation to the board of directors when new uniforms or increase in equipment is needed.




              Umpire Coordinator – 1 year tearm

              [a]  Works with the program director to develop umpire training programs.

                [b]  Arranges for new and existing umpires to get certifications.

                [c]  Coordinates umpires for all games played on our facilities.

                [d]  Looks after all matters relating to umpires

Concession Manager – 1 year term

               [a]  Manages the operation of the league concession centre.

                [b]  Coordinates all activities of the concession centre.

                [c]  Develops concession team work schedules.

                [d]  Oversees the concession bond program with assistance of the registrar.

                [e]  Deposits and maintains the cash flow needed for the concession.

                [f]  Directs the duties of the purchaser and supervisors.

               Fundraiser Manager – 1 year term

               [a]  Works with board of directors in implementing existing fundraiser programs.

                [b]  Works with program director to develop new fundraising ideas.

                [c]  Collects or arranges for collection of funds during fundraising events.

                [d]  Coordinates in bringing in league sponsors.

Creating two individual Divisions  Bantam/ Midget Director

               [a]  Manages and supports the teams and players in this division.

               [b]  Works with the program director in development of this division.

               [c]  Conducts meetings with the team manager on matters pertaining to this division.

               [d]  Looks after all matters within this division subject to board approval.

               [e]  Works directly with the league registrar in regards to players in this division.

               [f]  Works with the league registrar in making up teams.

               [g]  Collects all coaching applications and forwards to Registrar                                                                                                               [h] Shall be responsible for Administration or a divisional  tournament during spring season in the Bantam A,AA  and Midget Division if possible.

Pee Wee Director – 1 year term

               [a]  Manages and supports the teams and players in this division.

                [b]  Works with the program director in development of this division.

                [c]  Conducts meetings with the team manager on matters pertaining to this division.

                [d]  Looks after all matters within this division subject to board approval.

                [e]  Works directly with the league registrar in regards to players in this division.

                [f]  Works with the league registrar in making up teams.

                [g]  Collects all coaching applications and forwards to Registrar.

                [h]  Shall be responsible for the administration of a divisional tournament during the spring season  

Mosquito Director – 1 year term

               [a]  Manages and supports the teams and players in this division.

                [b]  Works with the program director in development of this division.

                [c]  Conducts meetings with the team manager on matters pertaining to this division.

                [d]  Looks after all matters within this division subject to board approval.

                [e]  Works directly with the league registrar in regards to players in this division.

                [f]  Works with the league registrar in making up teams.

                [g]  Collects all coaching applications and forwards to Registrar.                  

              [h]   Shall be responsible for the administration of a divisional tournament during the spring season

Tadpole Director – 1 year term

               [a]  Manages and supports the teams and players in this division.

                [b] Works with the program director in development of this division.

                [c] Conducts meetings with the team manager on matters pertaining to this division.

                [d] Looks after all matters within this division subject to board approval.

                [e] Works directly with the league registrar in regards to players in this division.

                [f] Works with the league registrar in making up teams.

                [g] Collects all coaching applications and forwards to Registrar.              

                [h] Shall be responsible for the administration of a divisional tournament during the spring season


 Mini Tad to Rally Cap Director  Title Change – 1 year term

               [a]  Manages and supports the teams and players in this division.

                [b] Works with the program director in development of this division.

                [c] Conducts meetings with the team manager on matters pertaining to this division.

                [d] Looks after all matters within this division subject to board approval.

                [e] Works directly with the league registrar in regards to players in this division.

                [f] Works with the league registrar in making up teams.

                [g] Collects all coaching applications and forwards to Registrar.

Blastball Director – 1 year term

              [a]  Manages and supports the teams and players in this division.

                [b] Works with the program director in development of this division.

                [c] Conducts meetings with the team manager on matters pertaining to this division.

                [d] Looks after all matters within this division subject to board approval.

                [e] Works directly with the league registrar in regards to players in this division.

                [f] Works with the league registrar in making up teams.


Field Manager – 1 year term

              [a]  Purchases equipment (rakes, shovels, misc. items) to keep the fields in adequate playing  condition.

                [b]  Arranges for field repairs when needed.

