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Fun Meet July 13th Canceled!

Posted by Pat Griffis at Jul 12, 2010 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

The fun meet with Westport Water Rats was canceled - thunderstorms around and more are due later.

A big thank you to those who had volunteered to help at the meet !

Orca's Swim Coaches

Parent Volunteers Needed for Orcas Bagel Breakfasts for Summer Fridays

Please supply approx. 2-3 dozen bagels (10:30am ) or 1 dozen (11:40 am ), cut in half, with cream cheese and butter, and utensils to spread with.

Please also supply plenty of juice boxes (small ones- like Juicy Juice - that can be kept for the next time if there are leftovers.) Hot humid summer weather makes the kids thirsty after practice.

Please keep your receipts for the bagels, juice, eyc & submit to Kathie Hutton so she can write you a check from the Parents Association

One parent can do a 10:30 am slot and a different parent can do the 11:40 pm session. 
Or feel free to do both or share a session!

Sue Webb has already graciously volunteered  to supply two Friday 10:30am sessions.
Open slots are shown below for you to volunteer to fill.

Session              10:30 am          11:40 am
July 23              Sue Webb                 Julie Punishill
July 30              Sue Webb                 Kathy Hutter

Thanks for your help!

Orcas Swim Team

The CDOG meet in Cheshire, June 26-27,  was heavily oversubscribed (too many CT teams entered.)

Unfortunately, the Orca's swimmers will  NOT be able to swim in that meet.