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2010 Patriot Senior "American" All Stars

Posted by JIM LOZANO at Oct 3, 2010 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

2010 Patriot Senior "American" All Stars
Mgr. Glenn Kessell
Players: Corbin Brown, Alberto Bulcao, Steven Christian, Nate Costa, Daniel Crago, Ben Dabbert, Alejandro De La Torre, Kevin Diosdado, Dylan Ruth, Scott Dyson, Max Hickson, Kody Kessell, Austen Nielsen & Chris Rosa

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Posted by JIM LOZANO at Oct 3, 2010 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Rules for 2010 District 33 Fall Ball Season (Training and Development) 

Fall Ball is an extension of the regular season, with emphasis placed on training and development of players, managers/coaches, and umpires.  As such, all rules and regulations in the Little League’s “Official Regulations and Playing Rules” will be used during Fall Ball, with the following additions/exceptions.  Unless otherwise stated, these rules apply for all divisions.

Records/Standings:  There will not be won-loss records or official standings kept during the conduct of the Fall Ball season.

Max Runs:  Teams are limited to four runs max per inning, and eight runs in the final inning.  If a team cannot catch up in the final inning due to this rule, the game may continue for training purposes if both managers agree to continue play, but the eight-run rule maximum still applies.

Time Limits:  No new inning after 2 hours except at Patriot Shira field which will have a 2 hour drop dead time. In other words at the 2 hour mark after the scheduled start (not two hours after the first pitch), finish the batter and call the game.

Stealing Restrictions: There are no stealing restrictions.

Substitutes:  A player will not sit two consecutive innings on the bench, nor will a player sit a second inning on the bench until all players have sat one inning.

Continuous Batting Order:  All rostered players who show up for the game will bat.  The continuous batting order will apply. If a player cannot complete his at bat for any reason, the player who made the last out will complete the at bat. If a player is not available for his/her at bat then that spot in the batting order will be skipped without penalty or out.

Pitching Limits:  There will be a maximum of two innings by any one pitcher per game.

 Adult Participation:  One adult must still remain in the dugout at all times.

Courtesy Runners:  A courtesy runner for the catcher may be used if the catcher reaches/is on base with two outs.  Runner should be a player whose turn at-bat will not take place while he/she is on the bases.

Borrowed Players:  A team may borrow one or more players in order to field nine defensive players.  The borrowed player must be from the same division, and must play in the outfield.  If the borrowed player comes from the opposing team, the borrowed player will sit in his/her own dugout when not on the field, and will bat for his/her own team under the continuous batting order rule while another player occupies his/her position in the outfield.  The opposing manager may substitute his/her player who is being borrowed as long as the substitute rule is not violated.

Makeup Games:  Cancelled games (including games called before one inning is completed) will not be rescheduled UNLESS a team has missed more than two games.  Games postponed due to weather or darkness will not be completed. It will be the sole responsibility of the teams to reschedule the games, secure field use and umpires.

Volunteer Umpire:  The visiting team will be required to provide a volunteer umpire to do the bases.  Home team umpires will do the plate.  Teams may designate one parent as the “Team Umpire” to fulfill this requirement, or provide different people to umpire different games.  In the case that there are no umpires the offensive manager will call strikes and balls, and the defensive coach will watch the bases. No Fall ball game should be cancelled for lack of umpires. All games in which an umpire is not supplied should be reported to the league president so the situation is looked into. It is not ideal to not have umpires, but a game should not be cancelled for the lack of an umpire since there are no standings.

Balls: Each team will provide 2 balls (RS) for each game.  

Balks: Balks will be called but there will be no reward of bases. If the runner makes an out the out will be nullified.


Junior Division: Field configuration will be 80’ foot bases and 54’ pitching distance.


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2010 San Carlos Junior All Stars

Posted by JIM LOZANO at Oct 3, 2010 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
2010 San Carlos Junior All Stars
Mgr.  Gene Lamke
Players:  Nicholas Alger, Wes Braddock, Matt Faucher, Dominic Gagliano, Tyler Gilmore, Ryan Harris, Morgan Hatch, Andrew Johnson, Travis Lamke, Joe McHugh, Aaron Ping, Bradley Sommer & Adrian Torres
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2010 Patriot Senior "National" All Stars

Posted by JIM LOZANO at Oct 3, 2010 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
2010 Patriot Senior "National" All Stars
Mgr. Jim Acree
Players: Nick Acree, Hunter Lamke, Damien Leras, Nic Lore, Toby Murillo, Sean Prevo, Mac Roberts, Clayton Rutledge, Christian Sergerson, Andrey Tripp, Misha Tripp, Peter Trovato, Dominick Vergill & Kyle Wilkinson
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Posted by JIM LOZANO at Oct 3, 2010 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Mgr. Mike Head

Mgr. Jay Berger

Mgr. Charlie Olson

   Corey Alger

Jacob  Andrews

Daniel Carey

Nicholas Alger

Keanu Berger

Thomas Fiato

Dmitrik Berlanga

Morgan  Freeman

Damian Forthun

Hunter Edge

Jeremy Grisafi

Richie Gonsalves

Jacob Giamanco

Jake Guanci

Jacob  Hansell

Miles Head

Jonah  Haydock

Logan Jones 

Andrew Johnson

Brian Parker

Nathan McGee

Jacob Kodra

Matthew Paterniti

Sergio Orozco

Ryan Reyes

Kyle  Pineda

Jacob Ratican

Connor Sheedy

Jake  Robe

Lance Reyes

Michael Uppenkamp

Dominic Smith

Spenser Rios

Dylan Williams

Christopher Teixeira

Gabe Vandersip

Crockett Willier

Michael Zavala

Mitch West