                [c]  Liaison to the Vancouver Parks Board for all matters relating to fields and park matters.

                [d]  Works with the Vancouver Parks Board park manager in regards to storage of equipment

                       and park use.

                [e]  Arranges for work parties when field maintenance is needed.

                [f]  Works with the program director.

                [g]  Arranges and administrates the lining of the fields.


             Webmaster – 1 year term

[a] Shall run and update Vancouver Minor Baseball Association's Website wi

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Posted by TONY YEE at Jun 19, 2014 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )


Vancouver Minor Baseball Association's

Annual General Meeting

June 26, 2013

Meeting called to order:  8:12pm

Minute Taker:  Nadia Borean

Members in Attendance: 24

  1. Introduction of the Present 2012/2013 Board

    President:  Mary McCann

    Vice President:  Tony Borean

    Co-Treasurer:  Nancy Eng    Co-Treasurer:  Edwin Hoy

    Registrar:  Sue Watkins

    Program Director, Pee Wee Director, Co-Bantam & Midget Director:  Steve McCann

    Co-Bantam & Midget Director and Co-Fundraiser:  Tony Borean

    Co-Fundraiser:  Nadia Borean

    Equipment Manager:  Kevin Christensen

    Field Manager:  Geordie Proulx

    Concession Manager:  Rebecca Stewart

    Mosquito Director:  Robert Wickett

    Co-Tadpole Director:  Cory Nielsen    Co-Tadpole Director: Robert Goldblatt

    Mini-Tad Director: Rob Yuen

    Blastball Director:  Brian Tomei

    Webmaster:  Tony Yee

    Umpire-In-Chief:  Todd Cawthra

  2.  Motion to Accept the 2012 AGM Meeting minutes.

    Jim Stewart motions to accept the minutes, Kevin Christensen seconds.  Carried.

  3. Presidents Message – Mary McCann presented the president address and Tony Borean presented the Vice presidents report.

  4. Treasurers Report – Nancy and Edwin presented financial report.

    Nadia Borean motions to accept financial report, Sue Watkins seconds.  Carried.

  5.  Registrars Report – Presented at the meeting.

  6.  Directors Reports

  • Program Director – Steve McCann presented his report.

  • Blastball Director – Brian Tomei sent in his report.

  • Mini-Tad Director – Rob Yuen sent in his report  (not in attendance).

  • Tadpole Co-Director(s) – Robert Goldblatt sent in his report.

  • Mosquito Director – Bob Wicket's Sent in his report (not in attendance).

  • Pee Wee Director – Steve McCann presented his report.

  • Bantam & Midget Director(s) – Steve McCann’s and Tony Borean presented their report.

  • Park Board Liaison – Mary McCann presented her report

  1.  Managers Reports

  • Concession Manager – Rebecca’s Stewart sent in report.

  • Equipment Manager – Kevin Christensen presented report.

  • Field Manager – Geordie Proulx’s presented report.

  • Umpire Coordinator – Todd Cawthra presented report.

  • Fundraiser Coordinator(s) – Nadia and Tony Borean presented report.






  1.  Board Elections

     Kevin Christensen and Sue Watkins shall be our vote officiators, if required.

    Vice-President – 2 year term – 2013 to 2015

    Tony Borean was nominated by Don Provenzano, seconded by Jim Stewart.

    Tony Borean accepts the nomination,

    As there was no other nominations, Tony Borean is appointed Vice President by acclamation.


    Treasurer – 2 year term – 2013 to 2015

    Nancy Hoy and Edwin Hoy were nominated by Don Provenzano, seconded by Kevin Christensen.  Laura Adamoski was nominated by Nadia Borean, seconded by Cory Nielsen.

    Nancy & Edwin Hoy decide with Laura Adamoski that they will work together for the first year and then Laura will take over (when she is more comfortable with the position).

    Nancy Hoy, Edwin Hoy and Laura Adamoski are appointed Treasurers.


    Program Director – 2 year term – 2013 to 2015

    Steve McCann was nominated by Tony Yee, seconded by Kevin Christensen

    Steve McCann accepts the nomination.

    As there was no other nominations, Steve McCann is appointed Program Director by acclamation.


