News and Announcements

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August 1, 2017

In attendance: Bo Wood, Dick Mullins, Keith Purdy, Tom Wendorf, Carl Pierce.

• The meeting was called to order at 12:00 by Bo.

• Bo reported that the end-of-season picnic is set for Tuesday, September 12th at 1:00 p.m. at American Legion Post #24. Price is $5 per person. Each person (or couple or family) is asked to bring a side dish or dessert enough for six people. The last day of the tournament is on the same day.

• Gary Meredith’s Memorial Service was discussed. The service is at 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, 8/17. In order to make is easier for some of the players to attend if they are interested, it was decided to move game times up one-half hour and use hot weather speed-up rules. Game times will be 8:30, 10:00 and 11:30.

• Plans are underway to sell advertising space on the homerun fences. An individual sign will be made for each company wishing to advertise and will be mounted to the fence. The first sign has been ordered. More details to follow once the first sign is installed.

• Contractors will be solicited to fix and maintain the field irrigation systems. It was acknowledged that a properly working irrigation system is a top priority. • About a dozen tickets are left for the Shorebirds game on OTS night (8/10). (UPDATE: no tickets left.)

• Seeding the outfields was discussed. This should be accomplished this fall.

• Possible changes to the By-Laws were discussed. At least two will be presented at the next Board of Directors meeting.

• Fall Ball will start after the tournament is over. All players that want to play Fall Ball will need to fill out a registration form. The fee for Fall Ball will be $10 per person. Registration forms will be available in the next couple of weeks. Volunteers will be sought to be managers of the fall teams.

• The process for updating all player ratings based on 2017 season performance was discussed. More on this later.

• The annual OTS Golf Tournament will be held Wednesday, 10/18. Details and forms will be available next week.

• Plans for a dinner for significant contributors to the success of OTS over the last 20 years are firming up.

• The Executive Committee approved a $100 donation to the Dagsboro Fire Department for letting OTS use their facilities for several meetings.

The meeting adjourned at 1:35 PM. 

Respectfully submitted,


C. Pierce, Secretary

Almost time to start playing softball. The first games are on May 2.

Team rosters and the schedule can be downloaded below by clicking on the Handout link.

There will again be 13 teams this year. OTS extends a special thanks to our 2017sponsors and team managers, with a special shout out to our new team sponsors. 


Atlantic Physical Therapy - Steve Unger 

Bin 66 - Dave Sroka

Community Bank Delaware - Don Hillock 


All Out Sports - Keith Purdy

Atlantic Orthopaedics - Eddie Sternberg

American Legion Post #24- Johnny Allen

B & E Tire and Alignment - Grady Meredith

Colonial East - Dave Lovelace

Diamondblade Tileworks - Pat Carey

Dynamic Physical Therapy - Bo Wood

Edward Jones Investments - Paul Litwin

Fox's Pizza Den - Harry Gowl

Ocean View Family Restaurant - John Mancuso

More info on the sponsors can be found on the Sponsors webpage. Here are the rosters for 2017:

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20th Year Press Release

Posted by Tom Wendorf at Apr 24, 2017 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
(to download a copy, click on Handout link below) image
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Minutes from April 3, 2017 General Meeting

Posted by Tom Wendorf at Apr 8, 2017 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )


April 3, 2017

All officers were in attendance plus approximately 50 managers, players and interested parties.

• Bo Wood called the meeting to order at 6:00

• Bo Wood gave a brief history of the league, fields and their current conditions.

• Bo then introduced new players who were present: Jamie Alzin, Bob Larsen, Rich Hammen, Tom Pirring and John Smart, the league officers and the managers and assistants who were present.

• Bo explained this year’s draft procedures as well as evaluation and re-evaluation procedures for rookies and players who have returned from illness, injury or layoffs.

• Keith Purdy presented the Treasurer’s report which revealed we are in good financial order.

• Dick Mullins gave a review of events planned for this 20th anniversary season, including the opening day ceremony and activities to take place over the course of the summer.

• All pitchers will be required to wear a protective face mask or sign a face mask waiver.

• Bo presented additional planned field improvements including a pole storage building in cooperation with the Church of God, new scoreboards, outfield irrigation and sponsor boards on the fences.

• Keith gave an explanation regarding rules for substitution.

• Dick announced an umpiring clinic is scheduled for May 10 for all umpires.

• Copies of the revised By-Laws will be distributed as soon as possible.

• Dick announced that there will be CPR training again this year. People who took the training several years ago need to be recertified.

• The issue of players over 70 using senior bats was discussed. This issue has been voted down repeatedly by the Board of Directors. No action was taken.

