News and Announcements

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As indicated on the recent e-mails, due to a scheduling conflict the General Meeting will be held on Monday, April 5, 2010 at the Bethany Town Hall at 6:30 pm.   It is anticipated the meeting will last no more than 1 1/2 hours.

 The 2010 Player Draft will be held Friday, April 30, 2010 beginning at 9:00 am at the Bethany Town Hall.  This meeting is restricted to the Executive Committee and the team Managers and Assistant Managers.  At this meeting the 12 teams will be formed for the 2010 OTS season.

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Board of Directors Meeting 9/30/2009

Posted by Tom Wendorf at Jan 4, 2010 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )

Meeting Minutes

September 9, 2009

The Board of Directors met this date for the third and final meeting of the 2009 season for the purpose of conducting routine League business and to go over personnel ratings.  Present were:  Bo, Tom, Dick, John, Joel, Phil, Tom H., Lennie, Eddie, Jesse, John M., George T., Johnny Allen and Pat Sherry.

1)  Picnic Update: Bo reported on the successful OTS picnic which was held at the American Legion Post 24.  We paid the Legion $800 for their food, beer, wine, etc., donated $400 to the Church of God for their youth programs, and took the remaining $200 we had left over and gave it to AL Post #24 for their pavilion project.  Therefore, the picnic broke even.

2)  League Growth:  Discussion on the growth of the League took place.  We have seen an increase every year, and anticipate 12 teams next year.  Based on the results of the survey, there will be a maximum of 13 players on a team, with 12 teams.  That gives us a total roster count of 156 players allowed at this time, all others after that will be placed on a wait list and will be used to replace players who cannot finish the season.  The wait list people will not pay until they actually start playing.  This will be included in the 2010 registration letter.  Also, since we may have to limit the total number of players in the league to 156 and each team to 13 players, we will initiate a requirement that any player signing up for 2010 must commit to playing in at least 1/2 the games.

3)  Player Safety:  We have initiated safety measures in an attempt to protect players, to the extent possible.  These include the AED, upgraded first aid kits, training in CPR and AED, and a pitcher's mask and screen.  However, it is   apparent there are a few players who may not be able protect themselves from a ball hit to them, a fast runner coming into a base, or other situations that come up in the course of a game.  In order to protect them, the Board is looking into instituting minimum standards to ensure players can be safe while playing games.

In order to ensure players are able to safely participate in the league games, no money will be accepted from a new player until they have been evaluated and rated to ensure they can meet a minimum standard.  This standard will be established by testing 5 current players who have a rating that is considered acceptable.  This was voted on an passed by those present.

4)  Field Lighting:  The COG is interested in placing lights on Field #1.  We may be asked to help with some labor, Bo will meet with them and update the League at the annual meeting next spring.

5)  Running Rules:  More discussion on the running rules.  Discussion was brought up to have a rope that a substitute runner would have to hold onto before he could leave for 1st base once a ball is hit.  There was a very close vote, 6 to 7, in favor of using a rope as opposed to everyone running for themselves, if the ball touches the outfield grass, they are automatically safe at 1st.  This will be tried but since 4 teams are not represented this issue will be discussed and finalized in the future.

Other issues related to running are:  rating of a runner who is always replaced goes to a 3 to reflect the actual speed of the substitute runner.  Some want to see a limit as to how high a runner rating can sub for a 1 or 2 runner.  Also discussed letting anybody run once an inning, no restrictions except they must hold the rope.  Also discussed moving the line where the substitute runner stands back several feet.

6)  League Games:  Based on the player survey of 2009, all games will be limited to 7 innings.  They will start with a 1 and 1 count, and each batter will have 1 courtesy foul on the 3 strike.

Player ratings were then discussed and adjusted for each team present.  The following teams were not represented, their ratings will be forward to the Board for consideration;  Millville by the Sea, Colonial East, Fat Tuna Grill and Jack Lingo Realty.

A field work day will be held on October 7 from 10am to noon.  Everyone who has helped in the past or will help this day are thanked, their work is greatly appreciated.

2009 Survey Results are as follows:

Days to play:  Tuesday/Thursday - 87, Tuesday/Friday - 15, either - 9

Innings:  seven innings - 47, eight innings - 22, nine innings - 37

Number / Team:  Twelve - 16, Thirteen - 51, fourteen - 44, fifteen - 2




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Executive Committee Meeting 12/30/2009

Posted by Tom Wendorf at Jan 4, 2010 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )

Executive Committee Meeting

December 30, 2009


 Bo, Tom, Archie and Dick met at the Ocean View Family Restaurant at noon on 12/30/09 to conduct league business and discuss issues for the upcoming season. 

 1) Registration Form and Letter - approved as amended, minor grammar and rearranging but nothing to change the form or letter from the draft sent to the managers.  To be sent out on January 4, 2010, and will be sent to all past players that we have information on.  Also discussed was the budget for the coming year, the anticipated 12 teams, ASA rule changes and the fee for the upcoming season. 

2)  Bo discussed the infield mix they are looking at, it was used by a local high school with great success, they had the same infield problems that we currently have (same guy provided their dirt).  Cost may be an issue, still being investigated to determine if and when we can get it on our fields.  Also, the Church of God has a Jugs pitching maching that we can use, we will look into buying/building a batting cage to accomodate it.