    Equipment Manager – 1 year term – 2013 to 2014

    Kevin Christensen was nominated by Jim Stewart, seconded by Edwin Hoy

    Kevin Christensen accepts the nomination.

    As there was no other nominations, Kevin Christensen is appointed Equipment Manager by acclamation.


    Umpire Coordinator – 1 year term – 2013 to 2014

    Todd Cawthra was nominated by Don Provenzano, seconded by Steve McCann

    Todd Cawthra accepts the nomination but only on the terms that we find help for him or then he declines.


    Concession Manager – 1 year term – 2013 to 2014

    Rebecca Stewart was nominated by Tony Yee, seconded by Kevin Christensen

    Rebecca Stewart accepts the nomination.

    As there was no other nominations, Rebecca Stewart is appointed Equipment Manager by acclamation.


    Fundraiser Manager – 1 year term – 2013 to 2014

    Nadia Borean and Tony Borean were nominated.

    Nadia Borean and Tony Borean accept the nomination.

    As there was no other nominations.  Both Nadia Borean and Tony Borean are appointed Fundraising Coordinator by acclamation.


    Bantam Director – 1 year term – 2013 to 2014 (Bantam-Midget are joint but will be run separately).

    Robert Goldblatt was nominated by Nadia Borean, seconded by Tony Yee

    Robert Goldblatt accepts the nomination.

    As there was no other nominations, Robert Goldblatt is appointed Bantam Director by acclamation.


    Midget Director – 1 year term – 2013 to 2014 (Bantam-Midget are joint but will be run separately).

    Don Provenzano was nominated by Steve McCann, seconded by Geordie Proulx

    Don Provenzano accepts the nomination.

    As there was no other nominations, Don Provenzano is appointed Midget Director by acclamation.



    Pee Wee Director – 1 year term – 2013 to 2014

    Steve McCann was nominated by Sue Watkins, seconded by Don Provenzano.

    Steve McCann accepts the nomination.

    As there was no other nominations, Steve McCann is appointed Pee Wee Director by acclamation.


    Mosquito Director – 1 year term – 2013 to 2014

    Jim Stewart was nominated by Sue Watkins, seconded by Geordie Proulx.

    Jim Stewart accepts the nomination.

    As there was no other nominations, Jim Stewart is appointed Mosquito Director by acclamation.


    Tadpole Director – 1 year term – 2013 to 2014

    Cory Nielsen was nominated by Jim Stewart, seconded by Kevin Christensen.

    Cory Nielsen accepts the nomination.

    As there was no other nominations, Cory Nielsen is appointed Tadpole Director by acclamation.


    Mini-Tad Director – 1 year term – 2013 to 2014

    Brian Tomei was nominated by Jim Stewart, seconded by Kevin Christensen.

    Brian Tomei accepts the nomination.

    As there was no other nominations, Brian Tomei is appointed Mini-Tad Director by acclamation.


    Blastball Director – 1 year term – 2013 to 2014

    Nadia Borean was nominated by Kevin Christensen, seconded by Sue Watkins

    Don Provenzano was nominated by Nadia Borean, seconded by Cory Nielsen.

    Nadia and Don accept the nomination and agree to work together as Blastball Co-Directors.


    Webmaster – 1 year term – 2013 to 2014

    Tony Yee was nominated by Sue Watkins, seconded by Nadia Borean.

    Tony Yee accepts the nomination.

    As there was no other nominations, Tony Yee is appointed Webmaster by acclamation.


    Field Manager – 1 year term – 2013 to 2014

    Geordie Proulx was nominated by Steve McCann, seconded by Tony Yee.

    Geordie Proulx accepts the nomination.

    As there was no other nominations, Geordie Proulx is appointed Webmaster by acclamation.


  2. Motion to close elections and no destruction of voting ballots: As there was no voting ballots in this election there was none too destroy.

    Motioned by Brian Tomei, seconded by Tony Borean.  Carried.