• It was suggested that the complex and fields be named after some OTS members that have been instrumental in the growth of the league. The Executive Committee and Board of Directors will discuss this in future meetings.

• The irrigation system is scheduled to be activated and tested on 4/17.

• The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

CJ Pierce, Secretary


March 15, 2017

In attendance: Johnny Allen, Steve Carey, Grady Meredith, Neil Fleming, Dave Sroka, Dave Lovelace, Pat Carey, Chris Houlday, Harry Gowl, Bob Miller, Don Hillock, Steve Unger, Paul Maloney, Bo Wood, Dick Mullins, Keith Purdy, Tom Wendorf, Carl Pierce. All teams were represented.

• The meeting was called to order at 1:30.

• Keith reported a balance of $7898 in funds after taking into account actual and committed expenses.

• Bo reported the infields are in great shape and the outfields will be the next job before the season starts. They will be rolled with a heavy-duty roller by a licensed operator, and then power-seeding and fertilizing will be done.

• Bo reported that new scoreboards have been ordered for each field. Installation has not been scheduled.

• Bo reviewed the rule regarding playing sponsors who wish to play on the team they sponsor. All managers agreed they understood. When a sponsor who wishes to play on the team he sponsors is in the general draft, the team that drafts him will have the company’s name.

• Carl updated the registration status. There are approximately 160 players as of now that will be in the draft. New sign-ups and inquiries continue to be received. Since in past seasons we have occasionally experienced high levels of dropouts in preseason practice, it was decided to delay a decision on the number of teams for the ensuing season until shortly before the draft. We will have managers in place for 13 teams if needed.

• Bo and Keith explained the re-rating of players who have experienced issues since their ratings were assigned at the end of 2016.

Affected players who will be in the draft will maintain the rating they were assigned but will be asked to note their issues so managers can make draft decisions.

Managers and assistant managers who have experienced issues since the ratings were assigned at the end of 2016 will have the opportunity to plead their case to the other managers. The affected manager/assistant will propose a new rating and the remaining managers will vote. If the majority does not approve the new rating, the affected manager/assistant will remain at the assigned rating.

• Bo presented a proposal by the Church of God (CoG) to share the costs in a joint venture for construction of a large storage pole building to be constructed between Field #2 and the soccer field, close to the farm field. OTS would have access to this building for storage and meetings. The cost to OTS would be about $6000. Harry Gowl suggested that the building be located closer to the woods. Bo is going to present that idea to the CoG.

• Dick went over the By-Laws changes for 2017 in general terms. A draft of the new 2017 By-Laws will be sent to the Board of Directors for review. (POST-MEETING update – draft has been sent out for review.)

• Port-a-Johns and the Weather Line will be available on April 1. Carl will continue to be the primary Weather Line man.

• Bo announced that five sponsors have not sent in their fees yet – American Legion, B & E Tires, Community Bank Delaware, Diamondblade Tileworks and Fox’s Pizza Den. (POST-MEEETING update – payment has been received from B & E and Community Bank has advised payment is on the way.)

• Bo reminded managers that 2016 players will not be given new hats this year. They are to use their hats from last year. New hats will be given to new players.

• Bo announced that a tentative agreement has been reached with an SSUSA representative to provide umpire training to OTS umpires. The basic training will be paid for by OTS. Any umpire who wishes to be certified for SSUSA softball games will be able to do that for an additional fee of $35 which won’t be covered by the league. The SSUSA rep is checking if May 10th will work for him.

• Dick has put together a committee to acknowledge and celebrate the 20th anniversary of OTS. A special Opening Day Ceremony will begin the festivities, followed by other events including a dinner for sponsors, supporters, and special guests, a Shorebirds game, creating an anniversary booklet and a day-long picnic with 1-pitch softball games. The Opening Day Ceremony will start at 10:15 on May 2nd between Field #2 and the soccer field.

• Keith will organize a Tuesday night league (which will use senior bats) and members who wish to play at this level are welcome. The season will start the end of May or beginning of June with games at 6:00. Volunteer umpires would be appreciated. More details later.

• Dick announced that CPR training will again be made available. Details will be announced.

• Dick announced that arrangements have been made to use a meeting room at the Dagsboro Fire Station for this year’s draft.

• Steve Carey announced that he and Mike Krieg will not be able to manage a team this year. Both players intend to be in the draft.

• On a sad note, Bo announced that former player Dave Crenshaw passed away on Sunday, March 12th.


The meeting was adjourned at 3:00 PM.


Respectfully submitted, C. Pierce, Secretary