3)  We will use the same rules and guidelines for the bats and balls in our League as we did last year.  The ASA is experimenting with using a very restrictive ball but lifting all restrictions on bats to be used, this is under trial in Montgomery County, Md.  We will monitor closely.

4)  Pitching Rule:  Our league is Highly Recommending that all pitchers wear a mask and shin guards.  We will require all pitchers to sign a waiver stating they are aware of the recommendations to wear these safety items but have declined to use them if they so desire.  The ASA now recommends this due to injuries resulting from balls hit back to the pitcher.  We will purchase a pair of shin guards for each field, we already have a mask available for those who do not want to purchase their own.

5)    2010 League Fee:  We must increase the fee to $50 due to increased costs for insurance, uniforms, balls, supplies and other maintenance and operating items.  We are looking at starting a reserve fund to purchase a suitable infield mix, and possibly buy/build a batting cage.

Those on a wait list will not pay until they are placed on a team to play in games.  The fee schedule is $50 for the season, $35 for players coming in after the 1st half, and $15 for fall ball players.  Our liability insurance cost is over $1500 per year, which translates to about $10 per player, therefore we felt it appropriate to charge for fall ball to recover some of this cost, plus the cost of balls, field lining material, gas/oil/maint. on tractors for field maintenance, etc.  The fall ball fee is only for those joining only for fall ball, and who have not paid to play in the regular season.  Those who signed up and paid their 2010 fee will not pay any additional money for fall ball.

6)  Financial:  Archie reported that the insurance premium for 2010 has been paid, leaving us a balance of $1264.  Uniforms for 12 teams have been ordered.  Archie will handle new sponsors, anyone with prospective sponsors or supporters should communicate with Archie.  We also need managers, anyone wishing to manage should contact Bo.

7)  Manager's Meeting:  There will be a meeting of the 2010 teams managers and the Executive Committee at the American Legion Post #24 on Thursday, March 25.   The Time will be announced.  The purpose of this meeting will be to finalize changes to the rules, adopt the set of By-Laws and Rules and Regulations that will be in effect for 2010, discuss the League operation for the coming season and prepare for the player draft.

 A revised set of the proposed By-Laws and Rules and Regulations will be sent to each manager via e-mail.  It's basically the same as the ones distributed back in September.  These are for review and adoption at this meeting.




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OTS 70's Win Big in Olnley MD

Posted by Tom Wendorf at Jul 22, 2009 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )



           NEWS FROM . . .   Olde Tymers Softball   . . . SUSSEX COUNTY DELAWARE’S AGES 55 AND UP SLOW-PITCH LEAGUE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

DE 19930

Olde Tymers League Senior Softball 70+ TeamWins MCSSA Tournament       Bethany Beach, DE, July 21, 2009 “
Sussex County’s, Olde Tymers Softball League’s 70 + Team handily won the 14th Annual Bill Tait, Montgomery County, MD Senior Softball Association, Invitational Tournament held  Sunday July 19th at Olney, MD    Competing in round robin play against The Montgomery County, MD, 70’s All Stars, The Newcastle County, DE Brandywine 70’s and The Bowie, MD 70’s, the Sussex County OTS 70’s team swept away the competition.  The game scores were: OTS 10, Brandywine 5; OTS 9 ,Montgomery County 4 ,and OTS 12 , Bowie  5. The OTS team composed of players from Sussex County, DE and nearby MD included Harry Banks, John Bokop, Tom Copp, Tom Farrah, Tom Harvey, George Hunt, Charlie Johannes, Frank Kerns, Bob Koubek, Gary Meredith, Pete Rendina, Frankie Williams and Jim Wright.   A combination of timely hitting, exceptional defense, and great pitching carried the day for the OTS team.  The team batting average for the tournament was 500%, including triple baggers by Kerns and Koubek; two baggers by Copp (2), Banks, Koubek, Johannes, Bokop and Rendina; plus, clutch hitting and base running by Farrah, Meredith, Wright and Harvey.   John Bokop’s pitching was superb, as was the defensive play of outfielders Copp, Hunt, Williams and Johannes.  Particularly noteworthy was the nearly flawless defensive play on the right side [Banks, Koubek, and Johannes] who were bombarded with a never ending stream of hard hit long balls, line drives and grounders throughout the tournament.   OTS information is available by calling Bo Wood, President 302-945-1849, Tom Farrah, VP 302-539-9392, or Dick Mullins, Secretary 443-614-9347 or visit        

Get your glove and get in the game!

SO YOU’RE OVER 55, BUT CAN YOU STILL RUN?  HIT?  CATCH?  THROW? n  If you still have at least 3 of these 4 skills, and you’re 55 years or older (male or female), contact OTS!   n  If you can use some fun, exercise, camaraderie and fresh air twice a week on a competitive—but supportive—team that will impress friends and family (or convince them you’re crazy!), contact OTS!   n  Even if you haven’t played in over 20 years, if you’re in reasonably good physical condition, contact OTS!   n  Seeking 30-40 more players to fill expansion rosters (Sorry, no million dollar contracts). Contact OTS! 
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OTS 65"s in Olney 2009

Posted by Tom Wendorf at Jul 22, 2009 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
Bo Wood reports that the OTS 65ers won one, lost one in extra innings and lost a third game.  The team was very competitive as OTS continues to improve in the Olney Tournament each year.  All are looking forward to the 2010 Tournament.