  3.  Recommendations for the 2014 Board from the floor

  1. We really need to work on getting kids back to Vancouver Minor  - more concentration at the lower levels.

  2. Better coaching (coaching clinics() in the lower divisions.

  3. Need to find coaching positions filled earlier in the season – start working on it in January/February.

  4. Contacting Little League’s to advise them of our Bantam/Midget divisions.

  5. Find pitching coach to help teach the kids and coaches.

  1. Motion to Adjourn

    Tony Yee motions, Nadia Borean seconds.  Carried.  Meeting adjourned at 10:18pm











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Posted by TONY YEE at Jun 19, 2014 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )











                This organization shall be known as Vancouver Minor Baseball, hereinafter referred to as “Local League.”




                The objective of Vancouver Minor Baseball shall be to implant firmly in the children of the community the ideals of good sportsmanship, honesty, loyalty, courage and respect for authority, so that they may be well adjusted, stronger, and happier children and will grow to be decent, healthy, and trustworthy citizens.


                To achieve this objective the Vancouver Minor Baseball will provide a supervised program under the Rules and Regulations of B.C. Minor Baseball Association.  All Directors, Officers and Members shall bear in mind that the attainment of exceptional athletic skill or the winning of games is secondary, and the molding of future citizens is of prime importance.  Vancouver Minor Baseball shall operate exclusively as a non-profit educational organization providing a supervised program of competitive baseball games.  No part of the net earnings shall inure to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual; no substantial part of the activities of which is carrying on propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and which does not participate in or intervene in any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office.




                Distribution of Property upon Dissolution; Upon dissolution of the Local League and after all outstanding debts and claims have been satisfied, the Members shall direct the remaining property of the Local League to the B.C. Minor Baseball Association to be held in trust for a term of five years.












                Eligibility.  Any person sincerely interested in active participation to affect the objective of this                                           Local League may apply to become a member.





SECTION 2:        Classes.


[a]           Player Members: any player candidate meeting the requirements of the B.C. Minor Baseball Association and who reside within the authorized boundaries of the Local League shall be eligible to compete for participation but shall have no rights, duties or obligations in the management or in the property of the Local League


[b]            Regular Members: any parent/guardian of player members or person actively involved in the Local League for one year and is interested in furthering the objectives of the Local League may become a regular member.

Only regular members are eligible to vote at the annual meeting.  All Officers, Board Members, Committee Members, Managers, Umpires and other elected or appointed officials must be active Regular Members. All

           members must be in good standing. Members in good standing are members who have no outstanding registration dues and are not under suspension


[c]           Honorary Members: any person may be elected as Honorary Member by the unanimous vote of all Directors present at any duly held meeting of the Executive Board but shall have no rights, duties or obligations in the management or in the property of the Local League.


SECTION 3          Other Affiliations.


[a]           Members, whether Regular or Player, shall not be required to be affiliated with another organization or group to qualify as members of the Local League.


[b]           Regular members should not be actively engaged in the promotion and/or operation of any other baseball program.


SECTION 4          Suspensions or Termination.


                Membership may be terminated by resignation or action of the Executive Board.


[a]           The Executive, by a two-thirds vote of those present at any duly constituted meeting, shall have the authority to discipline or suspend or terminate the membership of any Member of any class when the conduct of such person is considered detrimental to the best interests of the Local League and/or B.C. Minor Baseball Association.


                The Member involved shall be notified of such meeting, informed of the general nature                                    of the charges and given an opportunity to appear at the meeting to answer such charges.


[b]           The Executive shall, in the case of a Player Member, give notice to the manager of the team of which the player is a member.  Said manager shall appear, in the capacity of an adviser, with the player before a duly appointed committee of the Executive which shall have full power to suspend or revoke such players’ right to future participation.





Dues for Player Members may be fixed at such amounts, as the Executive shall determine prior to the beginning of any membership period.



Player Members who fail to pay their fixed dues within thirty days from the time the same become due may be voted off the Executive be dropped from their roles and shall forfeit all rights and privileges of membership and the right to earn monies from the league.







A reasonable league participation fee may be assessed as a parent’s obligation to assure the operational continuity of the Local League.  At no time should payment of any fee be a prerequisite for participation in the Vancouver Minor Baseball program.





Annual Meeting; The annual meeting of the Members of the Local League shall be held in June of each year for the purpose of electing an Executive, receiving reports and for the transaction of such business as may properly come before the meeting.  The Executive is elected by the regular membership.  The existing Executive will remain in power until January 1 of the upcoming season or until the newly elected Executive officers call their first board meeting.



