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Posted by Serena Doyle at Aug 1, 2004 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Parents and Fans,

Please remember that all fields that Hopkinton Little League use for games and practices are either Town or School property. Therefore, they fall under the general laws of the Town of Hopkinton that prohibit the consumption of alcohol at these facilities.

Please do not jeopardize HLL's use of these fields.

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Umpire Training

Posted by Serena Doyle at Apr 25, 2004 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Umpires in Training

Our final Spring Umpire Training for the 2007 HLL Season
Saturday, April 7th
Hopkins School Field

New umpires must go through this training

Email Serena Doyle at if you plan on attending the training or if you are interested in umping baseball games during the 2007 Season.

If you are interested in umping softball games during the 2007 Season, please email Pat Sileo at
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Pick Up Fall Ball - for 10-12 year old boys

Posted by Serena Doyle at Sep 17, 2003 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
Come join Coach Cheney at Carrigan Park on Sunday and Wednesdays to play pick up baseball. Games will be held from 6pm-8pm. A one time $10 fee covers as many games as players can attend. Be sure that a parent accompanies their child the first time they play so they can sign the waiver and pay the fee. Season runs between Sunday 9/21 and Wednesday 10/29. Boys born between 8/1/91-7/31/94 are eligible to play.
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Coach Evaluations for Spring 2003

Posted by Serena Doyle at Aug 11, 2003 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
Please fill out this survey for each of your children's coaches - head or assistant from the Spring 2003 season. This information will help us in selecting coaches for next year. Results and comments may be given to coaches as well ( but will be anonymous ). Please remember, if there is ever an issue with a head or assistant coach or member of the Little League Board, please talk with someone on the Little League Executive Board. If the board is not informed of issues, there is no way that we can address them. In the same token, filling out these surveys is also a great tool for players/parents to make us aware that they are happy with a coach as well. Survey results will be used in coach selection choices in following seasons. Any questions, please contact Serena Doyle.