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Policies Page 1

Posted by John Mcfadden Jr at Apr 17, 2019 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )




A.  The governing body of the league shall consist of a representative from each team.     

B.  Before the season League Rules & Policies changes will be voted on by the team representatives (at a pre-season coaches’ meeting).  During the season, if league Rules & Policies need consideration, and time doesn't allow for a coaches’ meeting, they will be determined by the Executive Committee.    

C.  In any league meeting, each team (not church) represented shall have one (1) vote.     

D.  Election of officers for the next year's season will be set by the governing body prior to termination of league play in the current season. 

E.  All league meeting dates will be set by the Executive Committee. 


A.  League fees will be determined by the Executive Committee after determining costs.

B.  Playing fields will be voted on by the governing body. A map & schedule will be provided for each team. A map and schedule will, also, be on the N.M.C.S.L. website at

C.  All teams will play at least one (1) game on each field, with the same number of early/late and home/away games, whenever possible, as scheduling allows.

D.  Teams with fields will be guaranteed four (4) scheduled games on their field. 




A. For scheduling purposes, team placements will be drawn out of a hat by league officers. 

B. New teams will fill slots that remain open, unless the league votes otherwise.

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Posted by John Mcfadden Jr at Apr 17, 2019 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Each team is to evaluate it's opponent after each game on a 0-20 scale for their CHRISTLIKE attitude and actions.  This must be done as soon as the game is over and reported to the umpire.  This is to be a TEAM decision with all members sharing input and voting on points.  This is not to be  a "judgement" system, but it is to be a Christian culture building tool.  This will help each team to see how others perceive them as Christians and ultimately help your own team's attitude and actions.  Each team is responsible for the actions of their players.  This is to be entirely confidential, do not yell across the field to the umpire.  You should not share your scoring with other teams.  Each team is to be rated on its performance of each game, without outside interference or prejudice.  All scores should be recorded in your scorebook along with game results.  This way you can easily refer back to the scorebook later, if needed.

Christ-like Award Guidelines:

 20=Excellent:   Total Christian attitude, cheerful, extremely friendly & loving, very complimentary towards opponent, umpire, & teams.      

15-19 = Good:    No arguing of calls, cordial & friendly, complimentary towards opponent, umpire, & teams.    

10- 4 = Poor:     Good sports, not overly social, came just to play ball.      

5 - 9 = Bad:        Questioning of call, cursing, lack of respect for the opponent, umpire, or team members. General bad attitude.      

0-4 = Terrible:  Very foul language, abusive towards opponent, umpire, or team members.  Actions show disrespect for those present at the game. The umpire will also participate by using a 10 point system for each team making a total of possibly 30 pts per team per game.

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NMCSL Rules Page 1

Posted by John Mcfadden Jr at Apr 17, 2019 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )



                                      NMCSL OFFICIAL RULES

                                 (2019 changes/updates high-lighted)




A. All team players and non-playing team members must sign a roster/release form before they may participate in any league games.
B. The roster/release form shall have a Designated Manager/Contact listed.
C. A player must be at least fourteen (14) years of age by the first date of play.
D. All players must attend church at least twice each month during league play. This is controlled and monitored by each church.
E. A new player may play in a game, provided that the above eligibility requirements are met, and the league president is sent a text with the NEW roster before the start of game.  

F. Women are eligible to play on Men's Teams and are subject to all Men's rules

G.  Once a player signs a roster/release form he may only play on that team for the current season.  




A. RULES- ASA Slow Pitch Softball Rules will govern the league, with the exceptions of the following N.M.C.S.L. Rules
1. The Executive Committee will settle all rule interpretation disputes, and will meet with the umpires to make any ruling changes

2. Game-day ground rules will be decided on by a majority vote of the two (2) managers and the umpire before each game, at each field.
3. Distance of bases = 65 feet.  Distance of pitching rubber = 50 feet.
4. There will be a four (4) home run (over the fence/dead-ball) limit per team, per game. All other over the fence hits following the limit will be counted as outs.  This rule does not apply to any inside the fence home runs, or if it bounces off of a defender, prior to going over the fenceThe batter and all runners are credited with a run, and are not required to run the bases. [NOTE: Per ASA rules, batter is not required to touch 1st base once the umpire has declared the home run.]
5. All open wounds must be covered. This applies to those that occur before or during a game.
6. All dues/fees must be turned in when picking up schedules and balls at the last coaches’ meeting before the season begins. Teams that have not paid in full, will receive forfeits until such a time as this requirement has been met. 

7. All pitches must be between 6 and12 feet, and if not, the umpire shall call “illegal pitch. If the illegal pitch is hit it is a live ball.  If the pitch is not hit it shall be called a ball. 

8. Quick pitches will not be allowed.

9. Umpires decisions on all pitches are final.

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Policies Page 2

Posted by John Mcfadden Jr at Apr 17, 2019 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )


A.  The handling of rainouts will be decided by the Executive Committee. 

B.  Rainouts will be determined by 4:00 pm on game days. 

C.  Please check the league website for rainout information at, after 4:00 pm.  Also, you may also check facebook page at, after 4:00 pm.  If you do not have access to the website or facebook, then MANAGER’s ONLY should call the rainout number after 4:00 pmThe rainout number is 816-447-1018.  

E.  Teams are responsible for forming their own phone trees to inform individual team players concerning the game status.




A.  Umpires are responsible to report game scores and Christ-like points to the Umpire-in-Chief.  Reports are due to the Umpire-in-Chief, by each umpire, the day the game was played.  Umpires should attempt to get the Christ-like points from the teams discreetly. Teams will get credit for a win or loss and Christ-Like Points when the report is turned in for that game. 

B.  Reports can be made to the Umpire-in-Chief, via texting, to 816-447-1018, or by email




A.  The league sets up a tournament for both, Coed and Men’s, leagues. This is provided for in the league fees and no additional money will be collected. The dates will be scheduled, on a Saturday in June, at the first Coaches’ meeting each year.

C.  The times & fields will be determined by the Executive Committee due to scheduling and time limitations. 

D.  Teams (or churches) will be allowed to combine if they cannot field their regular team, but must inform the league president in advance.

E.  All participants must be on a current roster and have signed a roster/release form.  


      >1. Head to head- winner of teams when they played against each other.   

      >2. Run differential- total # of runs scored minus the # of runs scored by the opponent (if home team is ahead and batting @ the time limit, game will end).            

       >3. Coin flip.


      >1. Time limit for tournament round-robin games will be 55 minutes.  

      >2. The playoff/championship game(s) will be one (1) hour, but run spreads shall apply