Notice of Meeting; Notice of each meeting of the Members shall be communicated to each Member at least ten days in advance thereof setting forth the place, time and purpose of the meeting.  Method of communication to be determined by the Executive.



Special Meetings; Special meetings of the Members may be called by the Executive or by the Secretary or President at their discretion.  Upon the written request of ten members, the President shall call a special meeting to consider a specific subject.  No business other than that specified in the notice of the meeting shall be transacted at any special meeting of the Members.



Quorum; The presence in person of one-third of the executive members shall be necessary to constitute a quorum.



                Voting; Only Regular Members shall be entitled to vote at any meeting of the Local League.



Rules of Order; Roberts Rules of Order shall govern the proceedings of all meetings, except where it conflicts with the Constitution or By-Laws of the Local League.





SECTION 1 Board and Number

The management of the property and affairs of the Local League shall be vested in the Board of Directors.  The number of Executive shall be not less than 5.  The Executive shall upon election immediately enter upon the performance of their duties and shall continue in office until their successors shall have been duly elected and qualified.


SECTION 2 Required Members

The Board membership shall include the Officers, including the Registrar, and a minimum of one manager and one umpire.  The number of managers including minor league representation elected to the Board shall not exceed a minority of the total board members.


SECTION 3 Annual election and Term of Office.

At each annual meeting, the Members shall determine the number of Executive to be elected for the ensuing year and shall elect such numbers of Executive.  The number so fixed may, within the limits prescribed by the foregoing Article 6, Section 1, be increased to any regular or special meeting of the Members, and if the number is increased, the additional Executive may be elected at the meeting at which the increase is voted, or at any subsequent meeting.  All elections of Executive shall be by majority vote of all members present.

 The President, Secretary and Registrar shall be voted in on the even year to start serving their term on the odd number year.

The Vice-President, Treasure and the Program Director shall be voted in on the odd number year to start serving their term on the even number year.

All these positions will be for a two year term.


SECTION 4 Vacancies.

If any vacancy occurs on the Executive it may be filled by a majority vote of the remaining Executive at any regular meeting or at any special meeting called for that purpose.


SECTION 5 Meetings, Notice and Quorum.

Regular meetings of the Executive should be held immediately following the annual election and on such days thereafter as shall be determined by the Executive.  The President or the Secretary may, whenever they deem it advisable or the Secretary shall at the request in writing of five executives issue a call for a special meeting of the Executive.  Notice of each meeting shall be given by the Secretary to each Executive either by mail at least 3 days before the time appointed for the meeting to the last recorded address of each executive or by telephone, telegraphic, or personal notice twenty-four hours preceding the meeting.  In the case of special meetings, such notice shall include the purpose of the meeting and no matters not so stated may be acted upon at the meeting.  Five members of the Executive shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.


SECTION 6 Duties and Powers.

The executive shall have the power to appoint such standing committees, as it shall determine appropriate and to delegate such powers to them as the executive shall deem advisable and which it may properly delegate.

The executive may adopt such rules and regulations for the conduct of its meetings and the management of the Local League, as it may deem proper.

The executive shall have the power by a two-thirds vote of those present at any regular or special meeting to discipline, suspend or remove any Executive, Officer or Committee Member of the Local League in accordance with the procedure set forth in Article 3, Section 4a.

The Membership shall receive an annual financial statement at the first meeting of the forth-coming new season.  The President and the Treasurer shall verify this report.


Section 7 Attendance Requirements.

Any League Executive or board member who is absent for three consecutive board meetings                without proper notification and a positional report will be subject to a review of his or her position and may be relieved of his or her duties on the Vancouver Minor Baseball Board





SECTION 1 Officers.

The Officers of the Local League shall consist of a President, one or more Vice-Presidents, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and a Registrar and Program Director or agents, all of whom hold office for the ensuing year or until their successors are duly elected.

The Executive may appoint such other officers or agents as it may deem necessary or desirable, and may prescribe the powers and duties of each and may fill any vacancy which may occur in any office.  Appointed Officers or agents shall have no vote on actions taken by the Executive unless such individuals have been elected to the Board by the membership or have been elected to fill a vacancy on the Board.






SECTION 2 President.

              The President shall;

                [a]  Conduct the affairs of the Local League and execute the policies established by the Executive.

                [b] Present a report of the condition of the Local League at the annual meeting.

[c] Communicate to the Executive such matters as deemed appropriate, and make such 

       suggestions as may tend to promote the welfare of the Local League.   

[d] Be responsible for the conduct of the Local League in strict conformity to the policies,

principles, Rules and Regulations of B.C. Minor Baseball Association.

       of charter issued by the Local League by that organization.                                                                             

[e] Designate in writing, other officers if necessary, to have the power to make and execute

       for/and in the name of the Local League such contracts and leases they may receive and

       which have had prior approval of the Executive.

[f]   Investigate complaints, irregularities and conditions detrimental to the Local League and

       report thereon to the Executive as circumstances warrant.

[g] The President will prepare meeting agendas.



SECTION 3 Vice-President.

In case of the absence or disability of the President, and provided he/she is authorized by the

President or Executive so to act, the Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President, and when so acting shall have all the powers of that office, and shall have such other duties as from time to time may be assigned by the Executive or by the President.


SECTION 4 Immediate Past President.

[a] Shall mirror the term of the current of their  predecessor , the current president.

The primary role or the Immediate Past President (IPP) is to serve as an advisor to the board and a mentor to the current president.

[b] Shall assist the current board President/Board as required with duties and matters pertaining to the league and will be available for assistance, and counsel on all league matters.

[c] Shall make her/his knowledge and skill gained in Vancouver Minor Baseball Association's highest office available and communicate suggestions to promote the welfare of the local league.

[d] Shall hold voting rights like he/she has been voted in at the annual general meeting. This position is not board appointed, this person will take this position because they have the right of succession.

[e] Shall hold no o

Post Author Picture


Posted by TONY YEE at Jun 19, 2014 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Vancouver Minor Baseball Association's

            Annual General Meeting Agenda

           June 25, 2014


Coffee/ Social time 7:30pm, Hall Open.

Scheduled Meeting Start Time: 8:00pm

Location: Victoria Drive Community Hall (E 43rd & Victoria Dr).



1) Motion to accept 2013 AGM Meeting Minutes

2) Presidents Address

3) Treasurer Report

4) Registrar Report

5) Directors Reports - Program Dir, Blastball, Rally Cap, TP, Mosquito, PW, Bantam/Midget & Park Board liaison,

6) Managers Reports- Concession, Equipment, Park, Umpire coordinator, Fundraisers

7) 2014 Motions

8) Elections For VMBA Executives that have terms up.

9) Motion to close elections and destroy all voting ballots (if any).

10) Any recommendations for the 2014-15 VMBA Executives from the floor.

11) Motion to Adjourn AGM meeting.

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Posted by TONY YEE at Jun 9, 2014 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
Questions marked by * are required.
1. Division:
  • 2005 & 2006 ( Tadpole)
  • 2003-2004 (Mosquito)
  • 2001-2002 ( Pee Wee)
  • 1999-2000 (Bantam)
  • 1996-1998 (Midget)
2. Are you new to VMBA ? *
3. Last League that you played in :
4. Player's Legal last name on Birth Certicate/Passport/Landed Immigrant Document ( Mandatory for Summer Play ) *
5. Player's First Name on Birth Certificate/Passport/Land Immigrant Document ( Mandatory for Summer Play ) *
6. Name that the Player is Also Known As : ( Canadian Name / Nick name )
7. Address:
8. City :
9. Postal Code:
10. Date of Birth ( YYYY-MM_DD) *
11. Home Phone Number
12. Mother's / Guardian Cell Phone:
13. Dad's / Guardian Cell Phone:
14. Any Medical Concerns ?
15. Mother's /Guardian Name
16. Father's / Guardian Name
17. Emergency Contact
18. Emergency Phone Number
19. Wavier of Liability *
20. TERMS: *
  • I AGREE TO THE ABOVE TERMS,Please be advised that the submission of this registration form does not guarantee a spot in our SUMMERBALL program.
21. Registered By:( Must be a legal guardian) *
22. Register EMAIL address *